Pay for software? But MSMG toolkit will do it the same way as what abbodi1406 would make, a simple oscdim or cdimage commandline script. Somewhere on the board should be a post containing the commandlines, can't find it anymore
He wasn't suggesting piracy. I believe this was in reference to abbodi1406 and MSMG not charging for their scripts.
Nah, it was a wink to pirated software (but there will be plenty of free alternatives). But when MSMG already is on board, and it runs the same oscdimg or cdimage command as abbodi1406 would have put in a separate script, why asking for another one?
I just thought it would be nice, nothing else. Doing this should be easy for their. If even giving to an idea bothers you, then sorry about that. You even was not my addressee.
hi, @abbodi1406 i'm looking for a way to integrate updates in only selected edition of win 8.1 and 10 extracted iso folder. your script updates all editions of a os and takes very long time to finish job. is there any way possible so i can update only selected edition and not all.? btw i've found a way to update selected edition of win 7 with update script from here if i can find something similar for 8.1 and 10 that would be great.. thank you...
Well, What about exporting the image you want first? I guess something like this should work if you have install.wim: dism.exe /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\Win10ISO\sources\install.wim Note the image number you want to export. If I remember correctly, for example, Pro is number 1. imagex.exe /compress maximum /export G:\Win10ISO\sources\install.wim 1 G:\install.wim Then I would replace the newly created G:\install.wim file into Win10ISO\sources folder and use abbodi1406's script to integrated updates into it. Hope this helps.
@abbodi1406 I've created dual-arch Win10 ISO with your ESD wimlib tool. (using option #3 - ISO with 1 shared serviceable install.wim (smaller overall size)) UEFI:NTFS doesn't work with dual arch iso's (see here) is it possible to split-wim the install.wim? i assume since both are identical, i only have to split one, then copy the .swm to the other folder would that work? i see you use busybox to do some sort of playing with the .wim's, so im concerned im missing something here thanks!
You can either split-wim or compress to install.esd, as long as the biggest file on the iso is <4GB you can just format the USB FAT32 and extract the iso to it. it will boot UEFI and Legacy BIOS.
Use GImageX or dism to delete unwanted indexes/editions Code: dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.wim then delete the indexes backwards (start with higher number) Code: dism /Delete-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:5 dism /Delete-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:3 dism /Delete-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:1 what script is that? you can always manually mount single index, then point UI script to mount directory
Generally, i have no experience in using multi-arch AIO or UEFI distributions busybox is used to have the same GUID for install.wim/install.esd from same source ESD, and it's only used for regular ISO not multi-arch i'm lost with the comments in that thread, which one you mean exactly? the optimize ISO feature would work for wim or swm files but i believe ones deployed to USB, the optimization is lost and the dulicate files will have double size
Right, which is exactly why I'm trying to figure out how to split-wim a dual arch ISO. Can I just use the current ISO layout that abbodi's tool made, and just split the wim's that are in both x86 and x64 folders? Sorry, I'll make myself clearer. Forget about what I've done already. If I want a x86 & x64 ISO. With wim compression (not esd). How do I go about that? In regards to comments in that thread, I linked to specific comment. 589#issuecomment-229426931 Thanks for your help! (as usual)
Should all work, put the set of split wim (.swm) files in x86 and in x64 \sources\folder. If it is the multi-arch iso with one serviceable install.wim split it and replace the install.wim file in both arch. folders with the .swm file set.
Will, what the error that happens exactly? per that comment, /efi/boot/bootx64.efi exist in multi-arch ISO, so it should work in my opinion, there are better ways to have AIO install.wim with iso that support both x86/x64 boots i know a way, but it's long and requires modifying both boot.wim to add renamed set64.exe & set86.exe
thanks armond and abbodi for replying.. my 8.1 and 10 iso have 2 editions home and pro. i mostly use pro and rarely use home. installing offline updates to one edition takes around 2.5 hours and since i have 2 edition it takes around 5 to 6 cut updating time i want to install updates only to pro but also want to keep home editions if some customer ask me to install home oem version. deleting or exporting editions will remove or make new copy of that edition so i don't wanna do that. this boss911 integrator script allows me to install updates to only selected editions in windows 7. i just want the same functionality for 8.1 and 10. abbbodi you said """you can always manually mount single index, then point UI script to mount directory""" pls guide me how can i do that in your script. thank you..
In admin cmd Code: md C:\Mount dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:D:\ISO\sources\install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:C:\Mount then choose C:\Mount as target in W10UI or WHD-W81UI after the script is finished: Code: dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\Mount /Commit if you are unfamiliar with command lines, use GImageX to mount/unmount (check read/write box)