OK this is what happens when the floppy is loaded here is the flash.bat file @echo off :flashbios Echo =======Flashing Bios.....Waiting!!!!====== echo = Waiting.... = echo = = echo ========================================== ::***** awdflash = tool to flash BIOS ::***** 8s661ibm.f7 = BIOS bin file ::***** /py = program flash memory ::***** /sn = no original BIOS backup ::***** /ld = Destroy cmos checksum and no system halt for first reboot ::***** /r = reset system after programming awdflash 8s661ibm.f7 /py /sn /ld :end if i change the filename on the modded file and try to copy it to the same directory it will copy it separately it wont replace the other flash file. how can i save it with the same EXT as the original thanks
??? Just edit at the bat file the original name (8s661ibm.f7) to the name of the mod then save the bat file and flash the mod!!! OR rename the mod to its original name (8s661ibm.f7) (Right mouse click it at explorer and rename its extension as well)
Thanks something wrong with the file hello again f7 and YEN thanks for the Help i think something is wrong with the file or its some sort of IBM protection becuase for the other BIOS that was Modded for the Msi pm8m-v i can rename and change the file extension fine bit i cant for the Gyga IBM Files any other suggestions??
NEver Mind Got it to change i had file extensions hidden i am going to flash now i will update soon Thanks