Best Android Phone?

Discussion in 'Mobile and Portable' started by Yen, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. RawData

    RawData MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2008
    TPB also has some Android stuff.
    I never get around checking (even the most recent) bigger batches of them.
    Just found SoundHound v2.4.0 from there. :music:
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  3. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Thanks for the info Yen. Very interesting. I will try this out when I have some time. BTW, I think I do have nand lock.
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  4. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Well unfortunately for me Yen, none of those steps worked. Im thinking the Nand lock is getting in the way. Im sure someone will get around this soon. I hope.
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  5. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
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  6. peterb

    peterb MDL Novice

    Jan 24, 2011
    #27 peterb, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
    Here are some of best Android phones.
    1. HTC Evo Shift 4G
    2. Samsung Epic 4G
    3. Motorola Droid X
    4. Nexus S
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  8. Calistoga

    Calistoga MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I agree Yen, downgrade is not an optimal solution. But one would of course upgrade again (with a modified ROM), after the phone was successfully rooted.

    Primary motivation for me personally to root was because of the feel-good it is to overclock a phone :D Not to forget Titanium Backup, that's a Platinium reason to acquire root IMO :D
  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I wanted my name 'Yen' on the lockscreen to make it unique. Therefore I had to decompile the framework-res.apk....therefore I wanted to have a reliable backup solution, therefore I needed CWR, therfore I needed root! :D
    So I agree to have a good backup method you need root. I went for CWR / ROM manager though, which saves an image with all recent apps, so you can restore that any time. Also you can easily flash a cooked rom with it and if you don't like it, just restore your previous image.
    I bricked my phone twice before...and it sucked not to have a backup rom.

    I've said to a good friend: Give me 2 weeks on Adroid and I show you how to modify system png's...and I rulez!
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  10. edariouimobiliaria

    edariouimobiliaria MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2011
    Hey, I don't know what you guys recommend best as an android phone, I plan to get the Motorola Droid it seems to be one of the best and has a large screen with a 8mb camera. Does anyone has experienced it or has it to give me some feedback?
  11. edariouimobiliaria

    edariouimobiliaria MDL Novice

    Mar 3, 2011
    As well I've seen the HTC Droid Incredible but comes only with a Verizon two-year contract! I'd like to get without any contract grrrr I hate to feel tide with company's contracts..
  12. valhalla

    valhalla MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2011
    A friend of mine ditched his iphone 3gs and got a HTC Desire S over the iPhone 4 was thinking of getting one in a couple of months when i get an upgrade.
  13. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Take a look at the HTC Desire HD and Inspire 4G also. HTC make great phones. You won't be disappointed.

    Get yourself over to XDA Developers and do some research HTC phones are very customizeable once you have rooted. Also worth a mention that HTC are using an unlocked bootloader on all new phones .
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  14. rAXv2

    rAXv2 MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2011
    zte blade FTW...
  15. llhholt71

    llhholt71 MDL Novice

    Jun 8, 2011
    Im looking out for the iphone 5
  16. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Sure the Iphone is good but i think it will soon be left behind by android devices. There is so much choice available with android and you are not tied to using i-tunes for your apps. Not to mention customization, with android once you get super user access on your device you have the abillity to flash custom roms and radio images. There is simply so much choice that you dont get with the Iphone.
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    IMHO apple's marketing politics are made to address the need of a status symbol. Like I haven't managed much things in real life (yet), but with a IPhone I am somebody.
    Why do I think so?

    -It's really expensive for the performance you get. (Only people with 'money' can afford it-->status symbol)
    -Restricted and controlled (collecting GPS data of users without asking, privacy is a alien concept). Restricted to control the user, to make money with each feature you are using.
    -buggy at first release. It even wasn't able to call somebody due to interfering of the user with the antenna, lol.
    -absolutely non customizable

    In my country there is a commercial on TV:
    "When you have no Iphone, then you have no Iphone!"

    I say: Thank god, yes, I have no Iphone....nobody would voluntarily go to jail to restrict themselves, why should I buy one?
    It is just my opinion....:)

    Now back on topic: It's about the great android phones.
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  18. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    I could not have put it better. Apple's products in general are to me "Style over substance". The thing i like about Android is anyone can have a go, develop your own app or even your own Rom ( OS ). When you take a look at some of the Android forums some seem to have a simillar ethos to that of MDL. I like that.
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