The telling of the truth has tonal qualities that help heal those who are fractured and live outside those cycles. For my people the telling of a lie was the gravest of errors. Most of our history was oral so when it was spoken it helped heal, realign, and bring those listening back into the circle if they had strayed. Your words are strong and have the truth in them you.
The biggest of lie's is that of which describes nature in having limits. Our ultimate source is limitless and the cycle of history is the mother of all limited cycles for sure. The spirit does come through our voice indeed but even when someone seems to be speaking giberish, when listening with heart what seems nonsense might have a healing in words or voice. I have had my moments when the sea's of evil we're parted for me but down in the muck am I with everyone, and cursed with clairvoyance and isolated in being slightly risen above the nature of our falling from grace and enlightenment I suffer like everyone. I am just slightly loved and kept afloat in my personal opinion Surely I might be raised up again someday for more than benefit of just myself If so I have healing and love for those who would not hurt me The greatest thing I wish is do miracles. I have lower wishes but my heart likes the loving, compassionate aspect of our human abilities I seem to give in to such desires Just saying
Because there are many levels to love and compassion and purity of intention delineates them, those sea's that you speak of are parted according to that measure. For now we are on "the good red road" together, and our opinions differ from the truth more than we would like to admit, my wish for you is that your suffering is limited only to lessons being taught and your rebirth is the miracle at hand.
That what really is, is complete already and does not lack of something. It are your thoughts assuming that something is lacking and hence desire arises. Follow to the thought's source and they disappear....devotion might help, doubt is poison. Opinions always differ from the truth. Before you think about rebirth think about if you were born at all......or if it's 'your' body you are confusing with your 'Self'. It's our mind / thoughts that distracts us from to remain in the Self. Also they create all the limits which are as real as the thoughts that create them...... A calm mind needs to be cultivated..anything else will follow.....
I think I've been misread here as usual. Don't take that the wrong way. And I'm uncertain of any Red Road. To me we have the source and all it animates/de-animates or manifests/de-manifests through the dispensary of natural "indigenous time as the clutch for how things appear and dissapear. Like a shaman being a person one moment, then a wolf the next, then maybe just the air or nothing Lets say you've cleared amnesia of god or our ultimate origins. Then you loose "access" to the level but you remember having cleared the amnesia. That is a different type of person than one who is raised up then falls with no memory of it ever having happened. That is me having cleared the amnesia then for whatever reason have amnesia again but I remember clearing Hope that makes sense Religous discussions are hilarious Sad my posts are always misread and certain words are counteracted instead of the big picture I present through my perspective. It makes me hesitate in my future posts and that is not good. Hesitation and analyzing are quite the distraction. Ideals in meditation are great but ultimately leave one in denial of there present moment and current feelings which are the jewels that set one free. Real time can adjust reality to accomplish certain types of awareness and experience. Most now experience limits and fear of not "surviving" when indeed the soul always survives hence never dies but to align to that requires eliminating compare and contrast or analyzation competely If you we're to be into "thoughts" as a guide to your current spiritual state I'd advice more so noticing where they come from instead. More than once have I noticed a persons thoughts coming from the person standing next to them or in the "religion" they themselves try to worship the source of all life. Again unless your a wizard your not getting out of this alive and it's that thought or feeling that has most in denial. It is that "thought" that is of the body not the mind. So can you notice your thoughts from others as well as what your body is thinking from what your soul might have for you. Peace Be not the body but what you truly are but let the body be not swayed by so-called perfect meditation and dogma The body communicates to the spirit with feelings The spirit communicates to the body with images. I believe you call images thoughts lol...How would it be needed to be cultivated if it already exists. Perhaps remembered I think the word your looking for is resonance hence to resonate with what level you wish to experience but the tricky part is to acknowledge or "allow" who and what you wish to resonate with otherwise meditation does nothing but increase health and nothing more A wise man once said "Death is not the cancelation of ego but the reality of the hereafter" And the hereafter is the soul... Now we know what we are dealing with and why there is so much fear regarding death because death isn't the enemy but resistance to the hereafter might be hence resitance to the soul vs. resonance with the soul and/or our eternal part of ourselves
The good red road is a way of life simply put. To try to define it only leads to a departure from that path. It is the common experience of our humanity with the belief that we are all related. All my relations. Embracing our daily struggles rather than giving credence to hopelessness. I hope that you did not misunderstand me. I will always support you in your sacred point of view. As I hope you will me and others. S This discussion was started by your willingness to express your truth, your sacred point of view. There are some here who are only reading and have either nothing to add or they have still not found their voice. Your example gives them an invitation to join in. Peace to you my friend
This can be a standard reply for me also, lol. Additionally I have the huge problem that English is not my native. "A calm mind needs to be cultivated..anything else will follow....." Remembered is right. With cultivated I mean from the position of a confused mind which is full of distracting thoughts. I can cultivate what already exists, can't I? Like a plant that exists just caring that 'I' will be ever aware of 'it'.... "The body communicates to the spirit with feelings The spirit communicates to the body with images. I believe you call images thoughts" I call everything that is illusionary thoughts. My terms, lol. The Self (the only real thing, absolute) The mind (a container of thoughts = everything that is illusionary). It creates everything that can be perceived. Relation Self to mind: Model only lol. Self = cinema screen Mind = movies Without the Self there is no movie perceptible, without mind there is still the Self The cinema screen always remains untouched by the movie. For instance somebody (movie) spills a glass of water. The cinema screen doesn't get affected (wet). The cinema screen always has been and ever will.... unchanged...when the movie stops the cinema screen 'appears'. As long as there is a movie playing and we are lost into it by playing our own role it becomes forgotten. (Needs to be remembered, lol) Do you actually notice about the cinema screen when watching a movie, or are you focused on the movie? Beyond any word we are talking about the same. Coz there is only it. So the apocalypse will be a movie then, the Self ever will be untouched. It doesn't matter if 21st December apocalypse is true or not. Your mind creates the apocalypse when there is a reason for it. But 'you' ever will be unaffected. This special event will not be your apocalypse. But this doesn't mean that you don't have to deal with another.....remember who you are.
2012 wont be the end of the world, But possibly the start of a grand scale depopulation agenda. The Global Royal elites want to trigger WWIII as part of the process which IMO will be high tech warfare. Check out project Leonid Audio interview with Anthony Sanchez on the projectcamelotportal website for a possible insight of things to come this year. As for UFO's Im convinced the majority are man made by the likes of Lockheed Martins Advanced Development Projects, eg Skunk Works. I have personally seen an anti gravity triangular craft in operation not far from Portland Down UK which I beleive has off world capabilities. I have witnessed other strange craft too that would of been regarded as UFOs. A bold statement I know & one that many would disregard. Beyond all the doom & gloom we are bombarded with daily now, I think humanity has a bright future once we all come to realise we are the ones in control of our destiny. Peace.
I knew what you mean't by red road I was just including all people to a universal sacred road where white or black or alien we have the same origins and unity in spirit and inheritance as great beings and ultimately earth wizards for lack of better discription May we strip our amnesia from our minds so that we may see clearly to act as if what we do directly affects our own individual lives or basically the golden rule. I believe it is MDL rule #1.3 In la'kesh I love you dude It's always nice to have a beginning after an end just to balance things out sort of
Check this out: If you wanted to know, the video is from Discovery's: [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Curiosity: How Will the World End?[/FONT] [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Staring Samuel L Jackson as the narrator of a tale of how many different chaotic events indeed destroy the world in 2012.[/FONT]
l like this article <<< Come downunder and this is what u'll get.... add the http www thing for the link
To prepare for the apocalypse you get about 2-3 dozen beers that you like and drink as much as you can and when the four horsemen come you piss on them.
Will 2012 be the turning point of the New World?
Ohh for 2012 we get the H3N2V LMAO
2012 Hype - the best is this short Clip of it all 2012 comes the end of the world. Make the most of it! English Version 2012 kommt das Ende der Welt. Mach das Beste draus! German Version