Yes, modbin isn't able to rebuild Gigabyte bioses properly. That's the reason why I / we don't use it to make a mod. I suggest to Waylander to update to the latest F13 bios from pure DOS using FLASH895.EXE only and check if the issue is gone, since he is still using a old F2 version of it.
@Waylander Hope you're fine! If the board doesn't boot, try to clear CMOS via jumper or to remove battery as fisherman suggested.....
I think i should point out that my CPU issues and the mobo issue are only related because i got into the latter while trying to fix the former But anyways: it seems a serious malware check is in order because my system is really really getting slowed down. I'll look for some help with that elsewhere though (I was messing about with TCP settings right before all this and installed something called readydriver plus after which i had trouble rebooting so i'm guessing that would be a good place to start ) About my BIOS: i'm not going to reboot just yet i think, i'll try to sort out the CPU issues i'm encountering now and after that i'll just leave the BIOS where it's at. If the system works well there's no need for me to screw around with it no more. If there was a way to be certain as to how to do a succesfull update i'd still try it i guess, but i don't feel too comfortable pushing my luck with this. I'll make sure to let you guys know what happens on my next reboot
Yes, there is at least one more winflash tool for Award bioses: Award Winflash 1.92. I don't know if it's worth to try since I've never updated a bios from a win OS so far.......I always used Awdflash (which bricked a board of me about 5 years ago anyway and it was no modified one, but a beta bios)............whatever you'll decide I wish you all the best.
Update modded bios using @bios Dear friends, How lucky I was. I didn't see this thread before I updated my EP31DS3L. First of all, I used to flash modded bios using Qflash (in bios menu) once before trying to use @bios in Vista64 again this morning. I just coped with the same problem using@bios - alloc kernel, translate and free kernel memory failure - I didn't know what should I did next. The worst is go to Gigabyte center - just few minute drive from my home and it was just early Saturday morning so why not.....yes, I just restart windows and found bios auto recovery function did it job automatically. I just let it go all the way. Finally, I'm in the windows again after that restart. Don't count on my case as I used to flash in Qflash once & Gigabyte center just few minute drive from my home so I take the risk myself. Just want to share that EP31DS3L bios auto recovery works for me. On your side, pal. Cheers...
Rebooted And everything is working just fine. My BIOS seems to be intact and if it's not it isn't showing I'm never going to try to update it again i guess My other problems are also solved, turns out i had CPU utilization capped at 50% in Power Options (i don't remember setting it like that so it remains a mystery how that happened :s) Thanks for all your help and reassurance (the latter one is especially for you Yen )
Good on you! But sometimes a bios update is reasonable. First priority is always: Never touch a running system.......
sbenrap I used this method to reanimate my GA-EP45-DQ6 after flashing a faulty BIOS, which hung right after the BIOS post screen. Look in your manual, which chip is the main bios and which one the backup, then shorten the pins on the main bios. I had to do it several times and with different timings (shorten right after tuning the system on etc.). After some time the BackupBIOS kicked in and everything was OK.
I did manage to boot a few times: On 2 occasions it gave me some "profile" window with options of booting (choosing default profile resulted in same infini-restart, choosing last known good also resulted in same behavior). On other occasions the computer booted, it tried loading an image from HD, there is a short progress bar going from left to right, when it goes to a second line it immediately restarts (as if the process was not finished) and then I'm back to infini-restart again. It would seem that either my backup BIOS also has the corrupted image or has been corrupted itself (since loading from HD should only occur if both BIOSes are bad). If anyone has anymore suggestions, please let me know, since I have not yet heard from Gigabyte support and it seems like I'm stuck with a 300$ CPU holder...
IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Spawn182! Your words gave me the motivation to retry the procedure again, this time with the HD disconnected (so it won't go there for recovery). Eventually I did manage to get the checksum error and the BACKUP restored F4!!! I don't know who you people are, but I am very grateful to all of you for putting up this great forum with all these wonderful tips on recovering bricked motherboards!
If pins 5-6 doesn't work, try pins 6-7, which are also confirmed to work on that chip. There are a few GB boards reported recovered with that same method in other forums.
Hi. I'm stumped on my HP IPIBL-LB board. I tried flashing a modded BIOS and it seems to have killed it: blank screen on boot, no activity but regular beeping. I can get it to boot and access a floppy, and it'll turn off if I hold the power button for >4 seconds, so it seems something is still working. However whenever it tries to read the floppy it gives up after a few seconds and starts a cycle of 3 slow beeps followed by silence, over and over. The BIOS is a 1-Meg AMI bios, but none of the procedures in the opening post worked. The system seems to access both the floppy and the DVD-R, but doesn't respond to USB. I've tried using the BIOS on a CDR, and even made a DOS bootable CD with no success. I can't help thinking it would recover if I could supply it with what it expects to see, but it could just be a lost cause. What do you think? I've substituted an equivalent mobo but now I also have a problem in that this HP OEM system came with Vista Media Center but it was never activated prior to flashing, so Vista won't even run because the ROM data isn't there. I've seen on these boards that's it's possible to mod a bios with appropriate strings, but after my previous adventure, I'm pretty nervous about it. I still have a BIOS image made before this board became a brick, so in theory I still have the information, no? Any suggestions, recommendations or ideas are welcome TIA
Here is what I recommend: Find a m/b that has the same or at least a pin compatible bios with your bricked m/b. Boot in dos mode from the working m/b, take out its bios, place in your bricked bios, program it with the image you had saved and then put it back to your bricked m/b.
You don't need to desolder anything. 1) Use a plain soldering iron and solder wires on all pins of the bricked brios. Solder the other end of the wires to the good m/b. Just leave Vcc hanging. This is maximum 20 minutes with a plain soldering iron. 2) Cut, yes cut! the Vcc pin of the good m/b and solder a wire from the good m/b to the Vcc of the good bios. (You will use this wire as a selection wire) 3) Boot from the good m/b 4) Now disconnect the Vcc selection wire from the good bios, and connect it to the Vcc of the bad bios. (no soldering needed here - make connections by hand) 5) Flash and you are done.