2012 End of the world or not??

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ambidav, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This is a good one. As I have mentioned, the apocalypse will be in your mind, it's up to you how to perceive it.
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  2. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
    I believe nothing of such magnitude will happen. But i see signs of decline of Wsetern world. What will happen this year, we'll see :weeping:
  3. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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  4. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
  5. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #65 redroad, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  6. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #66 redroad, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  7. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    #67 id1x, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    you mean :

    i herd they blacking out the internet ? no wounder after what face book did to Egypt
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  8. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #68 redroad, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    No. I really mean this.

    And This

    And this

  9. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    redroad you are a good person , unlike me . am not evil but am not good man . but i look for goodness
    i dont trust anything anymore . not music or drugs or political systems . i am trying to pray and call
    for god but seems there are too many of them around i pray now for the one around me
    its hard for me to expept the idea of the soul and the spiritual round but what can i do
    ill pray anyway weather it helped or not .
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  10. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #70 redroad, Jan 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    When our prayers seem weak we must remember the prayers of others that are praying for us. We are all related and I want you to know that my people have never stopped praying for you. Every prayer begins with "All my relations" that means you. There is not a single moment that passes that does not include a prayer offered for you and your people. We never once thought whether you are good or bad nor will we. We all suffer because you are suffering. Be strong and bring strength to those around you. They need you. I know you deserve to be free. We will all do our part to make that happen. Peace to you and all your people.:empathy3:

  11. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    #71 id1x, Jan 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2012
    redroad i understand you perfectly i mean 100% . and i know you understand me also the same way :worthy:

    either you have a god or you dont . its as simple as that , yes there are so many of them . which one ? and why that one not the other ? why you not me ? ok? this will open a conversation to 2 dead end roads :

    i dont want to talk in either subjects . we can all see now that war and force is the only way things are and were and will still be made . you have power money and arms you live . and make ure own gods .
    you dont you die and after that the winner will write your history the way he pleases or just erase
    your memory . yes we are mammals predator class and that nature will rules us for ever .

    you talk in the name of god saying what is he like ? and that nothing will happen ?
    may i ask you a simple question ? haw do you know who or were is god or what is he doing ?
    are you his Secretary ? haw do you know nothing will happen ? you talk with knowledge about things
    i know that you dont know . neither me knows i dont pray because i know that god is there or not
    i just pray because in my life/country/society we have god and we have temples and am not different
    from the others or smarter plus praying makes me feel good and keeps me from doing evil stuff
    and tells me to be good and look after my buddy . not like what the other demons are trying to destroy us .
    so i see goodness in god .clear and direct like sum rims . the same way i see and feel evil . its the other
    side of the coin so i think it must be just .

    just for the record am 42 yo at my youth i denied the existence of the spiritual round and i believed only
    in matter . i mean physical things . i just thought it makes more sense and logic and will keep me
    from the dangerous of superstitious . but know i changed . now i think that i cant just tell .
    in other word i know that i dont know so maybe yes maybe no . i pray if its yes then its good for me
    if no then no ones cares . nothing matters anyway if you pray or dance or play volleyball as long
    as it makes you feel better or even think its for the better . do u agree with me ?
    or you still think you know ? if you do let me tell you something here . i think no buddy knows $hit .
    we are just some fungus on a rock wondering somewhere in an empty space
    we talk all kinda crap and plays but when it comes to business we fight and kill , one dies the other rules . :clap3:
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  12. Tunsdruff

    Tunsdruff MDL Junior Member

    Aug 13, 2011
    will be like y2k "Issue"...
    Many have fear, think something bad happens blabla but in the end there will be a next day without anything bad happend - and the world goes on ;)
  13. vladi01

    vladi01 MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2012
    Maybe not, but what if
    Israel and the U.S. will drop nuclear bombs 2012 on Iran and that is the beginning of the end.
  14. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #74 redroad, Jan 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    @ id1x my Syrian brother

    In the face of eternity only the truth is true. All the lies and justification causing another's suffering simply vanish.

    Our fires still burn where I live from a long time ago. Our drums still beat.

    Our thoughts are always on the next 7 generations. Always. There was a time when our War Chiefs thought to take up arms was the way and for us at that time it was our choice. The Iroquois nation has the longest standing Peace treaty known. We have been waiting for the rest of you. Don't believe the propaganda being spread by the U.S. historians that they invented democracy. Al Gore invented the internet, right.

    <a href="http://www.ratical.org/many_worlds/6Nations/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
  15. spacednow

    spacednow MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Mostly not accurate. Solar flares wipe out all electronics, this is the beginning of the end. (Spring/Summer). Then a few Super Volcano's erupt. The last person dies on Dec. 21. Wish everyone the best of luck. Wish ppl would get their facts straight:biggrin5:
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  16. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    heard this version... Impossible :) wipe all electronics? :D
    must be kidding, PC's yes, Mobile phones - yes, old electronics no, because they don't have smart technology named controllers or chips, and solar storms affects almost only memory modules.... so even IF solar storms will get through atmosphere and STILL WILL HAVE enough power ONLY smart electronics will broke. :biggrin5: few super volcano's can erupt ONLY if earths core temperature will highly increase... and there's very small chance for that...
    So in other words I think your end of the world theory is bull**it. Only made for big companies to make good profits on believers. and if to remember prophecies said that end of the world will be in 2001,2003,2006,2009 and now 2012... Seriously, there is no logic!
    People are like cockroaches, we will survive everything, we saw dinosaurs extinction, 1st world war, 2nd world war, Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents and we are still alive.
    In my opinion end of a world is possible only for person who made "prophecy" because he will kill himself after that day... For him it will be end of the world... Other way - NO. :)
    what I will do in 21st of dec this year? getting ready christmas, buying presents etc...
    I think of all of it as a joke, because its nearly impossible.
    and wish to say good luck on 21st Dec for believers! :biggrin5:
  17. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    #77 id1x, Jan 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    let me get this straighten out .

    the path of conversation between me and {Rred roads} is different from the topic with the others .
    i know why , he knows why , others may or may not . i could pm him but we have nothing to hide .
    we talk with poetry , music , the language of the soul . so we are believers and nothing comes between
    us . no language or any other reason . we speak a universal language because souls meet beyond the physical
    barriers .

    i now present physical evidence of red roads thoughts , crimes are being made as we speak . children's are
    getting killed and raped , the monster is on the loose . so we now see evil and acknowledge it .
    we cant deny it . but who is doing it ? we cant argue about that because its another dead end conversation.
    is evil manifesting it self ? its possible , can we stop it? its possible . did he win or goodness will win ?
    men with faith will say like red roads said

    All the lies and justification causing another's suffering simply vanish.

    i wont comment to let red leads me . but i have not come to him empty handed . i will continue to
    connect with him and those whom were concerned :

    then 2012 is a man made thing , and god or nature has nothing to with it . if told you am going to kill you
    tomorow and i did so you end there no miracle about it right ?

    am with you , but that is a big maybe , also unless nasa says other wise

    conclusion :

    1_ no evedince of such thing , if god or nature is at a disaster point we yet have no clues of that so its not a fact and no reason to talk about it

    2_ as said before if its a man made thing to wipe the overloaded earth population or some crazy cults
    religions or other things i dont know then at this point man is able to destroy earth and make doom
    day. if doom day is an old prophecy it will mean that a day will come that man will able to destroy nature
    what ever the reasons was . not just grap a bow and arrows .
    from what i am seeing here man , people are walking the earth day and night like living dead .
    i swear to god its like playing left for dead game . they dont know were they are going and what do
    they want they are attacking each others at sight . you maybe seeping coffee behind a big color tv
    watching but our land is ancient and from it came prophets and civilization and oil .
    so dont friking tell me nothing is happening at 2012 . i can just go walk out side the street and pick
    some child cut off arm or leg . or find a little girl wounded and dying without even fuel or food :weeping:

    i have a request for red road . i want to change my nick here id10x and i want him to name me with indian
    name :horse:
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  18. id1x

    id1x MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    no . because this person might be different from you and the end of the world for him is to blow you with nukes
    so doom day is a weapon not a man . if the cockroaches lived that is not the topic the end of the world
    here might means the destruction of civilization as we know it
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  19. gabris[LT]

    gabris[LT] MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    then civilization can be rebuilt...
  20. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #80 redroad, Jan 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2012
    This is envy

    To be without water,food, and shelter. To live in fear of what tomorrow will bring. To feel abandoned by by all and to watch your friends and family be taken from you for the senseless appeasement of one ruler's ego unveils something about us all.

    To overlook this daily occurrence on our planet without assigning some portion of your heart the task of carrying this burden, can only bring certain demise to your life, your family, your tribe, your country, your nation, and your planet.