Great work!!! Yes, simple if you know about that checksum..... I'm not up to date regarding Award.... You mean keep the original checksum bytes and set the FFh byte before that 0-EFFFFh sums to the same value 6Fh?
Thanks Zort.....I downloaded the HP Format Tool, formatted my USB flash drive and have unrared my files to the USB flash drive. In the modded bios, I have the following files that I copied to my USB flash drive: (1). Notes, (2). MA69VMS2.F9, (3). MA69VMS2.F9.BAK, (4). Flashsp1 and (5). Asus digital license. Please let me know if the following steps are correct: Before flashing the bios, should I use a tool like VOATK to unistall the OEM Emulator which I presently have on my system? Anyway below are the steps for me to take as I understand it. Please let me know if these are correct or not. 1. Flash the drive by using Qflash. 2. Once the bios is updated, reinstall Windows Vista Ultimate Edition but input the Asus Product Key when asked during installation. 3. Once I have installed Windows Vista Ultimate Edition, copy the ASUS License Certificate to C-drive. 4. Use the Command Prompt with Elevated Privileges and type slmgr.vbs -ilc C:\asus.xrm-ms and wait for the prompt to let me know if the license was successfully installed. 5. After license is successfully installed, type slmgr.vbs -<Asus Vista Ultimate Product Key>. 6. Once it shows that the product key was successful installed, type slmgr.vbs -ato. 7. Reboot the computer and either go to COMPUTER - PROPERTIES or use the command prompt and type slmgr.vbs -dlv. So, am I correct in the steps that I outlined. I may seem cautious but I tried flashing my bios once before and it rendered my motherboard dead and I had to buy new computer. However, it is my understanding that this new gigabyte mother board (GA-MA69VM-S2) has bios recovery in case something goes wrong. I am not sure as yet of how or where to use it but I will figure it out if anything goes wrong. Anyway, let me know if the above steps are correct or not. And thanks once more for your kindness in helping me.
You can enter the key on install if you want. It is really up to you. All it does is remove one command you have to type, and start install of the version the serial is for. Choice is yours, either way will work..
Thank you medic but should I update my bios with the true updated version of it before flashing the bios with the modded version?
That is up to you. Zort will say yes, and I say it doesn't matter. Maybe he is more right, but I have had few problems in quite a few mods...I say it is only important in beta bios and newer ones, only to be sure the bios is sound.. I say the fewer flashes the better. Each one is a chance for failure.. Be sure to clear cmos and load defaults regardless which you do.
Ok, now you presented another obstacle for me. Should I clear CMOS before flashing the bios. And I have no idea of how to clear CMOS.....