Nonsense, @Yen! Look at the numbers! Stop ignoring facts that do not suit your guru's position! They are all being made living fossils by the events unfolding before our eyes, it seems to me... Seriously, this is why cults and churches are a serious problem in and of itself - dogma! P.S. I would be a good politician. But you would be a bad dogmatic! A true believer!
Well no matter what least I would not hide behind next corner waiting with a syringe in my hands..for the next one to become forcefully vaccinated. In my 'church' is no place for the mRNA gods... there is place for alternatives and free will of choice. j/k... My decision about vaccination for covid is based on science not on wishful thinking of politicians.
Cutaneous reactions after SARS-COV-2 vaccination: A cross-sectional Spanish nationwide study of 405 cases Would this study explain the pink skin on Sir Pinky Health Minister?
Yeah agreed, barely two and the second one full of meths What where who law, rule, mandate, treaty, scientific dogma says so .. Same as above.
@Yen, this is unworthy of you!!! 1) Show me where I said anything of the sort? And I'll show you I mentioned better education and information for all!!! So, you know what to do with that "argument"... 2) You were the one who - as a "scientist" - praised the f**kers, so don't you start pointing fingers!!! As I keep pointing out - you're seriously adrift. As soon as your gurus change their position - your shift in time and space is swift! Go figure... 3) Having praised those guys as a "scientist", suddenly you change your position "significantly" and strictly as a "scientist" you start bitching about them wholesale. Well, some scientific position, some method that is... I tell you: between your weird gurus and some consistent, really good politicians who took the stance of cheap and safe vaccination for all - CONSISTENTLY DEFENDING PUBLIC GOOD/HEALTH!!! - I know whom to choose... Ancient Greeks had this distinction between having been well read/informed and actually knowledgeable... You may well have a lot of information in purely technical terms but....
A patent made on 2015 for a COVID-19? By Richard Rothschild? Who's that? Now waiting for a c**t to bring a Reuters fact-check...
405 are relatively plenty of people. Look, one has to get clear about the fact that when it comes / came to the vaccines anything is done to push them. They got EUA by having a look at infected people of the placebo arm and the treatment arm. Those together were NOT EVEN 200 people. Moderna : 196 [185/11] , Pfizer: 170 [162/8]. This is 'enough' to say how effective they are and any nation who granted EUA has swallowed this ridiculous data set. When it comes to side effects of the vaccines then of course 405 people are not enough to prove anything. The same applies to alternative drugs compared to 'new' drugs. bamlanivimab for instance had only 100 participants in each dose group. It's been sufficient and it got EUA. At the alternative drugs people and authorities are complaining by saying their studies had not enough participants. This has nothing to do with science. Public health has lost control over the pandemic. They have become puppets of the vaccine makers and their studies. They follow advice which make absolutely no sense...for instance to vaccinate people who were infected already, vaccinate kids...3rd shot...etc etc...
Some people can be extremely irrational!!! Regardless of everything, never mind facts!!! "A GOP official from Texas who regularly espoused anti-vaccine and anti-mask views online has died from COVID-19, five days after posting a meme on Facebook questioning the wisdom of getting inoculated against COVID."
Thanks for your sporty contribution. You don't have a clue about anaphylaxis, do you? If you'd suffer from it, believe me you even won't have the time to get your pants full of sh.... before you pass out. Streek is reasonable. Anyway useless because the public health politics and their authorities are completely lost in their mass vaccination experiment and the idea that it must not fail at any costs. So they plan a 2 classes society where the vaxxed should get back more of their freedom without any scientific reason. The only thing where they are experts is in doing collateral harm / deviding of a society.
It's known that some people are very sensitive to a certain substance. When you ask:"please tell me how a person can have an allergy against injections !?! ......" then you also have to ask why are there people who have such reactions on a bee sting! It's an injection, too. For some reasons those people's mast cells do release a huge amount of histamines as an overreaction. This leads to a life threatening crises which requires immediate action. Our mast cells's ancestors were our first cells which did all the defenses. There were no specialized immune cells yet (T and B cells). They had a more crude and unspecific but powerful immune IMHO it's still a condition from there from millions years's btw a fascinating topic....history of immune cells / system... Those being vaccinated are asked to stay at least 15 minutes until they can leave even to watch them... It is very rare but it happens from time to time. It's nothing to do with vaccination fears and panic and the likes. For you: Probability of anaphylaxis 0.4 to 11.8 per million administered covid jabs...Pfizer has most.