Cogito ergo sum. Descartes famous words. What do they actually mean to us?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by SOCRATE_MMXII, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Identity is a major aspect as it is the own answer of the question Who am I?
    And the own identity influcences how one looks at other individuals.

    It is really the major aspect in life, identity. Identity changes with the amount of self-awareness. And IMHO one can only love another (eternally) when one has got who one really is.

    The willingness to extent the own identity is to me an attribute of a modern person. And a society who has a lot of such individuals is a modern society.
    Anyway it seems the author wants to preserve differences. Or has an issue with to lose it. So he is not ready to give up individualism, why?
    It seems western people have a problem with de-individualisation. It seems to be equal to them with to lose identity, but that is an error.

    In my experience one has its real identity when there is no idea of it. I don't mean to be clueless, I mean not to restrict the identity by pressing it in a defined object....and that is usually the job of the mind....thoughts...
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I could not use less words, but this time there is no experiment to try...only replies and some additions....:)

    Some say that imagination is different or a special form of perception.

    We can see a table with our own eyes.
    And: We can think about a table and create an imagination of it.

    Here I wanted to make no difference. Both are perceptions. And both his happening in the mind.

    To get more awareness it is useful to separate the observation into more parts.

    Imagination of that table, or perceiving.

    Four wooden stakes, covered with a sheet are not a table (yet). That wooden construct is only a table when it is seen as a table. That table is that what is seen as table and that seeing is that what had been seen already.
    If it wouldn’t be that what was seen already, then we couldn’t speak of seeing or recognizing.

    And the table is not the object outside, here the sheet with the stakes, because one hasn’t to see that wooden construct as a table, one can see it as something different.

    The construct has a stand space and a substructure.
    So one can use it to go up and make some paintwork. So it can be seen as a simple scaffolding that can be used by a painter.

    So how long does it take to see the table as a simple scaffolding? It takes no time at all. This new idea must be thought as such, only then we can speak of a simple scaffolding.

    That what is, is that what has been (already). (In the mind).
    And that’s the reason why I have said: Objects are only existing when they are perceived (thought).
    And they have a own meaning to each of ‘us’. So we give then their existence which is past existence.

    “Are you also saying that reality is only within the (human) mind? However, what about the minds of the animals, the minds of plant life (if possible)? And are you saying that all the minds of every living being on this planet alone are singular”

    Reality simply is.
    Our self-identification to be an individual makes us believing we have a own mind. And makes us recognizing other individuals with their own mind.

    And then we think about what their mind is an what their mind can do. So there is actually nothing like their mind. Their mind is an idea in our mind. There can't be anything outside of 'our' mind.

    “You are going right back to the tree falling thread and "nothing is real, everything is in the mind" bit.”

    Actually yes, but it’s not that drastic as one might think.

    It is just a tiny change. It is as real as it is now. But it isn’t separated to somebody.
    When one is identified with an idea, then the one perceives anything relative to this idea.
    And this is not real. A present consciousness (I am) is identified with a past consciousness (idea).
    And objects are related to this idea, which are also ideas.

    When one is not identified with an idea and lives there where one only can, presently, then every-thing becomes real.
    Then the one has no ego and is not identified with an object. The one IS.
    There is no limit of inside and outside. (There is no ‘I’ and no core, remember?)
    One lives now its real Self. I am the sun and the sun is me. I am the flowers and the flowers are me.
    I am anything and no-thing.
    I am, but I am not Yen (only)
    I am, but I have no idea what it is.
    I am, but I don’t think about.
    It is only a tiny ‘movement’ to the source where thoughts arise. When focusing there with awareness, then one remains the source. There is no more becoming, there is only being.
    The flow of constant self-identification is interrupted.
    Why should it be that way? Because anything that is thought in the mind is past already. Suffering occurs because we are trying to catch that idea. This never can work.
    And the experiment does reveal that ‘we’ actually have no ‘I’, no core. So it’s just living reality.

    Hence the appeal: Let’s live what we are and not hunt an idea.
    See the objects as if you have seen them the first time. Rediscover them anytime as they are without an idea.

    This tiny change ‘in mind’ is hard because almost any human has its self-identification. The mind is familiar with it. We have our habits and it’s just normal.

    After my study I hadn’t been satisfied. There were still inconsistencies and I could not find me.
    I speak of ‘I’ but I cannot be defined.
    I exercised methods to explore ‘I’. and all I have experienced is that ‘I’ is an idea which is not real.
    And when have a trained mind and one lives not his idea something happens what one never can imagine… is like to awake from the last dream….
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    Jan 25, 2012
    @Yen: thank you, thank you, thank you! :worthy:
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Typical! We are not animals, Yen! The fact most people do not use their higher brain functions does not automatically mean it's all right to just "feel" things (oneself and whatnot) and that "reflection" (of anything) is somehow polluting this "pure feeling" and "pure being". it's complete and utter nonsense! I am sorry, m8 but this is just a total and utter bias from a specific standpoint...
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    When you try that experiment 'there is no 'I' no core', who do you think is actually doing this experiment? Your higher functions of the brain? The brain? It is you that is doing it! You are the driver of your body / mind. Consciousness is objectified in the body and mind. And then it becomes identified as one's body and one's mind. And then the mind assigns that consciousness to brain functions.

    And I laugh about when scientists are searching for its place...or think the brain creates consciousness.. (It is a controversy matter to discuss with scientists.) :D
    That experiment proves that searching for a location of 'I' consciousness fails. There is no location...

    That what one calls higher functions of the brain are ideas, like the ability to learn, to understand complex matters, to extend relative chains of conclusions. To think. And to have an 'I' idea.

    There are IMO two facts which justify that that what I wrote has a higher aspect of reality:

    -To think is no verb. All your thoughts are past. Living an idea of what one is is like dreaming. One lives actually presently but is identified with the past.

    -Introspection of 'I': There is no 'I', no core. Living an idea of what one is is like living an illusion.

    There are only two ways, either it's BS or it's something that is worth to evaluate.
    I myself could not ignore these 'facts', I am sorry. When one problem...:D live your dream...:D

    It is just that tiny movement from I am my thoughts ('I' idea) to I have thoughts. From I am my desires to I have desires. Nothing mystic here, nothing high or low, nothing animal. No science, no study.
    The tiny movement to be aware there where the thoughts arises.
    gorski, you haven't got what I said. Your "pure feeling" and "pure being" is an idea already and not IT. I am sorry no mind can get what I mean. The mind can only identify IT when experienced....:p :)
    ..and when got by the mind, one writes about an idea of it. The only difference is beyond words. Experience. SOCRATE knows of what I speak, others don't. We have the same experience. No real issue. :)
    The interpretation of that fact is up to everybody. Some think I might be mad, if you feel comfortable with this idea.... :biggrin:...
    So the only thing here is an appeal and no teaching...:hug2:
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #266 gorski, Sep 22, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
    Mind can "get" things one expresses if one knows how to express oneself but you are condemning your "ideas" to your "feeling" of... whatever... and hence it is impossible to convey it. So, it is exclusive. Either you feel like me or you do not. But how do we know we feel the same, if we do not externalise it, i.e. put it in some kind of generalised set of notions/forms by which we try to convey it to "others"? So, there is always this tension between an individual and general, which tension is all about "trying to bridge the gap" by us making an effort towards the other. Hence civilisation, culture, art, philosophy, language...

    Mind/Reason, therefore, is inclusive by using (various forms of) language through which we express that which is common and understandable, for as long as we are both Human and of good intention to communicate. For that we have to get "outside" our little selves, into the open, not stay closed into our little feelings and then we can meet....

    What you are advocating leads us nowhere...

    On the other had, I have to take issue with another aspect of what you just tried expressing (in language :D)...

    Unlike animals, Humans are essentially defined by our future (creativity, imagination). With Hegel, we can say "At the beginning there was future!" It is an essentially philosophical concept, which does not mean temporal thinking but "methodically speaking", we are in a constant effort, we keep becoming or - if not - we are (social?) "animals"...

    Go figure... ;)
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    Jan 25, 2012
    #267 SOCRATE_MMXII, Sep 23, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
    There's more than one way to communicate than verbal. If you cannot (yet!) use telepathy it doesn't mean it's not possible.
    What I & Yen "feel" you can feel it as well if you choose to. This "feeling" is not particular to me and Yen, it can be achieved by everyone on this planet if they choose to. This "peculiar" state of being it was normal for humans eons ago, but we "forgot" it and now it's coming back to us one point ALL HUMAN KIND will be in this "state of being" and loose it's interest in the rational, "limited" way of being.
    Rationalizing limits ourselves. Look at the root of the word rational: <RATIO> = part of.
    What I & Yen and others "feel" is beyond mind and verbal words, so that's why it uses a different way to communicate.
    The imagination is yet another tool for communication. ;)

    Me, Yen: we are not special, not out of the ordinary or such. It is just we've achieved the limitations of the <rational world> and we've chosen to go beyond it.
    If you see a wall in front of you, you have choices: either you say it's the end or choose to go over it. There's no limit in anything, there's only a self-imposed limit when one says: this is as far as I go. I choose not to go further.
    Everything is a matter of choice.

    You're not comfortable where the path is leading you, so that's why you say "leads us nowhere".
    Every path leads you somewhere. Sometimes you like the destination, sometimes you don't...matter of choices again. ;)
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009




    Leave it out, man... you're gonna do yourself an injury...:rolleyes::D:biggrin:
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    gorski, is your previous reply to me meant that I should make more effort to try it another way to communicate and you are anyway a bit interested in what I want to say?

    I never really know what others think of what I am writing. It is hard to me and my major experience is that if I do most think it is totally crazy or BS. But it isn't (to me). And I actually don't care what others think about. The reason why will reveal when reading.

    I gladly take my time to communicate with all I can use here, and the post gets long....I speak from my heart, no theories, no teaching. So please don't complain that it has become a long post, lol.

    I have a request, please. We have to forget our study for this moment. I put science aside and you put Philosophy aside. It is a sacrifice for both of us. I ask you for that, because I had to put it aside to experience that what I try now to communicate. It would be rather a obstacle. So only a few words to Hegel. Hegel applies where Hegel has a meaning. And I do not disagree with what you have posted. I try here now to write about a way of perception which is beyond common science and I guess Philosophy also. Yes, I had to recognize that science has not arrived here.

    Thoughts are past. The 'I' consciousness has no location. You need now to know how true those statements are to you. I have posted detailed about and to me both statements are totally true. My attempt to communicate is based on the truth of these both statements. There are several other situations and experiments I had which also results to that truth. I could post them as well to have another 'base' to argue further.
    So the solidity of my post is dependent on how much truth you can see at these both statements.

    OK. You have posted that mind can get things. That is right. But here it's an issue.

    My appeal is to see the things as they are and not as they are thought. And you are then answering with your idea of them, or with an idea what they could be to me. That is the reason why they are impossible to be conveyed. They are but cannot be conveyed.

    It is similar to the attempt to explain the taste of coffee in that way that there are no differences to the taste itself. The issue resolves when one tastes coffee by oneself. So the issue resolves when you see the things as they are.

    OK. Do you think we are using our mind or is the mind leading us?

    Most think we are using our mind, hence one says: Hey, what's up? Use your mind to get things. But are we really using the mind?
    What does one do if one doesn't need something anymore, is finished with to use it? One either puts it aside or switches it off. So can you put your mind aside when you want? Can you switch it off? Can you stop to think? One might ask now why should I switch off my mind? I need a mind, or I am dumb. I don't know what is your definition of mind. To avoid misunderstandings I define it here simply as thoughts, pattern of thoughts, ideas.

    So can one be free of thoughts, can one switch off the mind? No. We have always thoughts all the time. We are involved in stories, we think about past stories, we think about future events. We have sorrows,fears, future ideas, we think about work, family and our and their future. We follow our desires we consume, we search for luck, we have idols, we accept things, we deny things. The mind makes a lot of noise, he is constantly present.

    We are not using the mind, the mind is using 'us'. 'We' follow our mind, constantly. We are mind orientated, but can we speak of use of it when we cannot stop thinking??? Can we speak of use of it when thoughts are ever past? Can we speak of use when thoughts simply arise without to have any own influence?

    Watch your mind closely and notice that the mind ever tells us stories. When going by bus to somewhere at morning, how many different stories are going through your mind? 5 minutes to go then I arrive, the movie you watched last night, the last issue with your kid, I have to buy milk when I am there, next Friday I have to work a long time, next month I buy a car, my last holiday had been boring, next will be better, I ask my boss for more money....

    So tell me now what all that has to do with what you are doing NOW!

    Remember you are going by bus. Are you really going by bus? Are you aware of it? Do you live now (going by bus), or do you dwell in your thoughts?

    What are thoughts? They are past and they are over!!! So do you live? Or are you dreaming? It's like watching movie, but you are the main actor. Have you actually asked for that movie? Or are it your habits, like I watch all the time, I don't know how it is without to watch?

    We are not using our mind, the mind controls us. The mind fills us with noise all the time.
    Thoughts are past and over and cannot be changed. The future is thought. By evaluation and jumping through thoughts and the ability to redefine and add thoughts to new complexes of thoughts implies a future.

    To change a table to a scaffold it takes no time, to redefine takes no time. The future are thoughts of what might be, but thoughts are past. They are already over when thought. So that what we call future with all our possibilities is in fact never accessible. We cannot change anything in the past and we cannot change anything in the future. But our habits how we use our mind imply that we can! We are possessed by the mind. Habits veil the minds true nature.

    I am means I live presently. The present is the only 'moment' I can act. Where I can create things, I can live myself, I can be a part of the reality.

    Finally not to forget the mind holds an idea of what we are 'I' which is obviously not real. This we don't know, it had become normal, we accept the mind as it is we can count on the mind.

    The humans mind is that much intelligent, far above animals, we can study we can develop, we explore the world. Our mind is so great!!!


    The mind is a crook and the mind is only a tiny bit of our intelligence. We are that much familiar with our mind that we cannot imagine something else. Most people stay here until they die, without to have questioned the mind.

    I did! There were too much inconsistencies. This is the spirit of research! This is living curiosity! Something that is common to question. To evaluate and to see if something could be 'improved'.

    I then practised techniques to strengthen awareness. I wanted to observe the mind with awareness. And I figured that something is sick. When I can only act in present, when I can only live in present and I ever am identified with my mind and mind are thoughts which are past do I live then really???

    I have experienced that there is a point where the 'I' idea arises and then all the other ideas and thought follow.When you awake every morning and you can be aware of it then you notice that firstly there is no mind, then the 'I' idea arises and then the other thoughts....

    When have learned a technique to remain presently, to have focus of and awareness of the present what do you think happens?
    Then (your) relative time slows down. Yes! So that what is actually happening very fast becomes slowed down! So you can be aware of the process, it's just like slow motion. And it's logic, because the present has no time. The amount of distraction of the present determines your relative time.

    So when exercising awareness I can be aware there where thoughts arise. I can notice the process of becoming. I can remain at being. I can be aware how something that is unformed becomes form. I can be aware how the original 'self' becomes all different kinds of facets. The process is: Something that is as it is flows through the mind, and level by level it loses it's originality. It becomes relative ideas and relative feelings. This happens all the time unaware.

    When one looks at the table does one see 'the table' or an idea of it?

    Habits are responsible of the lack of awareness of the process. When one does not know what a table is one could never see a table. But the one does also not see the table as it is. The one assigns his idea of that something to it. You know these pictures where two items are in one, it's just the way they are perceived what gives a total different object.

    It is a massive bunch of thoughts that are assigned to the table: Wooden, brown, 4 stakes, sheet on top, solid, grained, old, massive, expensive. Each new term has its own bunch of thoughts with it.
    And it is always related to the 'I' idea.: The 'table' is different to me. I can touch it, I can use it. It doesn't hurt me when I damage it.

    So 'how' real is this perceived table? How real is this table when 'I' refer it to an illusionary 'I'. And how real is that table when I perceive actually its idea from the past?
    How real is my life when I am identified with the past?

    There is something that is you. That what says I am. And that is now. And that is only real at present. The 'tiny' movement of what I have spoken is just to be aware there where the thoughts arise.There is your Self and from 'this' your thoughts arise and builds your mind. When staying there the 'I' thought has no effect. It happens when the mind is calm enough (and you don't have to watch his program atm).

    I am Yen turns into I am. So I live presently and conform to that what the 'I' idea really is, an illusion. That what one really is is not restricted to the body mind, so how can there be anything different to me?

    I recognize myself in a flower, but anything I can see with my eyes is not me.
    I am the sun and the sun is me. When these oddnesses vanish then you have got what I mean.

    So what is that now that I have posted? It is the most normal thing to rediscover that what we really are. It's no teaching, it's a post of intimate experiences.

    The mind cannot get it because the mind cannot get the present, it is beyond the mind. It cannot have a meaning, since it has no meaning. It has no meaning, because the present is meaningless. To live presently means to life without an idea of it. Being before it becomes.

    I bet now our good old friend the mind is catching this up and is trying to 'think about'. Then you have lost the present, you have lost your Self, you are your idea again.

    So what could one do if interested to evaluate what I have wrote by oneself?
    To exercise. The only way.

    Everyone has a voice in his mind, evaluating anything. It's the active mind. Watch it and watch the mind how he tells you stories. With that you gain gap. To be the observer is the first step to gain gap from the mind. One needs to cultivate awareness, awareness it the only measure.

    Try to dis-identify you from your thoughts. When the mind is telling you a story like: Tomorrow I have to work 20 hours this sux, I rather would like to join the family. Let them go. Don't be affected with it and get angry already the day before.
    Why? Because it makes no sense. You cannot change the future, there is no future to think about. Be aware at present, go to sleep get up and work. When be aware working (you really work when you are working) then you pay no attention to your thoughts.
    And the work will be over without that your idea 'it sux' could be thought again. And then you are happy, because the mind wanted you to see that the work sux, but it didn't thanks to your new awareness.

    Eat when you eat, walk when you walk, have fun with your family when you have fun. Ignore the odd mind wanting you to watch his program from the past. Live now. Enjoy every moment. Focus your live there where it happens, it happens now.

    You need to make a huge effort. You soon will forget to be aware, you soon will forget to watch the mind. You soon will forget to eat when you eat and you will start to watch mind TV. The mind is that much familiar that we turn soon our Self towards him...and you are dreaming again...

    I am the sun and the sun is me. That what sounds odd now will be normal. Living the own self is not located. One cannot imagine what it means because to imagine you need the mind that offers an idea of the past to define it.

    Next time watch the sunset. And say: I am the sun and the sun is me. And then the mind starts to tell you a story. No I am not the sun, the sun is far away and completely different, this is odd. No normal human would do that.

    Evaluate what really makes you feel odd. Why you are not the sun. Why you are separated and if there is a valid reason to be separated. It is the 'I' idea that says I am not the sun. But that is a past idea. When living absolute presently then there cannot be a difference between you and the sun. I am

    And when experiencing that the first time you might cry. I have tears of joy when writing that. It is only a tiny movement which such an immense effect. There is no doubt about IS. The world is self-explained and yes nobody wants to hear that. Why? Because the mind wants to tell us stories.

    The reality ever was and it IS and will be.

    I hope I could communicate what I mean. I wish from my heart it will take a little effect. It is the greatest openness to tell about all that I can have. I open my Self which is your Self which is the reality. It is the most intimate and the only real thing.

    It becomes to that what you think about. Don't let it happen. Live IT. :)
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  10. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Yen sir, what you posted, though I've not completed reading it thoroughly but I can say mind body dualism is a false dichotomy. see here .
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  11. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Concepts are mental entities. Now, if you would only stop making assertions, and, instead, present arguments, you would be even more persuasive than you already are. Just go through the link I've posted in my previous post then make such blind assertion .:D
    Or check here and here and here and particularly here or here .
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #272 gorski, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Indeed, Sid, the ABC of philosophy but hey, why not waste loads of one's time on inventing hot water all over again but German-ly :D "just keep ploughing on regardless of others (try to) tell you"... well, since you...

    You should, Yen. You may actually learn something from others... You know, like others who know less than you in Chemistry - learn from you. You know less than me in Philosophy. It's not that difficult to understand the fundamental flaw in your "thinking" on the subject... Just change your attitude, man... It's poor, in this regard... Just like my German father-in-law, the all-knowing-never-listen-to-anyone-(Why should I?!? I am German!!!:jumpon: [:D]) chemist...:rolleyes::biggrin::D

    Of course it is hard, since you are afraid to get out of the confines of the serious restrictions you put on yourself, your thinking, what you allow in - and it ain't much, sadly...

    But it is possible, if you let your guard down, if you open up. But with the attitude just demonstrated (by you), quite openly - it just ain't gonna happen... This is a waste of time, it seems to me - at least under these conditions...

    The problem with your big posts is that they show clear "innocence" of the posts of others. So, why should we read them, if you just ignore the "long and detailed posts of others"?!?

    As I told you, I have religiously answered your posts, all-in, quoting everything, dealing with it all, point-by-point. You do not do that! You remind me of the chap, with his little machine, always playing the same tune. He just keeps it going. But there is no room for change, then, no room for improvement, to learn, as there is no interaction between him and others.

    Now, if he had an instrument, knew how to play it and interacted with others, we may have a jam-session... :D

    But not under these rigid conditions...:( You will never learn to play the instrument called "philosophical thinking"!

    Moreover, you do have a "theory", even if it is a poor one. All the time you are trying to "justify/rationalise" your position by making up some little "theory". So, do yourself a favour and study these things, so you are not wasting time re-discovering the wheel...

    But listen: "No philosophy, please!" - is also a "philosophy"!!!!!!!! NO WAY OUT!!! It's just the poorest philosophy one can possibly have...:(

    (...part 2 to follow...)
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #273 gorski, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
    It would be cool if we saw it from you, so.... request denied, Sir! :D Not because I am like you but because this is just fanciful. Not possible! For crying out loud, you can not exit your little "position" (let's call it loosely "theory" :D) for a nano-second and you are requesting it from others. On which basis?!?

    And how would you know it? I mean, this is telling: "and I guess Philosophy also"... You're right, you're guessing. So, maybe you should not try to sell Philosophy short?

    The point is, there are millions of assumptions in what you write. But it's all right, since you are writing it. God forbid I do the same... Even if I do know a few things more than you... That is strictly verboten! Hmmm...

    Nonsense. Once again, you demonstrate ignoring posts of those you are allegedly trying to have a debate with.

    So, why should anyone respect what you write if you ignore and never reply directly to what others write?

    See above, as to what thoughts at their best are! They are all about future! So, nonsense, once again, just so there is no misunderstanding!

    Animals are essentially their past, "tried and tested", "what works (in a given environment)" etc.. We are not! Remember: imagination, creativity?!? :)

    Sorry, Yen, at this point I lost my appetite for this futile exchange with an organ grinder where no movement is to be seen in the next 1000 years, since......


    Ach, never mind...

    Moreover, I have many (36, actually) short cables to sort out (12 Twin and 4 Quad LNBs to a 2 x 16in1 and 1 x 4in1 Centauri switches), as I am preparing for some marvellous engineering stuff, a T90 to be put on my roof, I hope soon... See attachment. :biggrin: Much to do before the installer comes to put together this little beast... ;)

    (Let's see if this makes you think, in the meantime and you change your attitude...:smokecowboy:)

    Attached Files:

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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #274 Yen, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
    I fully agree with it. The body reflects thoughts as emotions, for instance. Mind-body and physical body are a unity.

    "You should, Yen. You may actually learn something from others... You know, like others who know less than you in Chemistry - learn from you. You know less than me in Philosophy. It's not that difficult to understand the fundamental flaw in your "thinking" on the subject... Just change your attitude, man... It's poor, in this regard... Just like my German father-in-law, the all-knowing-never-listen-to-anyone-(Why should I?!? I am German!!!:jumpon: [:D]) chemist...:rolleyes::biggrin::D"

    I am at work and have almost no time. When I have written at my last post I don't care what others think about, then I exclusively mean posts about: "See the things as they really are".
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  15. 60cent

    60cent MDL Senior Member

    May 31, 2011
    I don´t get this,i´ve been following this thread from the very start,and i got the feeling that you Gorsky act like you sucked the entire intelligence from the whole world.:confused:
    What makes you think you know better about philosophy than Yen or any other here,how much i remember you didn´t mention that you studied philosophy when Yen asked you earlier.
    Neither is Yen right or you,everything that is written in this thread is just pure speculation and nothing else.
    I lived in Germany for 10 years and went there to school,i know that sometimes they are stubborn and are funny in some ways,they don´t understand fun,can´t laugh for 3 minutes...,but you get angry because of his statements here,what should Yen do now change his entire life and start listening to you,who says that what you write here is correct and that Yen and Socrate are wrong.

    About Socrate too,the 3 of you r29k,Sid_16 and Gorsky get angry because he has his own opinion and you don´t like what he writes,when you think about it why should he change his way of thinking?
    Are you 3 angry and laughing because you don´t like what he writes or do you want him to change his view of life and think like you?
    For me in example is Sid funny too,some scientist said ghosts,demons,life after death don´t exist... and now Sid listens to that because apperantly scientists know such stuff,i mean WTF?:eek:
    Socrate seems to me like a person that experienced a lot of stuff in the spiritual way and that makes him think this way.
    Socrate i get what your talking about fully and i´m glad that you contribute in this thread.

    Will write more soon don´t have that much time.

    P.S. Volim vas sve puno :D:eek:
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    No problem, thanks for reading anyway.
    I have no claim that one respects my post. My previous post are experiences and my reflections about. To figure if there is truth in them, one has to make own effort.
    If not interested then skip it. And to argue against experiences with studied matters leaves me ice cold.
    When I experience thoughts as the past then I do. When I experience that the only time where we really can live is the present then I cannot change that fact.
    That what you call future is an idea. The past is over. All actions at the past had been made presently. And the future never will happen. That what will happen in future will happen presently.

    You have studied Philosophy, I have made practical experiments myself. I have learned mind observation techniques. My post contains experiences I have made the past 15 years.
    Your Philosophy is based on study, ‘my’ is based on practical experience.
    And when you discover ‘faults’ or nonsense in them, then it is OK. It are your faults and it is your nonsense. To me those don’t exist.
    My simple Philosophy ever had been. If you want to know who you are, then observe.
    Why should I study theories? Why should I say I think therefore I am is true, when my experiences are different?

    I cannot deny my experiences and when these experiences don’t match Philosophy then I deny Philosophy.

    And when you say : I know it better.

    Yes I know it better. But not absolute better, better for myself.
    The same claim as you have, to know it better. No need to assign ‘German’ attributes to it.

    That what sounds as pure arrogance is just the right to have own experiences. :)
    I have shared those, if there is nothing useful in them then one can skip, if there is something useful then I am glad.

    No real issue. Never mind.:D:)

    OK, something completely different.

    T90, cool :cool:, I have the T85 with only 5 LNB’s….be careful not to fall down the roof. I slipped when I adjusted it……and have fun assembling it. :)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #277 gorski, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
    Gimme a break: we've been over this many times and you keep ignoring it.

    It's OK to be "vetted" by the system for Chemistry (you did get acknowledged for your hard work and talent) but it ain't of any consequence for Philosophy (and one doesn't get any recognition for the hard work and talent put in)... Marvellous!!!:rolleyes:

    For crying out loud, no - it isn't all relative, just because one wants it to be...

    60cents, read a bit slower, you may get to the point where it says I am a philosopher by profession and you may also get to the points explained by me, showing I do know a few things more than most people... When you do, you will figure out that I did not "suck the entire universe of knowledge" and that this is not in dispute, I do not pretend to this nonsense you are charging me with. It's a complete rubbish "point", since no one ever claimed it. Maybe you should revisit the notion of "fairness". Being from the Balkans. it may help you... :D My professor of Philosophy of Politics, Zarko Puhovski, used to make a great point by ridiculing "us" (Balkanic barstewards :D) and our relationship with "fairness"... for a reason... :rolleyes:

    The dispute is about the authority of knowledge. Not about "anything" - I acknowledge Yen's knowledge in IT and Chemistry - but about authority of knowledge in Philosophy, which is not acknowledged and respected! As opposed to alleged "truth" in Chemistry, the "truth" in Philosophy is utterly unobliging - it seems some think this is just like that...

    Now, talking rubbish from the top of one's head does not mean this is all cool, even if one says "for me this is true" any more than me talking rubbish about Chemistry, not knowing ABC but pretending that if I stomp my foot, scream loud enough so I don't hear others, then I can keep talking whatever I want and it will be OK...:rolleyes:

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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    See, this is sheer and unadulterated arrogance :D - and you think that only you can do that? That the rest of us froze our existences? It's not like I haven't told you just how much I have experimented in my life... And yes, I have lived what I studied, if this is your next "move"... ;)

    Cheers!:cool: And see you at the other end... :):bye1:
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  19. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Since I posted the statement that sparked this discussion, I guess it's time for me to chime in...

    I've never studied philosophy, as many of you appeared to have done, but I have certain beliefs and viewpoints on life.I tend to simplify things, mostly for my own benefit. I try not to ponder my existence too much; It tends to detract from mindless pleasures and the enjoyment of life. I'm not a religious person; however, I'm a spiritual person. I'd like to believe that there's something beyond this life; that we are here to learn and be tested.

    But I can't say with any certainly that I know. And I don't want to know.
    I'd like to be pleasantly suprised at the end of my life. :)

    You all seem to be enjoying yourselves. And, in life, that's all that really matters. As long as you're not hurting anyone (which none of you are...that's obvious to me)

    I think that our thoughts and our emotions pull us in opposite directions. I think that we tend to become emotionally charged when our belief systems are attacked by others, especially if what they say makes more sense than what we currently believe.

    With that said, please continue. There's a lot to be learned here.

    P.S.: Didn't Isaic Newton take place in a highly charged debate about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Btw, Germanhood is in all of us, just like Balkandom is... ;)

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