Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Today I found out that in some countries, such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Poland, Romania - the Ministry of Health of these countries does not have the Corona19 strain to test for Corona19!
    Asking a question?
    Guys, and to whom do you write statistics every day that so many people have been infected throughout the country?
    If you do not have the Covid19 strain
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  2. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014

    :worthy::hug2:God help us please
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  3. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014

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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    OFF TOPIC above
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Of course there can be randomly a virus which is more contagious and more lethal. Maybe such a mutation within one individual was even responsible that the one has died or a severe progress.
    But from the perspective of becoming a dominant variant. It cannot.
    I don't know what's here hard to understand.
    Let's say 2 people get infected. Average ICP is 5.1 days.

    One with a lethal one and one with a 'normal' one.
    The one with the lethal one gets sick at the 6th day, feels unwell and stays at home. Severe symptoms, bedridden.
    The other one gets mild or almost no symptoms, can move, can meet others, can work.
    So which one has the better chance to spread the virus to others?

    Never mind. The study I had posted says: " We were unable to find clear evidence that VOC202012/01 results in greater or lesser severity of disease than preexisting variants"

    So let's see...
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  6. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    The press service of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry told how much it cost the new Ashyq application, which was launched as a pilot project for restaurant owners and their visitors.

    The essence of the project is that Kazakhstanis will be divided by color - red, yellow, blue, green - and will be allowed to enter a number of establishments using a QR code. The color depends on whether the person is sick with coronavirus and whether they have a PCR test.

    ICRIAP claims that the developers made the application for free.

    Also, the department said that the application is available only to adults. Accordingly, only adult data is planned to scan for visitors with children.

    To participate in the pilot, entrepreneurs can get their QR-code on the website. Visitors need to download the Ashyq application to their phone - go through authorization through the phone number, add their IIN.

    When entering the establishment, scan the QR code of the establishment - this will record the visit. When you exit, scan the QR code again. A separate QR is created for each entrance to the establishment.

    Recall that Kazakhstanis will be divided by color - red, yellow, blue, green - and will be allowed to enter a number of establishments using a QR code. A person's color will depend on whether they are sick with coronavirus and whether they have a PCR test.
    Red status indicates restriction of movement, compliance with a strict regime of home isolation for persons undergoing outpatient supervision.
    Yellow - partial restriction of movement: the user is designated in the PCR database as a contact, it is allowed to visit grocery and hardware stores, pharmacies no further than 500 meters from the place where the patient observes the home isolation regime.
    Blue - there are no restrictions on movement for this status, except for places where PCR analysis is mandatory (for example, at an airport).
    Green status means that there are no restrictions on movement and this user is indicated in the database as having passed PCR testing with a negative result for COVID-19.
    The results of the pilot project will make it possible to determine in the future the terms of replication of the mobile application for entering other public places: shopping and entertainment centers, shops, restaurants, cafes, train stations, airports, and so on.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, the more deadly and infectious variant does not automatically have to mean a short illness and quick death. We have all heard of long and painful deaths, have we not?

    So, yeah, what's so hard to understand there? It may well become widespread, depending on Public Health Policies.

    You know, the kind you dissed big time, because your guru said so...

    The kind I advocated, as opposed to you....

    I thought we should be careful...

    You, on the other hand, didn't!

    Never mind, indeed...
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #1988 Yen, Feb 7, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
    Your way of arguing is that you consider anything that does not fit to your mindset as being written by a guru.
    This is exactly the issue what does prevent a healthy culture of debate and criticism of a topic that affects anybody of us.
    This happens everywhere in the world, journalism is poisoned by that as well.
    It is away from content, ad personam. Many persons get discredited that way.The reason for it is that the people have no knowledge to understand content, so they argue ad personam.

    (The guru thing was about herd immunity. And contrary to your out of context 'replaying' it was about cross immunity. It seems that his assumptions were wrong there, although there is no data about level of cross immunity. Actually it is not known which nation is how far away from herd immunity. And it is not even clear if Israel will be first by vaccinations. The vacine maker's studies are not designed to give an answer to that question and Peter Doshi has valid questions at his BMJ discussions).

    The only 'valid' argument is (and that I posted in advance) that the study I posted is not yet peer-reviewed.

    Who of those is the guru?
    Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious DiseasesLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineKeppel St, London, WC1E 7HTUnited Kingdom

    So you think those infected with the more lethal variant just keep moving around as all the others with the normal one?

    I never have said that they have a short illness and quick death. I applied the average ICP of 5.1 days at both considerations.
    Either way, fact is that they sooner or later reflect the attributes of the virus = a higher lethality and that means lesser situations where they can meet others to spread this variant.

    It's nothing to do with being careful or not.

    I posted a scientific source which showed results that there is no evidence found. And this result is conform to what viruses have shown in the past. This is called epidemiology.
    MERS and Ebola did not spread. H7N9 did not spread.

    OC-43, which they traced back caused the Russian flu. Has become common cold.

    No example that would support your theory and the fearmongering media, though.
    And if such fearmongering of higher lethality should be used to push people to the vaccines while ignoring other facts, it might turn out being fatal in another way!

    If one would look at the mutations with scientific knowledge I would rather focus on the Brazilian P1 variant. I have illustrated why. It carries the UK and both SA variations!
    The vaccine's efficacy should drop there to the lowest amount.

    I would be rather concerned that the mutation rate is fast enough that it renders the vaccine approach as being useless!!!

    Oh and btw I have a clear idea how to fight them new variants.
    -Approve Ivermectin world wide (it is independent of any variant)

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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Exactly and such type of fighter is called: cure.

    Ivermectin is a cure with tested measured success by medical doctors at the Frontline on this battle in many parts of the world.

    But the true gem, the cure of cures, the antidote for this viral disease or any other is: chlorine dioxide.

    Oh yes and it's much better and cheaper than ivermectin. Used and tested by doctors saving lives many parts of the world.
  10. NewLinuxUser

    NewLinuxUser MDL Novice

    Feb 2, 2021
    during my spare time, i do a little bit of reading on this topic. i hear both sides: believers & non-believers.
    im no scientist or doctor, so do not want to argue if it's real or not.
    but, having had my experience, spent 3 years soul searching, alone, in a foreign country, with just a backpack.
    i did a lot of introspection & see the world as it is.
    i don't watch TV.
    i don't listen to radio.
    i don't read news papers.
    i don't subscribe to any ideology or dogma.
    i like to think i transcend race & other labels, handed to us by society.
    i treat people as individuals, not as groups, and judge each person by their character.
    i give everyone a fair chance.
    regardless of his/her's standing in life, social status, economic class, etc.

    that said: i live in America & can only speak about America.
    i have serious issues regarding the tactics used by our govt: deceit, propaganda, coercion, appointing unqualified people w/conflicts of interests as official representatives, manipulation, psychological operations, and outright lying to further their agenda.
    now if a regular person used those methods to convince me? i'd laugh in their face & get as far away from them as possible.

    i don't know if it's real or not. but the US Govt's actions are very troubling.

    FYI: the 1976 Swine Flu of New Jersey was fake, had no verified cases, yet millions were vaccinated. in addition, the CDC switched vaccines w/an untested vaccine w/out telling anyone or the public.
    here's the 60 Minutes show w/Mike Wallace from 1976 which documents everything.

    make up your own mind.
    either way, im against forced vaccination. it should our choice.
  11. antiCMOS

    antiCMOS MDL Junior Member

    Sep 7, 2020
    I m not in yurp. Maybe it s not as apparent there, but imo, today there s something in the air that smells like deception concerning this pandemic, the political environment, the censorship on social media platforms, the cancel culture, and there need to shut down/destroy folks who stray from a narrative. It all seems related to me. I don t think making vacine manditory wouldn t go over well for many. Considering I ve already had covid I see no need to take it, and will not if mandated to.
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1992 gorski, Feb 8, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    Yen, sure, of course, absolutely.... except that all you have written so far - after you started following your new guru - as to what is going on and what we need to do - was disproved by facts... As I just pointed out in no uncertain terms...

    You long post should have read: "I know, I am sorry, I keep wondering..."
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I said: IT DEPENDS ON PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY, something you have shunned and danced around, not taken seriously, even openly negated as the way to go - and wanted to show it all as "fear mongering", when the sheer numbers have PROVEN YOU (i.e. your guru) WRONG, TIME AFTER TIME, AFTER TIME!!!!

    Time to say "Sorry, I f*&^% up! I thought we were already close to herd immunity but obviously we are not. Especially now, since we have new variants, which are not necessarily beaten by our immune system" as you kept mumbling about....

    You have, summa summarum, made a big blunder with that "new guru turn" of yours, re. every major issue, as to how to fight it, what kind of public health policy to pursue, not to go down Swedish way and so on...

    C'mon, we all read what you posted initially, then a big turn - and now you wanna gently forget what you wrote... OK, just don't try to make it "smart" somehow, 'cause it wasn't!
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Trouble is, the new variant could hit you hard - we simply don't know for sure. Like flu vaccines... You wanna play Russian roulette? OK by me, I guess...

    Except, if we do nothing - we will allow it to spread... The more we allow it to spread, the more mutations, some of them might be deadly...

    Whatever we do to ourselves in those terms - we do to all of us... It's called empathy. Strategic thinking. Temporal intelligence.

    See, this is where we, as a species, can excel! But we can also f*&% up big time - if we do not exercise our best capacities...
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Which part of the world is "safe" thanx to that miracle drug of yours? Please, point precisely?

    Denmark today is celebrating "zero day". First day without C-19 related deaths.

    But they have good measures and the population is respectful in that regard.

    Not so in Brazil, UK, US, Croatia and so on and on and on and on....
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  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Fully fully safe?
    A whole country?
    A whole country not following Pharmafia orders?

    Alright > Bolivia
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Bolivia funeral homes, cemeteries overwhelmed as COVID-19 deaths mount

    07 Feb 2021 09:41AM

    LA PAZ: Corpses in Bolivia have begun to pile up as a fierce second wave of COVID-19 has overwhelmed funeral homes and cemeteries, according to officials, stoking fears the growing backlog could become yet another focal point of infection.

    The bodies of the dead, wrapped in impromptu Andean alpaca wool blankets and blue plastic bags or even packed into suitcases have inundated funeral parlors in the capital La Paz, the hardest hit region of the Andean nation.

    Jorge Silva, Bolivia's vice-minister of consumer protection, said authorities have found corpses strewn on the floors of garages, porches, and hallways of funeral homes, and he accused some owners of seeking to profit from the recent spike in deaths by taking on more corpses than they can safely handle.

    "This is good business for these companies but logically, it also puts the health of the population at risk," Silva told Reuters. He called the homes "focal points for infection".

    But funeral home owners in El Alto, Bolivia's second largest city, said many cemeteries had stopped accepting the bodies of COVID-19 victims, leaving them with few options.

    "We in El Alto have no place to bring our dead," said Carmen Apaza of the Taylor Funeral Home.

    Bolivia is among South America's poorest countries and the second wave of coronavirus cases has pummeled its ailing health care system, pushing many hospitals to the brink of collapse.

    The country, initially slow to lock down vaccines, recently received a batch of Russian Sputnik V doses to start its inoculation program. It expects to receive 1 million more doses via the COVAX program later this month.

    Bolivia has reported 225,910 infections and 10,687 deaths from COVID-19 since the outbreak began, according to a Reuters tally. Infections in recent days have reached 80 per cent of the first wave peak.

    Health experts in Bolivia estimate January was the second deadliest month since the pandemic began.
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Level 4: Very High Level of COVID-19 in Bolivia
    Key Information for Travelers to Bolivia

    • Travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time.
    • Travelers should avoid all travel to Bolivia.
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    In Bolivia (Plurinational State of), from Jan 3 to 11:17am CET, 8 February 2021, there have been 227,128 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 10,753 deaths.

    Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Situation

    227,128 Confirmed Cases


    Source:World Health Organization
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  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Think whatever you want.
    You think you are smart and informed grabbing bulls**t from corrupt sources.

    But the following note says otherwise

    In short, you are a gullible irremediable covidiot sigh.