Thanks again for cooperation. It seems that PCI routine is not executed.... Well, I'll report the result to Zhaoliang. What about to test the mod I tried to replace "J3" with "VA"? You can wait as you said till your other Laptop is here again. Just tell me if you want to try or to wait. Yen
My Other Notebook isn't not here, so I haven't tested it yet. I will go to bed Zzzz... thanks for help
Thanks for reporting. I hope that as well. There is another mod already, but flash stopped at step 17 / 18 for unknown reason. Probably at random. Question: Is there a option boot manage (PXE) in this bios where you can boot from? Yen
Successfully flashed Rebooted Went to the Bios and put the LAN as first device to boot Reboot After that, whenever I push the button to turn on my PC, it turns off after 1-2 seconds, without letting me see anything on the monitor.
Hmm. You can reset original settings if you clear cmos. Therefore you have to move the jumper to the other position a few seconds and then back again, or remove battery for a while. It's like you have set wrong timings of memory. After that PC should boot again. In that case you have to reflash with original bios or try one more time again, cause mod isn't working Please report again.
I realized that you didn't load setup defaults before changing lan to no 1. There is maybe a chance to get SLIC to work in that way. Yen
Hey Yen, Here is the info you wanted, i don't know how i forgot to put it in that post, i'd gone and copied and pasted it on that machine to a txt file and saved it to the desktop of this machine ready to paste into my request, then forgot :> PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1019&SUBSYS_728C1462&REV_00\4&16EBCD95&0&0818
I did as you suggested but I've got the same problem. I even flashed the mobo back to the 1010 official (unmodded) version, but it does not solve this problem, unbelievably. edit: the problem, in details, alternates between the turn-off within 2 seconds, and the turn-off within few minutes. Randomly. edit2: problem solved. Those turn-offs were caused by a problem with the motherboard: CPU_FAN1 port on the mobo doesn't work anymore. I temporarily solved this by moving the cpu-fan plug to CHA_FAN1 (chassis fan).