Sure do...... Thanks for letting me be your pioneer for testing the new OEM7 mod out without even knowing it...
He, he. No! It's a confirmed method, but a faster way to realise it! I didn't want to get you into trouble!
again..this isn't the best advice..unless one has no choice...remember in the windows enviroment..there are always going to be some 'services' running in the background that you won't be able to shut slight burp or mis-tick of any running service could ruin your day....but glad to see you taking the plunge and activating your Vista.
Compaq EVO D510 CMT I guess nobody thinks this one is doable? Model: Compaq EVO D510 CMT BIOS Type: Compaq BIOS Version: 686O2 v2.20 BIOS Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard Company The ACPI tables have double the normal amount of entries... Not sure what to do with this one... Ideas?