All about UEFI. Both threads are merged. Beta testers are welcome.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by doakh, Oct 21, 2009.

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  1. traianus

    traianus MDL Novice

    Dec 17, 2010
    Since (U)EFI is created. How can this firmware be applied to an "OLD BIOS BASED BOARDS" ???? In searching for answers i'll dye.

    We all use UEFI because programmers techincs from '86 are rare these days. Today we talk Python, c, c++ programming ...but real truth lays in early ages of programing,are we still missing sth.????

    These day BIOS producers sell clean bios to OEMs ,If someone have unlocked and cleaned bios, (u)efi share it with us!!!!!!!!!!

    FABIGUI MDL Member

    Jun 2, 2007
    Does somebody succeded modding ASUS P5Q Deluxe EFI bios? Please show me the link. Thanks.
  3. anmg

    anmg MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    if you read this thread you'll find the answer.
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  4. murdemon

    murdemon MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2011
    Hello AndyP ... may be can help me little i'm trying to decompress (for HP 625 F0.6) and this EFIDC not working with EFI or Tiano? I use this... in yours tools PhonixTool it is decompressing... but encoded back not correctly....
    2) Run script " BIOS_file_name", it will extract firmware volumes.
    3) Run script " firmware_volume_name" with each firmware volume, it will extract files' content.
  5. -=xXx=-

    -=xXx=- MDL Novice

    Jul 24, 2010
    I created separate treed but no one is interested in it so I thought maybe here someone can help me...
    I have Joggler is is based on US15W chipset and uses EFI for boot....
    Can someone help me to adopt another bios to this device or maybe it's original EFI can be edited to be BIOS compatible so I could boot Windows operation system on it...
    it is 32bit so I can only use 32bit operation systems...

    Thank you.
    I forgot link to my EFI:

    Backup links :
  6. yogmo

    yogmo MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2009
    I seek information of updating A062CF1F-8473-4AA3-8793-600BC4FFE9A8_1_142.ROM or DAF4BF89-CE71-4917-B522-C89D32FBC59F_0_231.ROM in an AMI UEFI bios from a Sabertooth 990fx Asus board.
    (Bulldozer/FX supporting board.)

    The purpose of the A0xx rom mod is for SLP over f000 range, and dAxx is SLP over e000 range (in OEM fields). PhoenixTool will decompress the main rom, and allows access with modify modules enabled in settings, it will with SLP switch modify the first IBM string before the American Megatrends string in axxx for the f000 range, however bupdater will not write the update to flash.

    Links: (All are http)
    Asus Sabertooth 990fx 0402 base rom:


    RW file:

    I am not asking someone to make a modified bios for me, what I am asking is if anyone knows a way to get edits to stick and actually flash for these 2 sub roms for the AMI UEFI rom. (The net is pretty barren short of those evil huge documents.)

    I am also curious if andyp would consider an update for Phoenixtool to support advanced mode rom specify and address specify for SLP insert?

    Thanks for reading.
  7. alhaz

    alhaz MDL Novice

    Jun 19, 2011
    Hello everybody :) this is my first post on this forum :)

    As I cant make new thread on mod request so Im writing here.
    Heres the problem:

    Recently I bought new lenovo x220, great machine. Its wwan ready model so I would like to install in it my internal 3g modem from my older lenovo(sony ericcson f3507g lenovo branded). I didnt try it yet but I googled over internet that this card isnt on the whitelist bios code. So I know that I need to modify my bios. I was reading this forum for over 2 days and I still cant find tutorial how to mod lenovo UEFI bios(not phoenix, at least I think its not phoenix, correct me if Im wrong). Can anybody direct me to the tutorial how to do that? Or help my with moding my bios?

    model: x220
    newest bios is 1.17
    type: UEFI
  8. alxlbf2

    alxlbf2 MDL Junior Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    Perhaps i get a possibility to get some of those tools like InsydeDIY, H20VIP and a newer version of EzH20. The only question is if they give free trials or demos to little companies... Becuase i dont think these programms are cheap....:glare:
  9. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    I have Sony VAIO f12 with AMI efi BIOS.
    I have both 4.5v. of AMIbcp and MMTool.
    I already edited 2MB rom file using AMIbcp to unhide some settings but I did NOT check any id vender or checked sum or else. SHOULD I DO THIS AFTER EDITING BY AMIBCP???
    official exe BIOS file contains Wbflash to install 2MB rom file and flupdate to install 128KB rom file.


    I tried Ctrl+home with AMIBOOT.rom on usb flash drive. Drive was NTFS. Boot order is fine. But didn't help.

  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Format the usb drive FAT32 and make it DOS bootable, copy AFUDOS (for EFI) and your EFI onto it. Boot with it into DOS and run: AFUDOS BIOS.ROM /P /N /E

    Alternatively you can use the AFUWIN from the exe and flash it from windows: AFUWIN BIOS.ROM /P /N /E

    BIOS.ROM = mod.
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  11. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    Thank you.
    - /P Program main bios image
    - /B Program Boot Block
    - /N Program NVRAM
    - /E Program Embedded Controller block if present
    - /K Program all non-critical blocks
    - /Kn Program n'th non-critical block only (0>= n <=7)
    - /Q Quiet mode enable
    - /REBOOT Reboot after update BIOS done
    - /X Do not check ROM ID
    - /S Display current system’s BIOS ROM ID
    - /R Preserve all SMBIOS structures during NVRAM programming
    - /ECUF Update EC BIOS when newer version is detected.

    I must say that ORIGINAL BIOS UPDATE uses these keys: /p /b /n /d26
    1 guy said he uses these keys: /P /B /N /R /X

    I have 2 ROM files. 1 is 128 KB and I found in BIOS that EC version is the same as name of 2-nd 128 KB ROM. So I guess I should not use key /E , correct?

    Also what does really parameter /X does? I edited 2MB ROM file to unhide settings. I have no idea if any ID was changed. So... should I use this parameter if I want update EDITED BIOS?

    EDIT/// Is it good idea to delete parameter /B and not to install 128MB file editing bat file if I want to flash it in Windows? I want to flash same version of BIOS but edited one.
    P.S. I also hate when someone instead of doing what I suggest continue to explore and make other suggestions;) But I really have to ask more.
  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Your question:

    My answer:

    My answer is based on practical experience, otherwise I hadn't posted it! :rolleyes:
    Never use /B except you have modified it, it contains the recovery..../E may not hurt!

    It always has worked that way. I have modified hundreds of BIOSES / EFI. That other guy flashed the bootblock! Why? This is unreasonable!
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  13. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    This is exactly why I asked if I can delete parameter /B. Because if boot block bricks...

    The reason I have decided to flash using Windows (Don't kill me for this! but yeah, I know it is very risky) is because original bat file has key /d26. I have NO IDEA what is this but I suppose it may be for preserving smth or else. I know some people who flashed Sony VAIO had unidentified machine (VAIO care did not show it's serial number but showed "Reserved" on its place). And they had problems because of this. This is why I will try to do it through Windows.

    BUT... I will not do it now. I will do it later, when I really will need HyperThreading off.

    You said you flashed 100ds of times EFI BIOSes. Have you ever deleted Whitelist or modded CPU support? I suppose I7XM is in locked and all I know how to mod is CPU microcodes and USE/Access + Values.
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    No, I haven't said I have flashed them...I have said I have modded them and provided the way / tool to flash....... for MDL members and friends and returned a success. (Which is practically the same result)
    I have disabled whitelist checks (patched) at Phoenix BIOSES and have modified whitelists at EFI (replaced IDs) and even deleted whitelist modules at EFI. And I have added SLIC ACPITable (99% of my mods).
    To obtain an 'unidentified' machine you have to flash with the /all switch or option and it happens most when using flas**t / doesn't matter if you flash from DOS or windows when losing the UUID and's the flash parameter(s) that cause(s) it.

    You should be familiar with recovery then nothing can go wrong....most bricks happen due to an incorrect mod (code modifying)
    I have to say at EFI to flash from windows is reliable...much more than to flash a BIOS.....
    I also have seen that the original flash bat uses the /d26 switch. It should be irrelevant since you have the original EFI already flashed that way before and you are only modifying a small bit of code....most important is to avoid /B
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  15. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    Yahooo! I did it. I used swithes \p \n

    BUT!!!!!!! For some reason I still see only 5 menus I saw before! Main Advanced Boot Security and Exit. But I do not see Advanced#2 where all settings I need are. I changed Access/USE from default to USER. Everywhere I wanted including parent directories of course.

    HOWEVER I forgot to change Access/USE of the main folder directory (where there are green and white lines). Is this a problem? Because I see unhided settings I opened which were in already viewed menu like BOOT meny where are new options Fast boot: enable/disable and OPTION ROM Messages which by default is Keep current (Besides can you tell me what is it?)

    .So my question if you kind to answer is why can't I see highed main menus? Should I do smth more than just changing Access/USE? Thank you/

    I BRICKED MY NOTEBOOK!:((((((((( I tried to do the same but this time I modded another BIOS with more changes (Access/Use)

    Now computer starts, and every 3 seconds I see flash of USB drive LED and fan stops/Start.

    What to do?((((((((
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Hmm...don't like to repeat that, because it seems it's too late..FIRST make yourself familiar with recovery THEN try for a mod...most bricks happen due to an incorrect mod (code modifying and unreliable leaked tools)

    What USB drive? Thumb drive? It seems your recovery tries to read....flash of LED is good news...seems not to be totally dead...
    You need to provide the EFI to your notebook for recovery.....and the right name therefore.
    At most PCs / notebooks you need to press a key combination to kick in recovery, but at some cases the recovery tries to read when bricked even if no keys are pressed.....

    You need to find the right name for it R1120Y6.ROM. Most are using a USB thumb drive FAT32 formatted. At some cases it need to be a FAT16 formatted USB drive!
    I don't know the right key combination for Sony Vaio recovery, or if needed at all.
    I am not at home, but will reply when examined the EFI......try to copy the original R1120Y6.ROM file onto your USB drive and start your machine without battery (power cord only)....
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  18. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    Didn't help.

    Is resetting CMOS means hold power button for 5 seconds while unplugged? Or I still have a chance that taking CMOS battery off will help?
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    To delete / reset CMOS settings you need to remove the CMOS battery, yes. It'll force the BIOS setup to ask for new settings. This option is usually helpful when set wrong BIOS settings that prevent the computer to boot..e.g. false memory timings..CPU frequency. You can try, because it won't hurt...IMHO little chance only....

    Too bad. I don't know where is the problem. Either the recovery doesn't start (missing key combination) or the right file name for recovery is still missing. I'd call Sony support.

    This confirms my experiences..Sony Vaio and Lenovo notebooks are hard to recover due to the lack of informations how to..they rather like the customers to pay for's a shame and upsetting...
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  20. James D

    James D MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2011
    I found a pdf file where it says to use SUPER.rom to recover either main BIOS or BOOT BLOCK. It is written strange.

    I have a cut pdf file saved. But I remember I saw full PDF about APTIO 4.x where it was said much more about recovery but the beginning of recovery article was the same.

    Can try to launch laptop without connected CMOS battery? I removed it and then soon put it back. It launched itself as soon as I connected power cord.

    Soon I will try this SUPER.rom