I agree, my response was a bit to harsh. I was reading thru the posts and the general level of comprehension (can't be all language related) made me a bit frustrated with all the needs for confirmation of the info, written by the devs, over and over.
Hey, ENTST, very good of you to admit that. Don't worry, nobody will blame you for this, you are correct when you say that you have to confirm things again and again. At least it wasn't nearly as dumb as my "suppress/ support" post, for which I'm still embarrassed
All needed information is in the first and second posts of this thread. Check that out, then post questions if needed.
This is interesting liam. If indeed true, it once again highlights how difficult it is to know what MS is up to, and the parameters they use when deciding what to include with their security only updates. We saw how they snuck in telemetry triggers with two different offerings just a half year ago, after adhering rather faithfully to their advertised security exclusive theme up until then. Not that I'm specifically complaining about this latest corrective addendum, only that it hardly fits in a SO update when earlier SO updates didn't cause the issue to begin with. That was a Quality Rollup only bug; why infect the "cleaner" SO stream because of it. This makes little sense, about the same as me complaining about it (I'm simply being a stalwart MS PITA as usual). I can understand why some veterans here would like things kept more to the straight and narrow on this topic, as in most MDL threads, but there's a lot of new and novice eyes looking in on this subject/theme right now and a little extra latitude probably serves the greater W7 diehard community better considering this. What is new education and new possibilities for many will be mostly "old hat" for many vets here, or those that employed similar tricks to extend XP years ago. Some would even like this thread trimmed and reduced to 5 pages or less, but come on... Right. I presumed as much actually. That's why I asked if you rebooted your system a second time immediately after your first restart to see if your profile self-corrected. Speaking from experience, trying to make things right in this regard in the registry is a YMMV exercise that has limited (at best) results. Maybe you can tap LKGC (Last Known Good Configuration) or System restore - or a drive image should you keep 'em - to get back to where you were before, and then step things thru methodically to pinpoint exactly where the trouble is getting introduced. As things stand, I think you're the only one in the thread experiencing the symptoms you are, which seems odd. As others have said, that's an either/or proposition. Some would say you're nuts to forego security when its available to you. Other would say you're nuts to trust MS with their updates track record, and that you'd be wiser to simply run regular malware scans and keep updated system drive images to serve as more surefire safety barriers. It's a shame MS updates have caused so much mayhem and hair-pulling over the years, to the point that some feel the need to forego patching altogether. But it goes without saying that Windows patches are less reliable today than in years past, and that when they let their testing teams go under Nadella, quality control invariably suffered. This is no doubt why you see an almost desperate reliance now on AI and telemetry data by MS to make up for this deficit. B4528069 you can keep or uninstall. That one could be considered a no harm, no foul addition. Personally I'm not one who believes in uninstalling anything unless it's absolutely necessary (and vice versa, not installing anything unless absolutely necessary). For something as small and innocuous as this one though, it probably wouldn't hurt a thing and remove easily. But when folks are looking at ripping out a bunch of updates to achieve some newly desired objective, I can't help but cringe. As for going forward, yes all ESU updates like KB4537820 are MS Catalog based now. Meaning the soft and spoiled camp A folks are now having to join us camp B battle-hardened marauders in learning what it means to leverage a little self-help manually (I'm exaggerating for effect of course, but up until now we've been doing all the dirty work w00t). As for the Bypass, sure you can uninstall it. Abbodi has so many tricks up his sleeve he won't be insulted (you saw how he just added ESU "check" to the OP official syntax, no?). What you think MS will do and what MS intends to do are two different things. I don't think even MS knows what it'll do from one day to the next (short of keeping a perennial eye on their bank accounts). They "reimagined" their 90%+ flagship OS into a giant smartphone app and hoisted it on the desktop world, while utterly losing the mobile platform to others at the same time. Go figure! As for WU, that must stand for Woo-huU for now on. In that it keeps giving even on empty. That we should all be so lucky, eh. Doubtful, but only one way to find out. VIRTUAL LIAM! Which only proves Windows Updater is now so unencumbered and indeed bored that it is dredging up things from years ago to offer. Next look for free lollipops for all! KB971033 is an old "genuine Windows" activation check that dates back to at least 2015, and should be another optional, no harm-no foul offering. Feel free to run or hide it -- depending on how "genuine" you are.
I like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to @abbodi1406 for giving us such a splendid solution to ESU. Only comparable is DAZ windows loader. I was able to install the BypassESUv4 and all the updates without any glitch.
I also successfully installed new ESU updates and I can also say that this bypass tool works! I would still like to thank the authors of the bybass tool! This really works Thanks! Are there new ESU updates now or is my Windows 7 PC up to date? It would be a good idea to develop this tool so that it automatically downloads and installs new ESU updates. But are new ESU updates always published in this thread so that I and others can download the right ESU updates?
Hi I have followed the instructions and tutorials in the OP, and have successfully installed February Monthly Roll-up Update (KB4537820). Thank you very much to the people who made this possible! However, the instructions also said to hold off installing the SSU KB4537829 for now, as it "kills BypassESU". So my question is, do we need this SSU KB4537829, is it important, and if yes, how do we install it without causing problems? Will there be a workaround for this? I have tried reading through the pages to find an answer, but there are just too many of them. Thank you
With the method, explained in my tutorial you can install ALL ESU stage updates, the instruction to hold off the feb ssu was from before and to avoid people, who didn't read carefully. getting into troubles when installing it. With the lite version there is no problem at all with installing the feb ssu.
installing KB4537829 breaks the bypass if it installed after the other updates. Or, you can uninstall bypass after installing KB4528069 and this way you will be able to install all ESU updates.