Arima HDAMA and HDAMB Motherboard BIOS Fixes

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by tqhoang, Jul 7, 2010.

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  1. schnick123

    schnick123 MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2018
    I woud test your HDAMB BIOS for your Opteron 280 (E6) if you gave me a link to the BIOS file.
    Does your "Opteron 280 (E6)-BIOS" work with the Opteron 250 E4 (especially the DSDT)?
  2. schnick123

    schnick123 MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2018
    Thanks for the hint with the "boot-block" option, because I always used the "/BBL" ("Program boot block.") option.
    I will not use the "/BBL" option when I flash it this evening or tomorrow evening
  3. schnick123

    schnick123 MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2018
    Thank you for your experiences. This means that my problem is not unique. My last idea ist that the R700 cards crash because of a buggy implementation of the addtionanal OpenGL-function from OpenGL 1.3 to 3.3. This I will check by disabling these additional OpenGL-funktions with "MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE" and "MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR" and MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE.
    But if this will not help I will try a Radeon HD3850 card.
  4. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    Just another point of info:
    - I have tested the Radeon HD3850 under both Windows 7 and also 10 (with AGP driver).
    - All other cards I tested had lockups under both Windows 7 and also CentOS Linux.
  5. schnick123

    schnick123 MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2018
    Now I have a Radeon PowerColor HD3650 1GB and it runs stable!!! :) :) :)
    It seem that the R600 cards are running more stable especially with the HDAMB-board.

    Thank you again for your hint with your HD3850 card!
  6. Liliogb

    Liliogb MDL Novice

    Apr 27, 2020

    I am new here, I updated my bios on my HDAMI to 1.23 official wit opteron 270, but I can't install Windows 10 64 bits or run it from a ssd already set up. Weirdly on Windows 10 32 bits it works flawlessly. Would you have an idea why? Would it be some special settings in the bios? I tried to change a lot of them without getting any luck.
    I have also 2 X 2 Gb of ram and I test them one by one the issue is the same. I don' know what to do anymore...

    Thanks a lot.
  7. tqhoang

    tqhoang MDL BIOS Modder

    Apr 29, 2008
    You need to make sure your 270 CPU's are the retail version that start with OSA270*. The OEM models like OSP270* and OST270* are not supported since they do not have the same CPU-states as the retail ones. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to remove your heatsink & look at the CPU label to find out.

    The bootable ISO uses what's called Floppy Emulation. The disc looks like a blank file system under Windows, but there is an floppy image in the boot area of the disc. This will show up when you boot the CD.
  8. Liliogb

    Liliogb MDL Novice

    Apr 27, 2020
    #957 Liliogb, May 6, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    After checking my Opteron are OEM model, so I decided to update to satalink updated bios only. I couldn't get the bootcd to work (rebooting in loop) so I used winphlash with the same parameters and it worked fine (first original 1.26 then with satalink). Satalink was not recognized automatically by windows 10 so I switched back to raid and everything works fine.
    Thank you for your help.
    Edit: the powernow is working fine (throttling down to 1ghz) and the computer is working fine with a Nvidia 8400gs PCI for web browsing and video watching.