Best Android Phone?

Discussion in 'Mobile and Portable' started by Yen, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I respect your opinion and I know you are a person that has experience on that.
    I also want to apology if my previous post sounds a bit harsh, especially when I posted 'brainwashed'.

    I want to explain what I actually mean and why I have reacted like that.
    Everybody should buy what he likes, that's no question. And I am sure there are many users that like W7 mobile.

    I am already that old that I have got much about the PC and OS history. My first 'PC' was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
    I also had an Amiga (68000 CPU). I often had to notice that almost every time not the best products survive at the market, but products with far less performance.
    The same happened when the far more developed 68000 CPUs vanished and the 86000 CPU's survived.
    M$ is responsible for that, primarily.
    It is not M$ itself, it is the fact that M$ had the luck to survive, even more to become a monopoly.

    The problem is the monopoly. (No matter if M$ at desktop OS or Apple at smartphones) Have a look at the history of M$ and what they have released. Till today there is practically no real alternative to M$ OS regarding home users.

    M$ has the dilemma to have to remain backwards compatible. Their OSes become bigger and bigger and there never was a real competitor at the market.
    The hardware which is currently available has much power, anyway M$es products are not able to take full benefit of it.

    The reasons therefore are: Monopoly (They don't have to be worried about to lose market share). They can make anything, good or not. They just need to 'convince' us that it is a good product, actually the best, because there is no other one.
    And 'old waste'. To remain backwards compatible and the fact that they have to build new stuff on old code.

    These conditions are the reason why the customers and the users at home have to live with that fact. We could already have a much better OS with much more performance if the situation would be different.

    M$ did and does everything to keep their monopoly alive. They even violate national laws, I am sure you know what I mean.
    Three years ago it has started that there are real competitors. Other devices such as smart phones with touch screens and tablets were invented, Android another OS also. M$ missed that.

    Now I have the possibility to use another OS such as Android. Android hasn't the problems M$ has. They don't need to deal with 'old program stuff'. They have started from scratch.
    I myself can say Android is a very good OS and it's worth to buy a device which is running it.

    W7M may be good as well, but you should think about:
    We have now the opportunity to CHOOSE! To choose again! We are not dependent on what the monopolist M$ is giving to us.
    Competition is the power for real progress. That's the reason why the development never can be that fast when a monopolist, a single company is working on that.

    So everybody who is buying products of a monopolist slows down real innovation. This should be clear to everybody.
    I can decide to support a competitor (Android) and thus I support progress regarding development.

    I want that people are thinking about that and are trying different products of different companies. If you like something that is not made by M$, buy it! You will support progress on development. Finally we all will take benefit of it.

    When you buy M$ products you support monopoly and the chance that the competitors cannot survive will increase.

    If you have a great variety of products, the personal choice will be greater. You will find easier what fits your needs.
    If we keep on supporting M$ we always have to use what a single company has to offer.
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  2. communicator

    communicator MDL Junior Member

    Sep 1, 2011

    " same device with different OSes " it possible :confused: can i install the android os on a nokia c6???

    " My Samsung Galaxy S with Android 2.3.4 lasts 15 days when making one short call every day only " do not make that short call & it will probably last a month :p it would be stupid to have a samsung galaxy s & just make 1 short call a day ;)
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    If you had read my post exactly you would know that I have reported about an example (HD2 with WM and Android).
    Also it's just an example.. no matter if stupid or not. It seems you try to miss the point with intent! :rolleyes:
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  4. sinashin

    sinashin MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2011
    HTC Desire HD
  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  6. Nathincer

    Nathincer MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2011
    top 5
    1.Samsung Epic Touch 4G
    2.HTC Evo 3D
    3.HTC Sensation 4G
    4.T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Slide
    5.Samsung Charge
  7. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    The Samsung Galaxy S II is not the best phone, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime is. :whistle3:
  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Yes, but it has a major issue and hence I wouldn't buy it: No external SD card slot. This could have been the best phone ever out there! But why Samsung didn't spend it an ext. SD card slot????
    I already have a 32 GB micro SD card, so should I left it unused??? No! Samsung screwed it!
    Apples ei phones haven't got a slot as well........but why 'copy' crap?

    Apple will sue Samsung again because they were first with having no SD card slot..looool..:D:p
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