A/some Questions We'd Like the God to answer.

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Lol, yes. But there is a little difference. A hangover is mostly caused by an special event from the last night...like to consume alcohol... :drunk:..

    ....the stronger long-lasting Hypnos causes depressions, lack of drive, lack of perspective and these can lead to work mania (for distraction), stress, rage, anger....typical symptoms of our consume society.
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #122 gorski, May 29, 2015
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
    Blabbering again, are we? :D High on Ether, Khatt or summat harder? :D

    Seriously, you really need to wake up now, to the tune of Humanity and let this hypnotic dream of "god" be... :D

    You better or you might do yourself an injury... :D :D :D
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  3. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    hm. that is not very fair, gorski, i will start looking for the dislike this post button, if you go on like this.
    yen would not be able to moderate your post, if he were high on the stuff you mention. i must
    ask for a little respect, from your part.
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You do not need to but you want to do it for whatever reason - your choice.

    Please, don't try to make it mine. Because I differ! Is that allowed? Or do we all have to toe the line?

    You know, I stood up to Stalinists and risked it all... So, why do you ask this of me?

    I see it as mythical nonsense. And I give reasons for it. Don't ask me to do as you want me to do. Argue. Convince. Be better in explaining stuff.

    I know I did a lot of that. So, in short, I do not conform. I question. I ask awkward stuff. And I doubt. At all times. That is my profession. I don't presuppose.

    Science has such stuff in its very grounds. Philosophy doesn't.

    But if you do not know that, I suppose it is no use in me writing...

    So, instead, I question. I tease. I ask the stuff others wouldn't.

    At least it might be a funny teaser.To come out. With some REAL arguments, not this "pebbles of wisdom" stuff that anyone can do. Just be vague. Opaque. No real effort needed. No details. As vague as possible...

    Sorry, I am not an Easterner.

    Actually, belay that: I am not sorry...

    I think, therefore I am, I question, therefore I am.

    No other possibility for me, thanx...
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I cannot take it personal, it is no personal issue. :)

    The reason for the issue is because of general differences of view/approach.
    It appeared already many times in history.

    The ‘westerner’ demands to use own means, established means. ‘Westerners’ actually rely on an instrument which has tacitly validated itself (the thinker is declared to be absolute).

    But the thinker is out of control a simple test is to try stop 'him'...if one cannot stop thoughts on demand then one is not master of the situation. This observation is reason enough to go after it....
    Furthermore since these conditions are always ego involved this way never can’t be objective enough to be free of ego mechanisms.
    To diminish others while being arrogant with the tendency to ridicule are classic signs of ego. (Jung/Freud relationship)

    To make it possible to get a view about the thinker one need to change focus and has to observe 'him'. Therefore one has to change consciousness.

    The eastern approach asks for a change in consciousness to cultivate consciousness of being besides of the object consciousness and instructs ways how to develop ‘it’.
    Additionally the type is completely different, integral versus analytical approach.

    It is more than reasonable (to me) to go for this!
    IMHO it is absolutely un-pro to claim to use own established means while denying others which are made to create means for their validation.

    We should here not forget the topic. Considering god as an eternal an infinite concept to claim for dualistic means is more than stubborn.

    “Up to us 'NOW' is the 'key' for sure!!!” Stands for the simple truth that if one does not do ‘something’ now, the one is doing it never.

    The creativity and intelligence which are beyond of addictive thinking are unimaginable, literally. Once aware of it one can recognize those who are/were aware of it as well....

    Short: Of course one can question 'it', but it makes really no sense without to practicing it before. One has to have the will to question /evaluate the thinker. Therefore ego has to pause. ;) I glorify thinking therefore I am...(both un-validated) does not work.

    With respect here I mean to stay away from opinions without to have practised. I do not ask one to become familiar with 'eastern' means... :)

    It is OK, gorski an me are very different here...and teasing is OK,...... I'd know it best when I should be on summat 'harder'....as I know that Freud's theories are mainly based on his own addictions....cocaine, unfulfilled sex life...:D
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #126 gorski, Jun 6, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
    OK... :) But you should take it a tad personally... :D Just a tad... ;)

    Nonsense! "Westerners" question, doubt first, then go into finding solid grounds, which are again open to debate and questionable!

    "Easterners" may go "critically" into "OK, Earth is resting on an elephant's shoulders but what does the elephant stand on?" And then, eventually, "Easterner" has to stop and be "convinced" that after 3 or 4 such mythical beasts stopping to question is a "reasonable" position...

    Mythical nonsense! :D

    Complete shambles of "thinking"! :D See above! The fact that "Eastern 'critically minded thinkers'" have no balls and eventually must stop... Oh, well... Yen, you have outdone yourself this time, in terms of elementary bias! :D

    As for 'ego': if one simply wants to "leave ego behind" before actually thinking it through, thoroughly, critically and systematically - ach, well... I know which civilisation came up with Science, including Humanities, systematically thematising "soul" and "psyche" and if you simply want to live in ancient, 'Oriental' terms, because of your bias - what can I do... :D

    Take it up with the "analytical" Philosophy itself, please. :D What do I have to do with that? :D

    But seriously, study Hegel, in order to teach yourself some elementary stuff in Philosophy, re. "Consciousness - Self-Consciousness - etc. etc." path and what it involves, please... You will never write such superficial stuff again, believe me! Hegel, for the first time, places Philosophy into the realm of History and the whole development of Human Spirit is inextricably linked to it going between Nature and that which we make of it, then coming back to itself etc.

    This "standing besides oneself" is a good pitch to a girly for some sex or dealer for some drugs - otherwise, it holds no water whatsoever! :D

    [part II to follow...]
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Guess what: you have just been found "denying others which are made to create means for their validation" - whatever that might mean... :D

    Huh?!? You've lost me now - completely! Too much "hard stuff", Vicar? :D

    The way you put it is quite mythically nonsensical.

    What we can do, to be a wee bit more precise, is to understand where we come from, to contextualise ourselves, to know much better and critically so: our family background, which school we went to and how that "directed" us, which languages have formed us, which school of thought we belong to, as opposed to their "competitors" on the ideas market, which.... In short, in terms of an intelligent Critical Theory's critic, one is an unenviable position of constantly chasing one's tail, in order to be able to 'overcome' (or not to succumb to) one's epochal, class, professional etc. "belonging" or "education" or "upbringing" or... etc.

    So generous, Yen! :D Not! :D You mean it. :D OK, I have studied it, systematically, so...??? :D

    Pich, an old granny can do a better job than that, Yen! C'mon, this is beneath you! :D

    (Sit down, son, insufficient! :D )
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Two completely different things.

    1- Intellectual debate (based on established ‘contents’, means, views, theories…)
    2- Practical approach

    My previous post is not made/suitable to be an intellectual debate. It is too weak to cover all mentioned matters (also due to lack of theoretical knowledge, except about Freud lol…) and I probably use terms different. (ego, consciousness). :)

    It is about a radical 'do-it-yourself approach' :eek:

    It’s about to go after fixed automatisms which probably are responsible for general barriers / repeating loops.
    It’s about to assume that the entire cognitive process is affected by a major delusion which humankind has to overcome to SURVIVE. Firstly this appears just as Hypothesis.
    It’s about an imbalance, a one sided perception.
    It is not about to intellectually grasp ‘something’. It’s about practical exercises which firstly are applied with the intent to ‘change’ common perception. The reasons for it are inconsistencies found by enhanced awareness.

    And one reason for it is that when an individual is identified with an object (body) then there is Thanatos, there is fear, there is incompleteness.

    Either the body identification is illusionary or one’s life ends with the body. This is no Philosophy, it is just logical.

    I speak of general functions and eastern meditation. I speak of introspection.
    Well here the 2 examples with more details. (Which seem to make you think ‘hard stuff’ is required, lol)

    Paradox of time. One can do all the things only NOW.

    When I am saying I’ll do X tomorrow 2 o’clock, then it remains an idea an idea which is born now. When the time comes and I am doing X, then I am doing it now. The fact that I had this idea yesterday already is an idea, an idea that is thought now. When thinking about the future I am thinking now, when thinking about the past I am thinking now.

    If life obviously happens only now, what changes when I ‘force’ myself to become more aware of present doings? How can I realize this practical approach? What difficulties do I encounter and why? From ‘where’ come things when they are coming now?
    Does it make sense ‘to wait’ at all?

    Second (Idea and means to evaluate ‘the thinker’) …what I wanted to say with:” while denying others which are made to created means for their validation. (Sorry left over from editing...)
    Automatism of thinking (addictive thinking).

    It is an observation made by enhanced awareness. They appear mostly as absurdities.
    Although one wants to rest (because it is reasonable) one cannot sleep because of thoughts.
    One cannot stop thoughts on demand one cannot think ‘nothing’!

    Why is one worried about future events not able to stop thoughts?
    How is reliability then of the unobserved mind/intellect especially concerning self-awareness /truth?
    Can one be self-aware while (still) worried about death?

    Can I be aware of the inner voice, the thinker? If yes ‘who’ is aware of it? What happens when I observe ‘the voice/ the thinker’. How changes awareness of ‘myself’?

    And finally how work both examples together?

    It’s not about reading books, it’s not about to find a better theory, it’s not about to become established. It’s about self-awareness ITSELF...

    Hegel cannot tell me who I am. And Hegel cannot communicate ‘being’ and 'consciousness'. He can, but that would lose its sense. Hegel has interesting views and works sure, but I mean the ‘real thing’.

    When you (one) think(s) this is all BS and there is nothing about, then it is OK. The ego protective mechanisms are working well an alternative view is no option (yet).

    I wrote I do not ask people to become familiar with it…I ask to be respectful, though. One only knows when practicing it.

    They are practical means because self-awareness can be 're-gained' when doing not when studying something ABOUT self-awareness / self-consciousness.

    Do you (re)gain self-awareness by studying Philosophers, or by regaining self-awareness? :)
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  9. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    I have seen many 'book-smart' people who are practically clueless about themselves. Books are nothing more than a collection of facts, figures, and the ideas of others. It's up to you to determine if and how the knowledge presented applies to you and your own existence.

    Honestly, nobody can. Your life is your journey. I can tell you the hows and whys of my life and findings, but does it -exactly- describe you or fit into your persona? I think not. Certain parts of that knowledge may ring true, but in general, I don't think so.

    And that says it all. :)

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  10. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
    I'm willing to bet that Yen has read "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse at least three times. ;)
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  11. jime1

    jime1 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    I read that book once :p, I also have its movie but haven't watched it yet, cuz it doesn't feel right :D;)
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    ...and hasn't studied Philosophy... :D
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #133 Yen, Jun 10, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    @ MJ :)

    To be smart or well-studied is actually an obstacle, or at least no advantage...it is good for ego, but not for self-awareness...

    I never forget when I became aware of that humans can 'make' water by a simple synthesis.....I had shining eyes...I was 12 years old... :)
    But Enthusiasm 'came' from somewhere else....not from the talent I have got, not from effortless learning.....
    It's from the joy of life, from awareness of the present. Only with it you can 'infect' others when researching / teaching.... and yes there are periods of life where there is no Enthusiasm at all...only left is the studied matter then...and that fades away when getting older, it shrinks to a very special small part...so the ego does...

    It's been a long time ago. I think one time only, though.
    My interest in Buddhism/ Eastern culture came from travels / talkings and books, yes...but no Novels, lol.....practices from teachers.... meditation, yoga
    Either way Siddharta is gone, Hesse also. The 'teaching' applies now...remember the paradox of time....if there is truth then it is now. One cannot refer to 'something' new or old.....;)

    Right. For an intellectual debate please choose something from:

    Organic synthesis of drugs / CNS active substances, phytochemical research, isolation of active substances... a bit of Pharmacology of CNS active substances, Psychology--> cognitive functions and tests.....

    Please consider I am under NDA here so no details from me...:p
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Please, talk in your own name only, thanxxx... :D :D :D
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  15. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I agree with this
    , it bring about a certain level of arrogance too which serves as a detractor. However it doesn't apply to everyone, it would be a blatant stereotype.
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    :D OK no prob @gorski.......maybe we just have different meanings of the terms ego and self-awareness, no? :D ;)

    Einstein himself spoke of “a grotesque contradiction between what people consider to be my achievements and abilities and the reality of who I am and what I am capable of....” ego or self-awareness? :D:)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #137 gorski, Jun 10, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    He stole so much stuff and others have done so much for him - he had no choice but to tread carefully... :D

    Education on its own means nothing - you can end up being Mengele or Karadzic or.....

    But it MAY help a great deal, if your soul is cool... :D
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Well, I don't know the backgrounds at Einstein's biography. I had to learn his scientific stuff only. When I heard from his SRT/GRT the first time I didn't get it completely. Later then I recognized that he had special awareness and appreciation concerning being human...he's been a 'good' one....had a cool soul...and a wide consciousness space-time and so on...:biggrin:

    Thinking about ego and self-awareness.....hmmmm.. I think the meaning of both, better said the ability to differentiate both plays a major role in humankind now...and will determine how it goes on and how long it takes until we change 'to the better'...

    I don't know what's exactly your 'definitions' of both...but to me it makes perfect sense the way I know/ experience both....self-awareness has for example nothing to do with identification with objects, absolutely nothing....a new smart phone does not raise self-awareness, lol...(have just bought a new one..lol)..nothing from Apple though...especially they all should learn that, it doesn't! :D
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Nothing from Apple? Phew!!! :p At least you're not one of McBigots... :D :D :D
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  20. roberts72

    roberts72 MDL Novice

    Jun 16, 2015
    What people think about you are all true or not?

    Why Untouchability? Why Extreme Poverty one side and Extreme Rich other side? Why no equality in reality? ... do you really exist or am I just dreaming...?