im going nuts, I understand caution, this morning I went to Walmart senior hours and got all we needed !!! the wife stayed home I locked my computer room as I left or she will rearrange it and clean it ! she has cleaned and reorganized the whole house GRRRR I don't know where the plates are or the food, breakfast cereal is hidden who knows where caned food is or how it was organized . oh I forgot to add she has a bad memory and cant remember where she puts things, I cant find my underware. the kids keep saying to stay home they will shop for us and there all over 50 and have to travel quite a distance I don't think that fair to them they have family's also, so I shall continue to escape once a week if at all possible .
Its funny how one million people say their country/leader its corupt and newspapers dont say anyhting about this and when one person says the virus its not from a bat, two seconds later 20 newspapers are starting to contradict that single person. I dont know how to call this: science or magic?
Unfortunately Göbbels did never say that. This is a right-wing wannabe quote... He even did not say:" Eine Lüge muss nur oft genug wiederholt werden. Dann wird sie geglaubt." "A lie has to be repeated only often enough. Then it becomes believed." The matter 'big lie' originates from "Mein Kampf" A. Hitler. What he said is "Das Wesen der Propaganda ist deshalb die Einfachheit und die Wiederholung" "The character of the propaganda therefore is the simplicity and the repetition". (Diary 29/01/1942) Sorry for spoiling this thread with one OT post but I don't like right-wing drivel...which even is historically not right at all.. Edit: P.S. This is not personal (to vladnil and Mr.X). I referred to right-wing drivel that time.
What i find very strange is corana came out of Wuhan and quickly spread all over world but none of the other large cities in china Beijing, Shanghai got infected
China is a communist country where they can control the population and it's movements. Not so in Europe and the U.S. where peeps have more freedom to move about. Can the Chinese govt be trusted to give accurate reports?
The exhibition Paris, France, Le Bourget Exhibition, the first flight of the 262 “Schwalbe” aircraft took place on June 20, 1939 and lasted 50 seconds, and the speed was only 273 kilometers per hour (whereas the design speed of the aircraft was to be 750 kilometers per hour). Despite all the efforts of Heinkel engineers, the He-176 did not accelerate for more than 346 kilometers. In Germany, in 1939 there was only one 262 Schwalbe Goebbels aircraft at Le Bourget, saying that we have thousands of them and we will plunge any city into ruins. Comrade, do not use Wikipedia sources in search of truth, but use originals (documents) photos (scan)
I do not deny that he has bluffed to frighten. I am careful using wiki as a source of truth. As being said....still have no clue how that should be associated to the corona crises...and I referred explicitly to that quote... This (WWII) is topic of another thread...if at all..
@Joe C don't believe China Gubberment but believes Snopes Dey not only worse dan Wikipedia Snopes is worse dan De Amazon Compost and de Faking New York Slimes
I just decided to get distracted, otherwise the virus was already tired. everywhere virus virus ........ hesitated.
Maybe because he is not alone, but the Indian scientists are? Andersen et al. and Josie Golding And they have a reasonable arguing.. Keywords "RBD portion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins".. "...some coronaviruses from pangolins, armadillo-like mammals found in Asia and Africa, have an RBD structure very similar to that of SARS-CoV-2" "If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins."
@Mr.X: I wouldn't tell you what to believe or not to believe, because, to be honest with you, I am by no means qualified to make such a statement. What I will suggest is that we all take a "wait and see" attitude, collect the data and see what that tells us. Nature has a long list of virii that were created by it. Right now, I think the Pangolin theorem (Bats drinking blood from / being exposed to infected Pangolin.) makes the most sense. The Pangolin that were tested showed a very high incidence of COVID 19. If someone was poaching Pangolin, they would have been directly exposed to the virus. If exposed to blood / sputum from an Ebola victim, there's a good chance that you will contract ebola. The same holds true for COVID 19. not to mention that COVID seems to jump species easily. That's not to say that the Chinese did not tinker with it. They may have been trying to find a cure / vaccine for it, and accidentally released it into the wild. They seem to have as much to lose as we do, so I don't think it was maliciously done. But you never know... To digress, COVID 19 seems to act like an Influenza, with certain groups being at very high risk, and certain groups not being as high risk. The exceptions are twofold. 1 ) The lead and tail are very long (as many as 14 days) Without adequate testing, we'll never know for sure if and when (or if) a person is safe (Do you remember Typhoid Mary?) 2 ) The ability of the virus to re-infect a host means thast our immune system is not learning how to combat the virus. This is simmilar to how cancer works, (i.e a protein sheath that masks the cancer cells from the Immune system) although we don't know enough about the way the cancer cells hide from the immune system. EDIT: @Yen you beat me to the punch.
I get my flu shots every year and I also have to get the stronger one because im old LOL, it seems from year to year some flu shots work well and on other years the don't work very good at all. these viruses all seem to mutate and not just on humans I get letters from the game department about the deer and elk ,bats just not to long ago had something that was killing them off and these were bug eating bats and it seems the only thing we can do is react , the virus has to develop and do harm before we can do something so far we have been lucky , the very bad viruses happen every so often but I can foresee some ware down the road a really bad one with a higher death rate ! where will it come from some ones septic tank, a pig pen, chickens in a cage, a jungle no one knows . we need to beef up our research equipment so we are ready this time so we can gather information faster