About Dell BIOS recovery

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by redalerthan, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. shakeyplace

    shakeyplace MDL Addicted

    May 5, 2007
    you never know for sure, you probably have two sticks of ram , maybe try removing first one, then the other... Bad ram could give grief as well... and if there was no mitigating reason such as getting laptop wet, starting it while frosty, etc, it may just be a loose or bad piece of ram... I would check that (always start with easy stuff, don't start with the worst case scenario first :)
  2. bryanfer

    bryanfer MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    i cant also get to the recovery mode using a DELL VOSTRO 1520, had a bad flash and i wanna fix it do you guys know an alternative method to go to the recovery mode? caps lock LED is flashing on and off, blue tooth, and the others are steady, only the caps lock led flashing.

    please help

    FN + F, FN + B and END keys dont get me to recovery mode and even wont turn on
  3. pollopolis

    pollopolis MDL Novice

    Dec 17, 2010
    Can any of you tell me the recovery key combination for the vostro 1310?
  4. honzee

    honzee MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2010
    Hi, I'm from Czech Republic, so sorry for my english.

    I'm very greateful for this thread. My Latitude D620 was after BIOS update completely dead. Only LED lights was shining after power on. But now I can use it again! :)

    I have only two notes:
    1) I had to format my 4GB usb flash disk. I have created two partitions, first 16MB formated to FAT16, second rest of space formated to linux file type (so BIOS cant see this partition).
    2) Newest version of BIOS (10) doesnt work, I had to use v04. Even versions between 04 and 10 doesnt work. Only good one for my Dell was version 04.

    Thanks guys!
  5. TheGuysGuysGuy

    TheGuysGuysGuy MDL Novice

    Jan 14, 2010
    Successfully Flashed Dell Inspiron B120 With 2.1 SLIC....

    I was actually able to use the "End" key recovery method to flash a modded slic 2.1 bios to a Dell Inspiron B120. I'm not saying people should give it a try, but its definitely possible to use this method to flash finicky older machines in this manor.

    For anyone interested, here's a link to my .HDR files. Sorry can't post links. multiupload dot com slash OEDJQHOWVD

    I've included certs, my rw everything file, the original .HDR, as well as one with a 2.1 SLIC which successfully activated 7 pro. I used the instructions in the first post, along with a sony usb floppy drive. Piece of cake. :biggrin:
  6. ArTiKO

    ArTiKO MDL Novice

    Mar 22, 2010


    what is the procedure for bios recovery the notebook?

    what is the filename for hdr file?

    the file is this


    It is urgent... thanks!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  7. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    #87 tqhoang, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
    Dell Precision M4300 HDR recovery filenames:

    Note1: It looks like it would take any *.BIN or *.HDR 7.3 filename, like "M4300XX.HDR".
    Note2: You know there is an A15 BIOS update right? For the removed HDD acoustic support, that was causing a lot of issues with Seagate hard drives with certain firmware.
  8. ArTiKO

    ArTiKO MDL Novice

    Mar 22, 2010
    Very thanks!

    But the recovery don't fuction.

    The battery led go green and red alternatly
    the usb can read for 2 second
    the notebook shout down.
    the notebook still turn on 10 second in recovery mode.
    any problem??

    The notebook, if you attach power cable, AUTO POWER UP the hdd and wifi LED...

    I can't use a floppy because the hdr file is 2mb.

    I use a usb key, in FAT or FAT32... 1GB Trascend.
  9. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Make sure your filename is 7.3 formatted. You might want to try a smaller memory stick or make sure you're using FAT16. Perhaps try formatting the stick for a 512MB partition.

    Also try reading through this thread to see if anyone else had a similar problem.
  10. ArTiKO

    ArTiKO MDL Novice

    Mar 22, 2010
    It is necessary use a small usbkey... max 256mb! Please add in first post!!!:):)

    Now My M4300 is WORKING!!! :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:

    Thanks !!! :hug2:
  11. scrudgi

    scrudgi MDL Novice

    Mar 30, 2011
    For n5010 owners

    1.download original bios
    2. extract it :*.exe /writehdrfile (for *.rom to modify /writeromfile)
    3. rename according to model (N5010.hdr)
    4. put it file to sd card <4gb
    5. remove battery and holding <end> key plug a\c adaptor-power led must turn on
  12. rockie88

    rockie88 MDL Novice

    May 5, 2011
    Hi Everyone,

    pls help me on my Dell Xps 1530. I already download the 1530_a08.exe followed gurus instruction

    :1530_a08.exe -writehdrfile then 1530_a08.hdr created
    1530_a08.exe -writeromfile then 1530_a08.rom created

    but i dont know what tool to use to change rom file to bin file i download lzss-r but dont know what to do. i only have usb fdd and the file size of 1530_a08.hdr is 2mb pls help.
  13. rockie88

    rockie88 MDL Novice

    May 5, 2011
    hi again

    i would like to ask also which key combination will i used for may XPS 1530 i test end key hold and fn+b ,fn+esc still the battery indicator blinks red and the wifi indicator blinks orange and blue and the usb floppy is not reading pls. help me on instructions.

    thanks in advance.
  14. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    The recovery name for the M1530 should be in the 7.3 format: M1530???HDR
    So try something like: M1530XX.HDR

    Also you will need a FAT formatted USB stick. It doesn't need to be bootable or anything, just FAT16 formatted. Put the HDR file on the root of the USB stick and use the Dell HDR recovery method (aka hold the END-key when you plug in the power).
  15. rockie88

    rockie88 MDL Novice

    May 5, 2011
    HI sir, i did try this instruction. i have 4gb sandisk usb format it with fat16 quick. then copy the 1530_A09.hdr downloaded from dell rename it to M1530XX.HDR insert the usb then remove battery plugin the power cord. the battery led indicator blinks red and wifi blinks orange and blue. hold the end and press power button. im waiting for changes on led colors but nothing happen.

    I notice there is no lights on other buttons including power only the battery and wifi blinks.

    anyway what is 7.3 format how will i know? hdr file size is 2.00mb

    Thanks and hoping for your help.
  16. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Do try to use smaller USB, it is not possible to have 4Gb as FAT16

  17. TTAV134

    TTAV134 MDL Expert

    Mar 1, 2009
    7.3 format means 7 characters for the name and 3 for the extension (M1530XX.HDR)
  18. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    #98 tqhoang, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 8, 2011

    Here's my experiences with the Dell BIOS recovery method. FWIW, I used a USB floppy since my D610 BIOS fit and it's likely that my old laptop didn't support USB sticks. But your's should since the BIOS is over 1.44MB.

    1. The BIOS recovery might not work with all USB ports. With my D610, it would only work with rear USB ports, not the side ones.

    2. I found that it's easiest to remove & unplug all the power sources (battery & power brick). Then plug in the USB stick and hold the END key. Then just plug in the power cable (no need to push the power button).

    3. When you see the orange power indicator, release the END key. IIRC, it should turn on the fans and start reading your USB stick for a few seconds (activity light blinks).

    4a. If you do see it access the USB stick, then it might take about a minute for it to flash the BIOS and then it will automatically power off the laptop.

    4b. If you don't see it access the USB stick, then you need to retry with another USB port.
  19. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Wow. I do recall D610 has old BIOS recovery module.
    I tried it with USB stick (256MB) and it didn’t work.
    USB floppy worked fine, but I don’t remember now, if I used same USB port or not... :confused:

    At least, with USB floppy you see and hear always if it tries to read it ;)
  20. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Apokrif - You know I think I goofed. I only used the USB floppy for recovery of my D610. I always used my 512MB USB stick for booting to DOS and flashing the BIOS.

    Thanks & I've updated my post above.