Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    Been through depression over and over again since i was a kid because of the circumstances of my childhood . It hurt :)

    Was prescribed tofranil and imipramine ....... wich made it worse ....... just made me feel tired and brain dead ........ and attempts at recreational use ended in a delerium tremens / psychotic ' trips ' :)

    When prozac came out i went to my doctor and asked for some to test ....... and got some ....... if i can give a good reason why i want things i get them :) ....... Prozac made me feel tired , brain dead and as if my consciousness was in prison ....... locked in .

    Antidepresants is an interesting subject for me ...... same as antipsychotics ...... because they dont work :) ...... just make people feel tired and mentaly castrated .

    When i posted that link i was being a little provocative :) ........ and wondering what some of us might make out of it :)

    Another reason is that just because a drug has abuse potential it doesnt mean it has no potential for other uses .

    Strangely strange a neighbour has a wicked type of blood cancer but didnt find out untill he stoped useing methamphetamine . He was suddenly very ill and got a kropf over a few weeks . As soon as he started taking meth again it went away . He still has it but hes not sick . The test results are not getting worse they're stable .

    OK subjective maybe ....... but worth enough for me to do some more reasearch ...... and found studys that said meth makes cell walls softer ....... and others that apeared to me to be relevant to that ...... and that maybe had something to do with why hes still alive . That maybe the meth helps . It was a few years ago so i cant remeber much ....... but :)

    Speed , prozac and MDMA all have ' similaritys ' chemical and in effects .


    Yes :) ...... even if it doesnt have any direct effects on corona ....... it does have an effect on mind set , understanding , relaxing and dealing with stress and angsiety . In my opinion a lot of people have had bad effects and died because they were frightened and in panic . We've been driven to the edge of mass hysteria . The psychelogical effects of the pandemic and press and government reports on poeople is massive . People have been forced out of their comfort zone and have had to deal with their own imaturity ...... and it hurts .

    I'm of the opinion that a good dose of MDMA would do a LOT to heal society . To help people and society grow up , get their prioritys right and learn to accept and take their own responsibility .
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    That explains your hypersensitivity to any case I bring upon here... You've being doing drugs for far too long!

    Now that should be depressive enough!
  3. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019

    I see what is being accused of socially killing people - mainly the media and also politicians?
    Have you guys tried not to watch TV?
    As I wrote earlier, I have not watched TV since 1997 (approximately)
    Zombie people with the media - give up the media -
    Or are you all drug addicts who can't live without media?
    So you are ordinary consumers - why then complain - eat what they offer you and do not whine!

    "The court concluded that Google does not notify users that it is involved in the alleged collection of data while the user is in private browsing mode," - said in the ruling of the US District Court for the Northern District of California Lucy Koh.
    Users are surrounded from all sides in order to extract the last money from them. .......:) :)
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  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2324 Yen, Mar 31, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
    They work (= have an action on the CNS) for sure. The question is if their use is indicated or if the approach to use such is reasonable.
    Western Psychology is a sort of retarded, prescription of such meds to fight depression is an easy way. Easy for the psychologist, easy for big pharma.
    BUT it actually does not cure the reason of the depression itself. It only regulates biochemical imbalances in the CNS.

    All the drugs had been approved meds or were developed as such. Their abuse was responsible that they later got classified. This is a political measure far off from science.
    Of course classified drugs don't suddenly change their useful attributes only because they got classified.

    Whenever politics gets involved into science there are unreasonable decisions and even fake reports.

    Not really. Each one has its own pharmacological profile. SSRI's and MDMA have in common that they act on the serotonergic system. Amphetamines are related to adrenaline and noradrenaline. 'Meth / crystal' is usually dextromethamphetamine which has a long half life.

    Although I have to admit that pharmacology is by far not able to 'describe' psychoactive substances, especially those acting on serotonin (5-HT) imagine LSD-25, those mentioned have a totally different profile each.

    Yes, I totally agree.
    And I am not sure what is really worse. The virus itself or the psychological issues especially at kids (being locked in and forced to wear masks) not to speak about all those collateral damages.

    Stress is very bad, especially for the innate immune system.
    BUT substances such as amphetamine (and steroids) are known to create exactly such stress!

    While I totally agree that fear and anxiety is poison for the immune system I have to say that people who cannot handle such fear and anxiety are usually unable to deal with such drugs as well.
    When using recreational drugs one has to be recreational per se.
    And one should never forget that if you are demanding to the CNS it'll also want something back in return. And IF the relations are not 'right' one should stop taking drugs.

    Stress and fear / anxiety are matters of perception. Before I would recommend certain drugs (classified or not) people should use mental exercises, meditation, yoga and the like. Also self-awareness is important.

    Western psychotherapy / psychopharmaca / meds are underdeveloped and only a weak approach to 'cure'.

    But typically for a western materialistic tech society. Work, work,work, money, money, money, get things, get things, get things, being restless, today here tomorrow there, always busy accumulating stuff as an ego enhancer........yeah until one can measure an effect. Exhaustion / depression...

    Once you can measure / determine there are also pills for it. Hmm reminds me of current pandemic...:D:)
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  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Back to science: :)

    Interesting stuff:

    AZ issue: "A Prothrombotic Thrombocytopenic Disorder Resembling Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Following Coronavirus-19 Vaccination"

    Nasal vaccines:
    "Finnish academics developing intranasal COVID-19 vaccine."

    Also an AZ partner is part of the game:

    Most are vector virus based, but one uses the antigen directly (Avalon):

    WoW, big headline, although exciting. Will watch this.
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  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    If you or anyone want to follow it and many other "bs" then go to

  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    @Tiger-1 let us know your thoughts on this please
  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Finally, they are shutting down huge Brazilian cities... that should tell you...

    Yen, from my experience/knowledge on the subject: anti-depressants are simply buying you time, at best... that is, if you have no money for psychotherapy/psychoanalysis...

    The real cure for depression is a promise of love after some time has passed, while being on the drugs...

    Anti-depressants kill you inside! Sometimes it might be necessary, sadly...

    Until you find yourself in a potentially "special" situation... But you feel "flat"... nothing to act on... and you know it's unnatural...

    So, you go to a friend and tell him... And your mate gets you talking, figures out why and gets you to go 'cold turkey', off the meds...

    And they are addictive! So, not an easy thing to do, when one has underlying issues, like a drunkard not letting go of a fence!!!

    He was losing consciousness, got panic attacks, all sorts - and endured it... for a promise of romance in the air...

    Here I came with a solution: where he was full of doubts, indecision and anxiety... Viagra got that mate of mine alive again... His new g-friend was in awe of him, that helped boost his moral...

    Believe it or not, my approach worked - I got him off the meds and onto Viagra... Non-addictive and life-enhancing!

    Happily married, they got a girl, last time I checked - and he is "fully functional" again...

    Drugs can be great! And terrible! Depending on the brain prescribing them and a brain using them...
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, as projections go - this one nails you...
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  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2332 Yen, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    I agree. Sometimes life situation is that bad that anti depressants are 'needed' just to gain time.
    Sometimes even tranquillizers are 'needed' if personal destiny turns out being very hard in life.

    Anyway you had been more of a cure there (as a real friend) than the meds, not to mention a 'foreign' psychologist or their therapies.
    Good friends are the best psychologists.

    Generally, if you don't 'learn' by that just focusing on another 'need' which is also a temporary thing in life, a 'thing' where you cannot get real self-awareness there is a chance things do repeat in case of loss and then you are in the same situation again.
    One needs to mentally 'grow', which means to spot 'things' which are not 'real' ..real in that way that they really might 'add' something to make you feel being 'completed'.
    The first approach is to figure if the feeling of being incomplete in a way is real or if it is already a part of the illusion itself...

    For me meditation and yoga are means which I'd consider precious in my personal life. I got that due to interaction with other cultures while I travelled... by that you do 'learn' that 'importance of things' is just a way of own perspective looking at those.

    Things are losing their 'severity'....if you have the ability to see those things from a different perspective. (Thinking outside the box...once lost hard to get back. Depressive people have lost it, mostly already before a depression gets manifest).
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I agree with taking it seriously.
    Anyway from a pure medical POV it makes no sense to get vaccinated after you have really recovered from a real SARS-CoV-2 infection.

    Your immune system is trained now in a far better way than a vaccine could ever do. You have got antibodies against the entire virus, maybe already for a variant. (Not only against the original S protein).

    Vaccination after that is just a psychological means which does not really add something. (Except the risk of side effects of the vaccine).

    I know there are 'experts' stating otherwise. (Recommending the vaccine after a real infection). But they are lacking of medical basics at their arguments.
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  14. emet

    emet MDL Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Vaccination immediately after getting the virus is not recommended. I believe that there is some minimum space of time when you can receive vaccine against Covid-19.
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  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hello dear friend, I'm sorry about saying that I no longer have "head" to think about it !! See an example just here on the street in which I resident has died several people affected by Covid 19 ... In this way I live alone I am 24 hours locked in my house like a prisoner in the chain or weak mental inside a sanatorium here in São Paulo a true chaos; this without taking into account that unfortunately our president is an idiot and even did not get the damn virus be ... and more to criminal factions have been stealing cargo of government truck vaccines is the end Sorry for something ;):(
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  16. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    There is no information about the Covid virus in more than one country!
    There are 4 documents from the Ministry of Health, Canada - USA - Moscow - Ukraine
    NO dedicated Corona19 virus!
    You were all misled !!!

    Think back to last year's Italy shooting a hospital a bunch of patients!
    So this is a fake - everything was filmed on the set, you will find the video on YouTube.

    You are all dunce
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Maybe when they come up with a "booster" for the variants - then, yes... ;)

    @Yen: you have no idea how many hours I spent talking to him, on the phone, in person, emails etc. - plotting and scheming, boosting his hopes and simply trying to keep him focused on the essentials...

    Sadly, his underlying issues got us apart these days... :(
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @ all: in Brazil now they have more than 4K excess deaths a day! A DAY!!!!

    How moronic does one have to be to ignore that?!?

    But Bolsonazi is plotting a coup, we hear... He sacked the defence minister (who went against him)... Then, three top generals quit... We wait with trepidation...
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  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2339 Yen, Apr 2, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
    I don't have an idea about the details, I cannot.
    But I know and can imagine what you mean.
    All the more I know how the surroundings get affected / involved into the suffering. My brother had similar problems, and sometimes friends come to me to unburden their heart and if it's for a good talk only.

    When I was younger I had a stormy life as well, with ups and downs....but I have found my calm anchor in life.
    Maybe there is a day you come together again. At least I wish it.

    Things are not easy.
    As powerful and effective a way out can be as powerful the old patterns are....dragging the one back to old habits....
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    One never knows in advance, in all things Human... ;)
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