in Ukraine in Odessa against the civilians was used Phosgene combat poison gas ___________________________________
This is very far fetched. Besides of that, that scientists have back tracked the evolution and mutations of the virus to a repeated animal-to-human transmission at the seafood market in Wuhan, ...why would China deliberately let loose the virus in their own country (by an infected mammal) AND why would they not develop a vaccine before they let loose it? This makes no sense at all! If I would do that I keep the virus, I develop a vaccine and then I would go to where I want have damage....I would take the vaccine and sell it all over the world...
Bat just read on the Internet that armadillos with leprosy Did Not escape from a Research Lab in Lafayette Louisiana in the early 1970's and infect the native armadillo population . Armadillo was some good eatin (provided you weren't de one to clean them) . Taste just like pork without the fat
These pretty little fellers are a suspect too... Read here:
There are many toxic animals, and mammals are not the only ones. Take a look here. Perhaps man is indirectly responsible, because certain triggers can cause algal blooms rich in domoic acid, but we didn't weaponize it. Perhaps the Chinese saw the problem and started to lay the groundwork in understanding COVID 19. Certainly, an accident might have taken place which released COVID 19. How about Lyme Disease? Did we weaponize it? Can we prove that we did not do this? Oh, and we musn't forget Chernobyl, Fukishima or Ebola Reston. Nature is vicious and crafty. And it doesn't need our help.
Back up the bus there MJ... Eating strange critters can and will make you sick. But.....Lyme disease from a deer tick is not spread from one person to another. You comparing apples to oranges. Nuke accidents are just that. Accidents, no country would poison a mass amount of innocents for no reason (although some countries might to fend off insurgents) Ebola.... from humans playing with and eating monkeys and or bats, Those govts must stop people from eating strange critters! (same in Asia/China). Africa, where Ebola started... does not strike me as a place where they would do experiments with viruses
"COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin" What's interesting there: The 'problem' at such viruses that (can) has (have) an animal host is the way how people live together with animals and what's their 'purpose' there..I mean food or potency remedy
That's why governments from all countries must stop people from handling and eating critters that are "un-natural" Like monkeys, bats, ant-eaters and whatever else. I believe this is how the original Sars/Corona viruses started, but we (mankind) may have played a role in that advancement by experimenting. We already have cows,sheep, chickens, pigs, squirrels, rabbits, deer, elk, bear, kangaroos and possibly horses.... Why does mankind need to go farther? Edit: I personally do not consider dogs and cats as a "natural" food source.
@Joe C: Okay... Cows are a latecomer because of the cruetzfeld-jakob prion. Sheep...The origin of Smallpox / Sheeppox Chickens... Pigs... With that said, I suppose we should all watch what "critters" we put in our mouths.
theirs a lot of 5G conspiracy being the cause of the pandemic and not corona sense the first 5G network started wuhan province....i dont believe it but is going around all the social networks some claim 5G is very dangerous because of the high radiation the tower push out.
o.k. I'm only going to eat squirrels and rabbits with an occasional opossum, If I lived in the south I might consider a gator... Edit: I could get worms from eating rabbits out of season, but they ain't got no viruses!
How can eatin squirrel brains give you "mad cow" disease Bat used to fight for the heads when he was young
hm. art irritating life, better, @ mj.. i dunno how they do it, yen; but a guy called nostradamus seems to have been no better, he did not invent the virus, however, must have been before his time.. and george orwell springs to mind too.. with governments [ab-] using surveillance virtually without limits.
Off-topic: What happened to my thread? Why is my first post now at #3 and the thread author Vanessa Buttler?