Yes my target is mounted wim. Already read your Readme carefully and found "winre.wim" in mounted wim folder, but don't know why Update WinRE doesn't show up.
Here all the options I got: "Wimre.wim" location: "Update WImre.wim" option not showing up so I think script process not important. Anyway, I did update yesterday and remembered the script didn't touch anything related to wimre.wim file. If needed I'll do update again tonight. Or can I update manually, boot.wim and wimre.wim?
You have to select unmounted install.wim e.g. F:\ISO\install.wim selecting mounted directory = offline image = no winre.wim updating yes, you can select any wim file as target (do not mount it)
"E. Update WinRE.wim available only if the target is a distribution folder, or WIM file enable or disable updating winre.wim inside install.wim" You wrote that in Readme, I wonder if there is mistake. Anyway finally option E showed up then. Thank you, abbodi1406!
Not related to the topic but are there any threads to integrate DaRT (win8) to offline image (boot.wim and winre,wim), not online? Pls help! If it should not be here, I'll delete it.
Suggestion: Have another option to be location where final ISO gets saved. Leave default wherever W10UI is located (along with oscdimg.exe).
I know, but on my system, they're not all in the same folder . I like the ISO to be stored elsewhere. This would save me from having to move the ISO.
W10UI v6.1 # Added manual option isodir to specify alternative folder path for saving iso file (suggested by @strotee) # Added support for configuration file W10UI.ini to set options (suggested by @armond) - Values in W10UI.ini take precedence over the ones inside W10UI.cmd (by default both are the same) - Do not change the structure of W10UI.ini, just set your options after the equal sign = - To restore old behavior and change options by editing the script, simply detele W10UI.ini file
@abbodi1406 Nice work, i just want to understand something about KMS_VL_ALL i know it auto renew weekly, but i can't find any cmd or task that runs, is it done via registry ? let's say i activated the system then installed office is there a file or task installed i can run or i have to run Activate-Local again ? Thanks