thats way wearing a mask works it minimizes the chance of you spreading the virus or being spread to you by others
I concur. Why they utilize the damn toxic spoke protein as antigen instead of a nucleocapsid protein or an enzyme like RNA polymerase. They, Pharmafia, did know exactly what they were doing.
Jesus Marx wept!!! Constantly moving the goalposts, are we? How convenient... "C-19 doesn't exist!" OK. So, you figured out it does. Next: "long C-19 doesn't exist". Yeah, tell somebody - months after having been infected - gasping for breath, tired after a few steps, with only (perhaps) 60% lung capacity, that it's only psychological... Moronic!!! Now we are complaining: "we are getting infected by others"... Guess what! Everyone kept telling you to GET VACCINATED!!! And what did we hear? Silence, eh?
I'm anxious waiting to see pinky buffon to justify this... Adherence to COVID-19 vaccines in cancer patients: promote it and make it happen! Whereas the exclusion criteria for vaccine trials during phase II, people with cancer were indeed excluded among others. For instance: Pfizer They can't say: "with this information or based on this data, we can assure, this mRNA vaccine is safe for people suffering cancer". NO WAY. CAN'T BELIEVE THEY PROMOTING C19 VACCINE FOR CANCER PATIENTS!!!! I'M PERPLEXED!!! Spoiler: I wonder How much they promised to you panthera rosaceae
The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces endothelial inflammation through integrin α5β1 and NF-κB What a nice surprise /sarcasm
CNBC: Here's what you need to know about the lambda Covid variant. Infection Control Today: More Data Point to Lambda Variant's Potential Lethality. Infection Control Today: Lambda Variant, COVID-19 Animal Hosts Present Deadly Mix.
That's all very droll but what does that have to do with me?!? Stop using drugs if you then can't understand the simplest things on Earth...
I will comment on this topic only once and will not comeback to this topic again. Following I will tell all of you my 2 close experiences with Covid and the vaccine. 1.- On my aunt and uncle house are living three people: My aunt (86), my uncle (94) and my cousin (58), all got the 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, their last dose was on April this year. My uncle got the virus last month (source unknown), with the age (94) he became diabetic (requires insulin daily), with high blood pressure and overweight (the 4 worst conditions), and was with feber, his oxygenation levels were very low, he was isolated in a bedroom for 2 weeks, with suplementary oxigenation for 3 days, rest of the time no more oxigen required, after 2 weeks all symptoms had gone and he is very fine since then, but nobody else got the virus at his home. 2.- We are 3 in my home: My wife (63), my brother (58) and me (68), all got the 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, my wife and myself last dose was on April this year, my brother last dose was on mid June this year. My wife (with overweight) got the virus because she went to the church (against my recommendations), after we noticed the first syntoms she was isolated in a bedroom, symtoms just like flu, no feber and good oxygenation levels, but she lost smell and taste, tomorrow will be the 15th day since first symptoms, she seems to be fine now but still feeling weak and tired. But (so far) nobody else got the virus at home. In my opinion, withouth the vaccine: The two cases of the virus would have been much more severe, and at least the first one fatal. The rest of us would have gotten the virus more easily because the symptoms were not detected immediately on both cases. We all know that there is a (minimal %) risk in vaccination, but it is less than get electrocuted at home during a thunderstorm. All of you are free to make your own opinions about this, but please use your own brain and don't pair attention to negative ideas, also please stop talking against vaccination, let other people take their own decisions and don't influence them with negative ideas because you could be sending people to dead.
I pay attention to science regardless they sound negative or contradictory to the official narrative... SARS COV 2 spike protein is cytotoxic Artificial fabrication of spike protein inside cells made by vaccines such as Pfizer or AstraZeneca is highly toxic Spike protein is well known to produce COVID-19 symptoms, including worst ones Worst COVID-19 symptoms like low oxygenation are result from damage to the vascular endothelial tissue and blood clots caused by the spike protein Most people will course the COVID-19 with mild to strong symptoms but will survive Finally, because my finger is tired pressing phone keys, there are effective inexpensive treatments despite what health authorities controlled by globalist lunatics say otherwise
About: SARS COV 2 spike protein is cytotoxic. It is fake, see:
Reuters WOW! Ok I'm ok Are you serious? A f infographic from a "scientist" to discredit the INVENTOR OF mRNA GENE THERAPY TECHNOLOGY?!!!!! Is that a scientific study at all? This is real scientific evidence The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice This is plain stupid. Precisely, because I'm using my brain and common sense and personal experience, not speaking out loud vs these experimental gene therapies is sending people to probable death. If people want to inoculate they must do an informed decision.
I will not argue anymore about this, if you think you are right, so be it. I just hope you live long enough to realize how wrong your childhood fanaticism is. Have a happy infection when you get it.
Anything wrong to have pointed on double standards? As being said, there is no personal assessment done by myself. To consider 405 as "relatively plenty" would be a consequence applying the same logic that <200 infected people were enough to assess high efficacy and to justify mass vaccination.
Again, where is, show me, point to me scientific studies proving those claims. Why should I believe those "fact-checks" lol And not this for example: The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 induces endothelial inflammation through integrin α5β1 and NF-κB
Dr Ryan Cole on COVID-19 Vaccines adverse effects