I unplugged the power for a minute or more, removed the battery and RESET the CMOS and the PC hangs on the boot logo screen so it's not even getting to 'see' any peripherals like CD or USB. I don't have a pen drive to try a recovery, and i've removed the board now so can't try anything else! Just have to send it back and see what happens! As for the BIOS, it verified after flashing so no indication it was bad? Ah well, S**T happens as they say!
Thanks for your reply. That's too bad. I've checked the bios. It contains sensible modules. I don't know what mod Fzeven tried, but I'm sure he did a ISA or a marker / pubkey mod which are known to be very safe! He removed the link already for safety. Strange that the older versions are working....... There is a possibility to try a ISA2 or ISA3 or the pubkey / marker mod. But I don't know if anybody wants to try that again. It should be someone who has got a spare chip in case of.......... Edit: I've just seen that it is a beta bios. This means always "a double risk". IMO it's better not to try such a bios for a mod. It could be that the program code is not properly written by Asus itself. Better stick with 0804 and wait for a new ofifcial bios version. Yen