True, but in 3 builds I haven't seen them fix anything yet. WiFi is still buggy as hell, but they have added a few more (IMO stupid) metro "apps" (correct spelling is application, just check your spell checkers), and pc settings has gotten even more confusing.
asses, thats for sure! *I forsee Windows 10 as a fail. Not quite as big of a fail as 8/8.1, but Windows 7 is far from dead (at this point).
A little late to the party, but here's my 2 cents. Do we need it? No, absolutely not! As far as i can tell MS is trying to do the same thing they do with Office. Put out a new build with few new unnecessary or useless features and get you to buy it. We live in a keep up with the Jones society. If someone is using Win 10 then I have to have it too. As stated by someone earlier, MS is hoping for the tablet market, which they missed the boat on earlier, and now they are playing catchup and forsaking there core market. Also, since it will come preinstalled on 90% of new computers, they don't care if you like it. They still get their money. Now the question becomes, will Windows 10 come with the same downgrade rights as Windows 8.1. Only time will tell.
Aces. Didn't you mean Jokers? The question is, are they going to to be desktop innovations or tablet crap. Hey, maybe they'll surprise the hell out of all of us and separate the two.
MS does control the bulk of the client i say both sense it can run on your pc or tablet. so far i like it i could live with doesnt look like 10 will be a complete bomb.... my opinion so far its better than 7 or 8.
M$ is also getting paranoid with activation. Windows 8 activation is a mess. It is not transferable to 8.1 in easy way. (I never used it). OEM activation is something that should be discussed. We pay for it indirectly (included in laptop price). Users should be more free to transfer it (In case I drop and broke my pc I should be able to buy a freedos and continue using my old licence). I hope some people sue M$ about that. Especially in Europe.
When checking the activation solutions that were born here at MDL i can understand them. Activation is transferable, only Win 8.1 install is unnessessarily complicated.
But I think it is natural in case of a clean reinstall to use the latest available iso. Advanced token manager explanation: in windows 7 it was easier as long as you have your certificate and oem key.
In Win 8/8.1 you only need the key from UEFI/BIOS. Win 8 ISO will grab it automatically, where Win 8.1 refuses (needs a generic install key) to gather during setup, but accepts afterwards and activates flawlessly. No need to transfer anything. Retail is similiar but don't need MSDM table in BIOS. Slight challenge but not a show-stopper .
What is the solution to transfer a windows 8 license from a pc that I bought and will not use anymore? Like I want to use the license from the laptop that failed in another freedos laptop.
OK ... only problem i know so far. Not sure how MS handles that exactly . Use Retail keys fortunately.
The solution is in conflict to EULA (since you don't duplicate the license it should work all the time, though). But you need to read out the MSDM serial from the original laptop. Then you need to install the right SKU core or pro 8.1 retail on the new laptop using generic retail key. Then you need to apply the MSDM serial (at GUI change key) and to phone activate the new one....this worked at least at the time when win 8.1 came out....