Arima HDAMA and HDAMB Motherboard BIOS Fixes

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by tqhoang, Jul 7, 2010.

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  1. visibleunderwater

    visibleunderwater MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2012
    HG218L55.ROM was the last working ROM, and I used "/mode=3 /c". When I disconnect the HD trying to force it to boot to the CD, it just says "No operating system found"
  2. visibleunderwater

    visibleunderwater MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2012
    First I used HDMAG218.BAT, no problems (except XP bluescreening which I kinda expected after a BIOS update), then I used HG218L55.BAT to get the SATA link working, then I finally got HDAMAG_218B_SATALINK5500_DSDT_OPTERON275.ROM installed on the BIOS using the switches phlash16 SATANEW.ROM /mode=3 /c. After that there are no other boot devices avalible except the HD. I even disconnected the HD but all I get is "No Operating System found", and it acts like the CD ROM just isn't there as a boot device. It detects it in the BIOS on bootup, shows it in the BIOS, but on the BOOT tab it only shows Harddrive now...I'm at a loss as to what happened and as to what to do now.
  3. RCmoder

    RCmoder MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2012
    Do you have another CD player that you can try? Sure you thought of that…

    What all do you have disabled in the BOIS?

    I had to change setting form DOS to OTHER in BIOS before mine would boot to windows I’m repeating that because you mentioned earlier you had a similar problem stopping at the Broadcom Ethernet I know that is not the issue now but its an easy do/undo setting…

    Is there a tutorial for BOIS settings for these MB’s? Maybe we could read what disabled BIOS settings affect other functions without so much trial and error…

    I know my suggestions don’t count in your situation just trying to help in my limited capacity but what if you backed out to the working BIOS load OS and then move forward from there…

    Are you stating with an IDE HDD or a SATA HDD?

    SATA is non-existent on my MB Rev. D but you can see where the connectors were supposed to be installed.

    Upgrading to SATA wasn’t very user friendly on XP 32bit OS

    At one time I used a SATA PCI adapter card to install a 500GB HDD no mater what it wouldn’t recognize the HDD I wanted to use it as the bootable OS but in the end I had to put the old 80GB IDE HDD back in and load the OS then I managed to get the SATA drive recognized as mass storage device and used the SATA as D: drive.

    Some time down the road the drivers or the PCI card started acting up so I just disconnected the SATA HDD and left it sitting there and kept the 80GB HDD. But now that I am planning to upgrade to Win. 7 64-bit I’m thinking about getting a $5.00 IDE to SATA adapter and plug it into the MB IDE and install the OS on the SATA HDD

    WOW! 25-min. Installation! That’s all it took from the time I dropped the disk in until Windows 7 64Bit started for the first time…

    Hit enter the first time it asked to boot CD/DVD but it went right back into XP, restarted and hit space-bar and windows started installation…still only took 25-min.’s to install!

    First thing I did was run Performance Rate next I changed it to single click then ran defrag… Had a little issue with one DVD burner but sorted it right out… It was funny seeing Emachine drivers supporting the DVD’s lol

    I thought it strange seeing only 3.25GB RAM available for a 64bit OS when I have 4GB physical + 256MB onboard the video card… got any insights?

    Unless the video card is stealing some RAM?

    Non issue but it would be nice to know…

    Now to kill that pesky Boardcom from lugging down the boot up do I uninstall the drivers or do I only disable them in device manager to make it go away?

    Thanks again for your BIOS mod without you I’d be stuck with 32bit XP OS my performance rate is low but it still zips along PDQ and I can do some upgrades i.e. when funds become available but for now I can live with and be happy with what I have…for a long time lol
  4. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    For your 4GB RAM issue, the upper range of the memory is being used for PCI MMIO. Check to see if your CPU supports the hardware remap...I think you might need an E-series Opteron (265-290).

    My HDAMB BIOS has the memory remap option and I set it to hardware so my OS can see all 4GB.
  5. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Try unplugging your power cable and remove the CMOS battery for a few minutes. That should discharge the CMOS and you'll need to reset your BIOS to defaults.

    BTW are you planning on staying with XP? My PowerNow CPU mods seem to cause BSOD's under XP. The standard 2.18 BIOS should support PowerNow under XP using the AMD CPU driver.
  6. RCmoder

    RCmoder MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2012

    Glad you sent me back into the BIOS settings I found the onboard LAN and turned them off so now it boots right into windows…My Rioworks splash screen is back I like it!

    I enabled all the ECC scrubs etc…and set all the memory mapping to hardware. But now it says I only have 3.25GB of RAM installed


    CPU0 GOLEMO Link TX [600Mhz]
    Memory Frequency Downgrade [Auto]
    MTRR Mapping Method [Default/Continuos]
    Memory Mapping [Hardware]
    4GB Memory Hole Adjust [Auto]
    4GB Memory Hole Size [768MB] grayed out
    PCI Interrupt in MP: [No]

    I don’t know anything about setting that 4GB Memory Hole Adjust to Manual or what it might do…

    So Ill most likely turn all the ECC stuff back off unless you think I should leave it enabled? Even with it enabled the PC is very responsive… All in all the BIOS looks the same to me as before except now I’m ACPI compliant w/64Bit OS
  7. RCmoder

    RCmoder MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2012
    I was thinking about setting it to software the next time I turned it on. I did after you suggested it and it worked I now have 4GB of memory in systems

    Changed CPU0 GOLEMO Link TX [600MHz] to 800MHz Max setting…

    Everything works flawlessly didn’t lose any of my printers or burners upgrading from 32bit to 64bit but I can see Ill have to upgrade the video card my Nvidia is from 2004 no 3D support :) lol

    CPU 1

    CPU AMD Opteron Processor 248
    Code Name Sledgehammer
    Vender Authentic AMD
    Number of bits 64
    Instruction Set MMX (+) 3Dnow! SSE, SSE2 x-86-64, NX
    Platform Name 940
    Revision SH7-C0
    Technology 0.13um
    Original Clock unknown
    Original System Clock 200MHz
    Original Multiplier unknown
    CPU Clock unknown
    System Clock 200.5MHz
    HT Link 802.0MHz
    Number Of Cores 1
    Core 1 Speed 2205.6MHz
    Multiplier 11.0
    Virtual Technology No
    Hyper Technology No
    L1 Data Cache 64 KBytes
    L1 Instructions Cache 64 KBytes
    L2 Cache 1024 KBytes

    CPU 2

    Only difference HT Link 200.5MHz

    This CPU is set at 600MHz in BIOS I had it set at 800MHz with XP 32-bit OS along with CPU 0 set at 800MHz. I think CPU 0 supports 1000MHz

    Should I go ahead and change CPU 2 to 800MHz and CPU 1 to 1000MHz?

    I reset CPU 0 to 1GHz and CPU 1 was already at 800MHz could that have happened when I reset the memory mapping to software? Its running flawlessly w/XP Mode I have installed all of my old programs including Word 97 and I didn’t even have to edit the Registry lol

    I like it lol

    I found a cheap 32bit Win. 7 w/COA so as soon at arrives Ill switch the product keys around to reflect the 32bit laptop and Rioworks 64bit OS. The 32bit COA was $50.00 less than trying to get another 64bit COA. Plan to take the 60-mile trip into town and download googol chrome and other programs etc… on wifi high speed for the Rioworks nothing but dialup here…sucks! lol

    Thank you again
  8. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Your HT Link set to 800MHz seems fine.

    I'm a bit confused on what you wrote. You have dual Opteron 248's (C0-stepping) right? They are supposed to run at 2200MHz. Are you setting the CPU clock frequency?
  9. RCmoder

    RCmoder MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2012
    Not sure about the (CO-stepping) ?

    Dual AMD Opteron 2.2Ghz 64-bit ready

    Processor CPU 248 x86 Family 15 Stepping 8 Authentic AMD ~ 2204 Mhz

    Windows systems says AMD Opteron Processors 248 2.21GHz (2 processors)

    I don’t see any (CPU clock setting) in BIOS other than on the main page setting that lets you set CPU 0 MHz and CPU 1 MHz and I set CPU 0 to 1GHz and CPU 1 to 800MHz. Obviously I am not that knowledgeable in this area but I assume this is the (CPU clock setting) you are referring to? :busted_red:
  10. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Your Opteron 248's are C0-stepping (from your post above "Revision SH7-C0")...which means they don't support PowerNow. At least according to the AMD docs, the CG-stepping supports PowerNow (aka CPU frequency/voltage scaling).

    I'm not sure what those settings you have are doing then. To be honest, I don't own any HDAMA server boards...just have the similar HDAMB workstation board with AGP.
  11. RCmoder

    RCmoder MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2012
    Yeah, the only way I’m going to get any accelerated graphics is with a PCI 512MB video card and I think those only come w/analog output no HD. Two PCI slots are all this board has but I have plugged PCI cards into the PCI-X slots and the PCI cards worked! I think some of the 256MB video cards have HD outputs…

    I have USB adapter card in the lowest PCI slot w/4 outputs and an old 256MB Nvidia video card in the second slot up from the bottom. Guess I could run two video cards out of the PCI slots and move the USB card up to one of the PCI-X slots… I financial won’t be able to upgrade for a long time to come so it’s a good thing the PC works as good as it does…

    I know my junk is old but its all I could afford I had to build it on my own even the box is homemade. But I was lost with the BIOS not being ACPI compliant as I was at the end of my knowledge base…and conduct research in a different field of endeavor…and not so much computers.

    :worthy:So I am especially grateful to you for moding my BIOS

    Just switched my product keys around the laptop activated flawlessly but I had to call MS to re-activate the product key on the 64bit Rioworks. I was very impressed with the first start of the day after having made BIOS setting changes and set all perimeters to max performance but I left the advanced system settings in Windows alone.

    Start up was/is very fast from the time I clicked it on I get a quick look at the Rioworks splash screen next blinking cursor, Windows Starting, Windows Splash Screen and then the Desktop appears…

    I have an old LG CD-R 52x32x52x that sometimes runs like its turbo charged but with this 64bit OS it now runs supercharged! I put the antivirus disk in to load it and heard the player kick into high speed but then it accelerated like it was supercharged! lol And ran continuously in turbo mode but accelerated to a higher speed as the system pulled the data off the disk…I was impressed and that ain’t easy to do! lol

    I was happy using 32bit w/MB before but 64bit is so much more impressive!
  12. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Hey Kris, good to hear from you. Hope your boards are running well.

    Thanks for the info regarding the SATA-Link drivers. So it appears that the 3114 SATA-Link ROM (hacked one of course) keeps the device subsys = 0x31141095, compared to the SATA-RAID ROM subsys=0x61141095.

    BTW I did a WinDiff between different Windows drivers for x86 and x64. The only difference between the Win7 and pre-Win7 are the INF (different signing dates) and the CAT files...everything else is identical.
  13. caylor93

    caylor93 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    No problem...long time since I've been on here...that is how good your help is!!!

    I wanted to give back a little once I found the signed I am sure lots of people don't want to run with driver signing disabled (or have to override it at every boot).

    FYI...I had a weird one with the HDAMA board I was loading...frustrated me to no end. The board has a rev G part number and has the 4 PCI-X slots so I was trying to use the 2.18b BIOS...but it wouldn't POST at all. So I tried the 1.26 BIOS and it will only take the rev I BIOS. Once I had 2008 R2 installed I ran CPU-ID against it and it comes up as a rev I board. Go figure.

    Also, I noticed something different between the rev G board running the 2.18b BIOS and OSA 280s and the rev I board running the 1.26 BIOS and OSA 280s. On the rev G, I see the CPU speed showing 2400mhz (200mhz x12 multiplier), but on the rev I it is only showing 1000mhz (200mhz x5 multiplier). I am pretty sure in CPU-ID that I saw the rev I CPU speed shift. Is that expected due to the BIOS? Will it slow down when not needed and shift up to 2400mhz when needed/under load?

    Once again..thanks for all of the help with the BIOS mods.

  14. caylor93

    caylor93 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Using the HDAMAG_218B_SATALINK5500_DSDT_OPTERON280.ROM on it.
  15. caylor93

    caylor93 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    I'm using CPUID CPU-Z..and it shows changes...that is how I for a moment saw the one scale from 1000mhz.