Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2441 Yen, Apr 30, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    I am no doctor either, not to talk about being a MD.

    That guy is mostly reasonable and has a good way how to argue. It would be interesting to debate with him and I bet the few points I'd have an objection to can be clarified quickly.
    I'll soon read more of what he's posted, to catch up on more fine details.

    My contribution based on my profession comes from the drug development side, clinical trials, and how to categorize such.
    The basic biology related stuff I got from the company academia's courses and Biologists which are my colleges.
    I learn every day more about.

    But the subject corona unveils lots of other things which go utterly wrong, especially at media, politics and capital related medical directions. This happens at medical authorities and politics.

    They reduced medical capacities, anything capital orientated and then they blame people for exhausted capacities when not following their rules or dare to suggest alternatives to their politics.

    Corona divides our society. And even artists speaking out another way of how to see things get discredited not following the govts POV.

    I never thought it would happen here as well. There was a campaign, an ironic and sarcastic one to criticize the govt about their corona measures and arrogant claim to have rent the scientific truth on their own alone while ignoring available cheap medications and alternative ways how to handle the crisis. Those artists who did that got a huge s**t storm from those scared by covid and hence driven to the vaccines.

    The govt's politics is easy. Lock down all the time until anybody is vaccinated. This is all!!! NO intention to listen to alternative ideas. No idea to question themselves. Bending and manipulating medical facts and studies to support the vaccines and to suppress alternatives.

    And they also adopt laws which are highly questionable breaking the constitution.

    And I also can only hope things after the crises will get worked off and those who clearly have suppressed medical help, suppressing the MDs fighting against corona following the Hippocratic oath, and by that are causing unnecessarily victims will be held responsible for that.

    And there is a simple maths.
    If 80% of all people do not get remarkably sick by the infection there are 80% of people for those the risk / benefit ratio of a vaccine is zero, means there is risk only.

    -handing out alternative drugs/ forcing research on their screening
    -tests if a cross-immunity is there already
    -vitamins and supportive supplements to strengthen immune system

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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    How we decide is always important, no matter what the topic! But that is not the issue here, right now: it's

    1) whether one would let the alleged 20% susceptible to the virus - fall by the wayside, for the comfort of the majority (and let the medical services be overrun and exhausted, virtually stopped for all other patients);

    2) no one knows (even the young people!!!) if s/he is susceptible to the virus - who is STUPID enough to play the Russian roulette with his or - if one is an IDIOT or SOCIOPATH - who wants to play with other people's lives?!?
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    India passes 18 million infections and 200,000 fatalities
    By EUobserver

    "India's coronavirus cases passed 18 million after another world record number of daily infections and deaths, Deutsche Welle writes. Health ministry data showed there were 379,257 new Covid-19 cases and 3,645 new deaths on Thursday, making it the deadliest day so far for the country in the pandemic. The pandemic has killed 3.1 million people around the world, with more than 200,000 fatalities in India alone."

    Go on, hide all that behind "big" words or perhaps bastardising words, aimed at making it all "worthless" or "insignificant"... What does that kind of "perspective" make one?
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  4. Somebody must file a legal cause upon that writer . to get the detailed information upon this. i already know will let whole world the policy behind all that false articles as rumors worldwide nothing else. just to make fear in mind of people living happilly .
  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Jesus Marx wept! You should get off the mountain sometimes and walk among the living, inform yourself...

    Btw, in Croatia most people are in awe of how great Germany is in every respect. I am no such uncritical fan of anything, so I tell them that it is a matter of perspective...

    Here is one such, differing perspective, from the UK:
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2446 Yen, Apr 30, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    If 'we' would have focussed research on the phenomenon why there are people who simply stay being asymptomatic and would have developed a reliable test in time you could have spotted those who need protection for sure.

    The mentioned Cell study already determined t-cell factors which indicate RESPONSE to SARS-COV-2 in unexposed individuals. Why should such people getting a treatment / vaccine BEFORE other people who are really susceptible to severe covid?

    You could have put them without response on a reliable prophylaxis drug and / or you could use the limited jabs for them first. But instead of we insanely test who is positive or not and count them. And 'the scientists' are proud of science how sensitive their methods can be to even find a tiny amount of broken viral RNA to be counted to get a result which says absolutely nothing about being sick of COVID or not!

    People are still dying in hospitals because they do not get drugs like ivermectin and budesonide.

    When you go here to an ordinary MD and ask for such drugs they say. What? I don't know anything about their actions. Only the front-line care MDs are using it, they risk their job due to legal actions administering a drug which has not been officially approved.

    It's the damn job of ALL MDs to get educated and to administer those drugs NOT waiting for approval...just like Czech Republic is doing.

    News from the medical front-line, also India:

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  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    That's why dissidents call all this circus: PLANDEMIC
  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, this is all a bit silly - because it's "as if"... "As if we had such tools - at the time"...

    Land down... gently, please... Then, maybe we could talk...

    Btw, Czech R was in dire straits until recently... or...???
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Dreadful propagandist
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Mindless, spiritually lazy conspiraloon!!!!
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    You are funny saying this. :)
    When one criticizes 'something' then the one mostly has in mind : "IF they would have done it 'another way'.....". means another idea which the one would consider as 'better', or am I wrong here?
    You also have better ideas in mind when criticising politics and the like, which definitely would mean saying 'IF.'

    It's is silly only IF the other idea wouldn't have been realisable 'at that time'. Or if it's absolutely out of that what could be realized.

    -ivermectin is known to work since last April
    -The phenomenon of asymptomatic progress is known since the beginning of the pandemic. Cross-immunity because of t-cell response has been observed and published at the Cell study months ago AND science is capable of developing such tests, it is no sci-fi.

    Silly is not to have pushed that 'in time'.

    Yep, Czech R. was. But finally they did go their own way not listening to the EMA and Merck themselves saying IVM is useless or not proven to work.

    But we here do still obey and do what the EMA and the RKI is saying...
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  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    BTW: The FLCCC has updated their treatment protocol in order to reflect the fact that the Indian variant is more contagious. It's because this variant has a faster rate of replication in human body.

    They raised the IVM dose level up to 0.4 mg/kg of body weight.
    AND they added Fluvoxamin. A drug that convinced me already before. :) (I am curious when Budesonide will be added, too.)
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, "your" sudden change of heart in this sorry matter was actually your "guru's" so called "idea" that this is "nothing", that it isn't a pandemic, that we should not implement all the measures necessary....

    And this was a man who was clearly NOT trained in Public Health Policy and he was also - I think - unaware of his religious bias, in this "thinking" on the topic!

    My criticism was very specific, principled, fact based.

    Here is more, an email I got from Avaaz, entitled "India":


    "Dear friends,

    It’s like an endless line of death.

    People are being ferried on stretchers from hospital to hospital, gasping for air, only to be turned away. In Delhi, the situation is so bad that a temple is now providing breathing sessions on shared oxygen tanks, for those critically ill.

    India is buckling under the worst Covid surge in the world.

    With over 350,000 cases recorded a day and death stalking every corner, patients and families are racing against time, pleading for oxygen and medication outside overcrowded hospitals. Too often, they end up in mourning.

    Brave doctors, aid workers and local groups are doing all they can to fight this deadly virus -- but they’re extremely stretched, and need urgent help with life-saving supplies!"

    What the Hell is so difficult to see or understand here?!? Have you lot lost your mind or you just never head any empathy, only a calculator?!?

    Well, for some here we know they openly advocate eugenics, so there's that...

    But still, some claim they are empathetic and yet... this...
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  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Fact based? My b****
    A fake email and a lonely image... Pfff

    Reddish propagandist, conspirator of modern times. You've shown your true color and it's not pink. Supporter of a criminal narrative.

    God show mercy on us!
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Nutter without a conscience, peddling lies and innuendo as "facts"!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!

    Here are some of the "conspirators" in this major "lie" and "non-event":


    These guys sent the email:

    They are directing people's attention to the following articles:
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #2456 Yen, May 2, 2021
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
    I have let go the gurus months ago. But if you cannot let go the guru story - which is perceived from your perspective that way - it's your personal issue.

    All my latest posts are mostly medically / scientifically related and some address the authorities who are responsible for their twisting and bending of medical studies of the success using alternative KNOWN drugs to fight COVID. (Contrary to the 'guru' who had no influence on what's being applied and realized and hence takes no responsibility for it at all).

    And BTW: It is all the time about what is 'necessary'. And to impose a curfew (without evidence being a working measure to fight the pandemic) and hence breaking the constitution by that (I am curious if the constitutional complaint here will have success.) while waiting for the one and only vaccines, the holy grail for capitalists, while criminally suppressing alternative and working cures is definitely NOT necessary.
    Double crime.

    And speaking of heart. It hurts watching that people still die in hospital because they get refused to get those drugs and responsible for that are politicians and the associated authorities.
    And it hurts that we are still locked in although we could have a far better situation already using those drugs exhaustively.
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, let's take your word for it and assume this is correct (in good faith) - except this shows you are neither consistent, not coherent in all this...

    And I am, as amply proven in this thread alone...

    Example: MEASURES!

    In the UK, more than anything else, it was the measures (lockdown etc.) which stopped the dying of C-19 related issues - from 1700+ per week to mere 10 - 30 a week. The vaccination programme alone could NOT have done it, there was no time.

    You, on the other hand, were and still are against it, in fact, you want to ignore that this is CRUCIAL in the fight against C-19.

    Nuff said...
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  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #2458 Mr.X, May 2, 2021
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
    Agreed. Don't say anything else today or tomorrow or ever again. Clown. Propagandist. Co-conspirator of a new technofeudal world system. Supporter of a global genocide.
  19. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    A couple of things to consider from long ago.
    Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same....

    And you have to ask yourself where is the MSM today
    From 1975

    Oh, and @gorski you need to do some simple arithmetic. There are 1,400,000,000 people in India. You say there are 200,000 deaths from Covid 19. Divide 200,000 / 1,400,000,000 and post the percentage death rate that you come up with.

  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Conspiraloon shouldn't really - but you do... much to our amusement, X...:rolleyes:
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