You better read before answering:
is that something in what i wrote in my previous message that is wrong ? The information i gave is correct my friend.
yes and that's why i clarified that with uninstalling bypass after instaling KB4528069, people could install all ESU updates including SSU Feb KB4537829 that he mentionned.
Does installing the latest Monthly Rollup supersede and remove monthly rollups installed in previous months? After installing February Monthly Rollup I can't find rollup updates from the previous months (e.g. KB4534310) in my 'Installed Updates' list.
Pour ma part j'ai opté pour le contournement ESU v4. j'ai donc installé le Bypass v4 ainsi que la MAJ KB 4528069. Par la suite j'ai supprimé le Bypass. Comme préconisé est arrivé dans l'OP 1, je n'ai pas installé le SSU Fev KB 4537829. par contre j'ai installé KB 4537767 et 4537813. Je lis maintenant dans l'OP 1399 que l'on peut installer KB4537829 ainsi que KB 4538483. Puis je le faire maintenant? Je vois dans votre tuto que le SSU Février devait être installé en premier [/ B]. Je suppose que cela a une importance pour le fils. Mercie de me confirmer si celà est possible à postériori.
For my part, I opted for the ESU v4 bypass. So I installed the Bypass v4 as well as the MAJ KB 4528069. Then I deleted the bypass. As recommended in OP 1, I have not installed the SSU Fev KB 4537829. However I installed KB 4537767 and 4537813. I now read in OP 1399 that KB4537829 and KB 4538483 can be installed. Can I do that now? I see in your tutorial that the SSU February had to be installed first. I suppose it matters, Please confirm if this is possible at a later date.
Yes now that bypass has been uninstalled, you can now install KB4537829 in safe and all other ESU updates as well.
[QUOTE = "hamdoullah, post: 1578845, membre: 1309457"] Oui maintenant que le contournement a été désinstallé, vous pouvez maintenant installer KB4537829 en toute sécurité et toutes les autres mises à jour ESU. [/CITATION] Merci à vous et aussi à votre équipe pour votre patience. Thank's et bravo à vous
You might wanna end that statement with... "to date." We have no idea what's gonna happen in March. Looking forward to March PATCH TUESDAY...
After installing lite version of KB4528069, the KB number does not show on "Installed Updates" list. Is this correct?
Yes, you actually only installed the results of the install of the full update, with the effect that ESU checks are suppressed just as when you installed the full update.