Of interest, both the rollup and servicing stack updates for Windows 7 64bit appeared in the normal way, WU notified my they were available this morning, and both installed successfully. Did not have to use ESU v9
But using the ESU Bypass, do I still get updates for Office 2010? Support for Office 2010 ended in October 2020, but I continue to receive updates for it.
Hi AlexRaia, the updates for Office 2010 has nothing to do with BypassESU, these updates are also offered on Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines.
Ran into an odd deal in one machine. When installing v9, the Bypass listed three prerequisites needing installed, but when trying I get the message that they are already installed. May be nothing to do with the Bypass, but just a WU Win7 issue. Just wanted to put that out for comments. All of the other machines with v9 updated perfectly. Thanks again for all involved in this project.
Can you show us the "updates history" and "installed updates"? And the window of the ESU Bypass v9 when started? This is a video of the prerequisite updates installation: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...dates-eligibility.80606/page-244#post-1633664