You wouldn't want you to run anything at all that had to do with community, 'cause you know you are anti-social. It'd be war and bloodbath in no time, so shut it...
Your take on this, transvestite dressed in pink, if you please... Enlighten us with your wisdom and superior intelligence aka verborrhea... Oh wait! All of you playing along with Pinky must think those moms in the video, me included, are paid conspiranoids... Complete conference and watch the damn VAERS data ffs!
Well, after all the compliments you so liberally send your opponents' way - WTF do you expect? It's that Chlorine DIoxide, hitting on yer brain, innit?
Reason least to Singapore. And...
Must study this! Thanx, Yen! Here in the UK the (serious) scientific "community" is up in arms re. the gov policy to remove the legal obligation for masks and distancing, isolating, buybbles in schools and other measures that were so effective before... Meanwhile, in Scotland, the infection rates seem to be falling... Interesting!!! We'll see shortly...
You imbecile, always trying to outsmart me and others. Funny thing here is you believe you are smarter and wiser.
Guess what! It's because I certainly am smarter than you and deffo better informed, less prejudiced and not a sheep, unlike you! OK, OK, it's not that difficult but still.... since you started it...
So says you, you flat-butt arrogant. All vaccine deaths data should be there. And you know it, neocommunist globalist dressed in pink.
Vaccine report from UK Yellow card data. Just taken the screen-shot from there. Decide yourself IF 1403 fatalities and more than one million total reactions (out of 30 million UK citizens who got fully vaccinated) are high or low... My assessment that Moderna is safest and AZ the less safest got confirmed very clearly. IMHO the numbers are by far to high .....this experiment should be stopped. Do the mainstream media report about? I guess not! Source:
Flat-butt?!? You really are an idiot, to call somebody who you do not know like that.... You'd bounce back off of this butt a hundred yards, if you were to try to kick it, you twit! Neocon moron!!! (See, you better shut up, you can't win this, not with me, I'm just better at it!!!)
See, I've always been correct. You start a discussion with one goal in mind ie to win the discussion solely. You are not interested in the truth to really help others. You conspirator of millions of deaths, you apprentice of destroyer of worlds. Your flat soul denotes a flat butt. As above, so below
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA technology discusses the Spike Protein | Interview Preface: This post is not about polarisation vaxx / anti-vaxx and neither to feed one of them groups.. It's about ongoing censorship of adverse events, lies about safety, misinformation and lacking of transparency of what is known and whatnot about the vaccines. People should have known all this to make a proper decision to get vaccinated or not. Malone is not an anti-vaxxer, how could he. He's the inventor of mRNA tech. I post this because the public health authorities do lie on us about the vaccines. They censor bad news about the vaccines to have them in a good light. When I got interested in the vaccine development I primarily focussed on what I can -professionally- assess....I am at home at pre-clinical drug research. I always got the feeling the tests (e.g. animals) which should have been done before a vaccine should / can go for clinical trials are insufficient and were not done with high standard methods according to GMP / GLP. Yeah and all the people saying it's no problem to have shortened the development time it's as safe as... NO it is not! Robert Malone finally has broken silence and speaks it out... He is the inventor of mRNA tech and has several concerns....and finally unveils what I also had spotted. We STILL do NOT know where the spikes get made, where they go...the same applies to the nano lipids. He also speaks out what I have posted on MDL last year already. The spikes created by the mRNA vaccines are DIFFERENT to the natural spikes. They are modified to their likes! (Keyword Proline modifications) The researchers even do not yet know about the toxicity of the natural spike (and the S1 subunit) of the wild type is highly probably responsible for post and long covid...and anyway we have now artificially modified spikes in anybody's cells who got vaccinated for an unknown time!!! Long term effects are unpredictable!!!! We already have vaccine induced long covid! And we STILL do know nothing much about toxicology, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. There is not even one single study about teratogenicity made before! Our own group would never have got approval for clinical trials without delivering fundamental data about those! OK it is a pandemic. But that does not justify to leave it out, ethically and morally. And by far not medically. I thought I haven't been able to get the data and they must be somewhere. But I was utterly wrong, they simply do NOT exist or are obtained by using sluggish lab methods which are too insensitive! Unbelievable!!! If you want here is what the inventor himself has to say (and I hope he is continuing to raise his voice!): More about spikes: Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)