Eric, in the past, MicroSloth has always issued a Servicing Stack Update (SSU, used for the following months updates when available <October not available yet>) following the current month's updates. In September, this did not happen... there has been no September SSU issued to date. We don't know whether one will be issued or not at this point... we're all waiting to see what happens. Starting this month, MicroSloth has eliminated the SSU requirement for W10 v2004 and will include that requirement in the Rollup itself. Older OSes are not being affected. This may be a reason for the delayed September SSU.
Yes, I have. WU has previously not been an issue. It just installs the updates like it's not EOL. Only now with the 2020-09 rollup has it failed. Spoiler: Win 7 ESU Patcher The .NET Bypass automatically installed itself as well when I Installed the v9 patch.
No, SSU in v2004 will still be a separate update WU already install the latest SSU automatically with latest CU they are just going to bundle (accompany) the SSU with LCU for WSUS (and MU catalog)
Hello. After installing those required updates and then BypassESU v9, I restarted the Windows. But after that Windows said that my Windows is no longer supported. I clicked on "Remind me later", and restart again. Then clicked on Check for updates, and then Windows installed KB4577051 successfully and when I check for new updates, it says Windows is up to date. But when I check in Microsoft Update Catalog, I can see there is another update (KB4577053). What does this mean? I don't know why I got the message that I'm using outdated Windows, and if that was true, why do I have KB4577051 and not KB4577053?
Reading is good - it develops mental activity, but 222 pages ... Sorry, I won't. Can you tell me which page to look for?
start reading from this page and onwards
Found it on the previous page. Nobody knows yet, everyone is waiting.
Mohammad, that msg comes from a January update that the entire Windows 7 community received when support was officially dropped. With the ESU Bypass in use, that is no longer the case, regardless of what that msg says. That msg is usually accompanied with a CheckBox to allow you to eliminate it in the future... you should use it.