About Dell BIOS recovery

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by redalerthan, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    try to find someones success of recovery for one of these other models
    Dell Vostro 2421/3421/5421 System BIOS

    its AMI EFI dell bios type.
  2. Overmaxx

    Overmaxx MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2011
    Hi to all. I have Dell M6600 and i accidentally activate computrace in bios. Now I want deactivate it. I think that i must flash decompressed HDR bios file. How enter in recovery mode for this note?
  3. cd8dc

    cd8dc MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2013
    Bricked Dell Studio 1745 - END button doesnt work

    Spent the whole day trying to find out how to recover a failed BIOS upgrade for a Dell Studio 1745.

    I found the steps to do it but I don't seem to get the laptop to read the USB stick.

    I took the battery out, held the END key and plugged the AC, nothing happens. Tried different scenarios, held END for 10s then plugged AC, held END for just 1 sec then plugged AC, held END and plugged AC and held for different x amount of seconds. Nothing I do seems to kickstart this laptop.

    I really need this laptop but as it stands it's 1 step away from the bin

  4. JWMaloney

    JWMaloney MDL Novice

    Nov 12, 2013
    Hi there,

    I have a Studio 1535 and was able to use this method to recover my laptop recently. You are releasing the END key AFTER plugging in power, correct? What exactly happens when you release the END key?

    What are you naming the HDR file?

    I haven't seen it stated here, but I do believe that the HDR file must be within the first x blocks of the disk for this to work correctly.
  5. cd8dc

    cd8dc MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2013

    Found the issue. I was replacing a screen and it seems the new one is not compatible with the new BIOS. Strange.

    I managed to recover my cracked screen and the system starts, however it does not with the new one.

    One temporary fix is that I start the laptop with the cracked screen and then replace it with the new one while loading windows :( not the best solution but at least it works. Just means I have to keep my laptop in parts all the time so I can easily change the screens ... until I have a fix :)

    Thanks for your quick reply

  6. telanx

    telanx MDL Novice

    Nov 11, 2013
    #246 telanx, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
    I am using a Dell Latitude E6320 laptop, and the current Bios version is A17.(UEFI Version).

    I downloaded the E6320A07.exe and E6320A08.exe and E6320A18.exe(latest version) from Dell website. and try to unpack them to a hdr file.

    I use the administrative CMD mode, and type "E6320A07.exe /writehdrfile", but only a wrong message popup, it said "Error: Invalid command line. please verify the program was executed properly." ( also tried with /writeromfile command, but also the same feedback)

    I also tried to use python with DecompDellBios.py to get the hdr file, finally, it works. I just got the hdr file.

    I formate a U-pen with FAT, and copy the hdr file to the root of u-pen, rename it to E6320.hdr(I am not sure if it should be this name? anybody could help me?)

    unplug the power cord and battery, plug the u-pen, and hold the End key, then plug the power cord....

    the power light only turns white for 2 seconds, then turns dark. I tried many times release the end key when the light on 1s/2s or even 5s...I never see any orange light up, and the laptop didn't work at all.( I also tried with the key combin Win+B, Fn+B, Fn+End, End+Power button....it also didn't work at all)

    So, anybody who can help me below: thanks in advance
    1. What kind of bios this laptop use? (It's confirms Phenix by AIDA64)
    2. Why I couldn't use /writehdrfile to get the hdr file or I need to try to get the .cap file?
    3. What is the right name of hdr file?
    4. HOw can I get the recovery boot work?(use the End key and plug the power cord?)

    Sorry, there is too much questions....

    Thank you guys who helps me in advance. :biggrin:
  7. Andromeda_Sis

    Andromeda_Sis MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2013
    Hi to all guys , I have need help to recovery my dell latitude XT with a blank bios chip . I have read the first page of this thread but I have some issue with renamed the bios file

    I have follow all the procedure and when I try to Unpack the .rom file in .bin to decode it for find the right name for the recovery procedure I get this error :

    Someone can you help me with this error ? Or tell me which is the right renamed name ? Any help its much appreciated
  8. Andromeda_Sis

    Andromeda_Sis MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2013
    Well , after many attempts I was able to go back to the correct name :

    Now , I will try many methods to try to flash the bios. I followed the advice of the small memory stick but nothing.I also tried with an external CD player....tried all the usb ports external. Whats wrong ?Can someone help me please ? :worthy::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
  9. turturikaboy

    turturikaboy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    What hex editor did you use while decoding hdr file?
    I have similar problem with my M4600A01.hdr file... First of all, what is the right name of hdr file?
    How can I get the recovery boot work?

    @telanx: I have similar problem... Did you find the solution?
  10. Andromeda_Sis

    Andromeda_Sis MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2013
    #250 Andromeda_Sis, Dec 2, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
    Hi Tutrturikaboy , I use HxD hex editor, its free and good software. But the problem is not inside hex editor, If you want see the correct file name you must decode rom file (with Apokrif tool).In my ase the tool not working correctly :

    I have found a workaround to solve this problem. I have use phoenixtool.exe .This software is used to prepare the slic bios (find in google this zip folder phoenixtool219.zip). Oce the file is loaded into the software is started (according to the procedure)in the dump folder you can found the rom image divided into several parts .There you'll find what you're looking for.
  11. turturikaboy

    turturikaboy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ok, i've separated my hdr file using phoenixtool.exe. Where I can find the name of this hdr file? Which file to read?
  12. Andromeda_Sis

    Andromeda_Sis MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2013
    In HxD hex editor open files in multiple windows and then use the search function of the program .In the various file and look for the entry "hdr" . In my case, the string is in the file 3B_29.ROM
  13. burner26

    burner26 MDL Novice

    Jan 27, 2014
    Were you able to recover the Latitude XT2? If so, what file type did you use? and what file name? Also what kind of USB stick did you use. I can't get this to work. I keep trying with the newest A15 bios update and a old 128MB formatted to FAT. It shows power to stick but no activity. I'd appreciate any ideas you have. Thanks!
  14. jawal37

    jawal37 MDL Novice

    Jun 7, 2012
    This my hdr file e5500 i cant find nam
    can any one tell me thinks
  15. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    The HDR recovery filename format is:
    E5500???HDR or FI15????HDR

    So use a 7.3 filename like: E5500XX.HDR
  16. z_a_a

    z_a_a MDL Novice

    May 12, 2011
  17. tonpc

    tonpc MDL Novice

    Apr 2, 2014
    thanks redalerthan for this thread,

    Can you just explain to me how to extrat .rom to find the right filename which can be used for the BIOS recovery.

    Thanks in advance
  18. zelda7

    zelda7 MDL Novice

    Jul 17, 2011
    I extracted my Latitude E6410 E6410A13.exe and renamed it to PFS.HDR, is this the only file I need to put in the usb stick?

    do i need to copy the PFS.HRD to PFS.bin, PFS.hdr, PFS.hdc, PFS.bin, PFS.hdr according to the below list?

    Dell Latitude E6400 : RSH????.bin, RSH????.hdr, RSH????.hdc, E6400??.bin, E6400??.hdr
  19. james071

    james071 MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2014
    #260 james071, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014

    I bought Dell precision m4500 from craigslist and apparently the bios supervisor password is set and the laptop bios is locked.

    i'm trying to update the bios from A05 to the latest.

    i made some research and found some websites offering the backdoor password for free. i tired entering my service tag and the passwords generated didn't work.

    Is there a workaround to update the bios without the use of password? or is there a way to remove the password?

    i found a utility to dump the bios. is there a way to figure the bios password from the dump?