Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    EXACTLY !!! ...... Thats one of the reasons why only morons speculate about it :)

    Easy solution for such people = Take a piece of paper and write ' Please turn over ' on both sides .
  2. Garp _McGarpington

    Garp _McGarpington MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2020
    Everyone is ignoring the statistical likelihood that this virus would first manifest literally hundreds of feet from one of only two biological research facilities in all of China. If we place the Wuhan market in a 1/2 mile square "zone", and the other biological research facility in another 1/2 mile "zone", and then divide the total number of 1/2 square mile zones in all of China by those 2 zones, that's the likelihood that this virus randomly appears at one of those two research facilities. That's called "evidence". The fact that it requires the desire and ability to reason is why most people cannot see it as evidence.

    China is 3.705 million square miles. There are four 1/2 square miles to a single square mile. Four times 3.705 million is 14.82 million, divided by 2 is 7.41 million.

    The odds of a novel corona virus being first discovered within 1/2 mile of one of two biological research facilities in all of China, randomly, is 1 in 7.41 million.
    There's a huge spike in radiation somewhere in Russia. The Russian government says it's the result of a natural phenomena, and the fact that it's next to Chernobyl is purely a coincidence. Several half-wits and stoop-shouldered retards on the internet mock anyone that suggests that it's possible that there is a connection between the radiation and the nuclear power plant.

    There's a massive earthquake in Japan. At about the same time, the Fukishima nuclear plant starts leaking radiation into the ocean. The Japanese government says that this is a normal release of "extra" radiation, and that reports attempting to connect the earthquake to the radiation are false. US media reports the Japanese government's position verbatim, and censors anyone that contradicts it from Facebook, Twitter, etc... as being "anti-social" and "conspiracy theorists". Several half-wits and stoop shouldered retards call these people "stupid", and suggest that they aren't as smart as everyone else.
  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #303 case-sensitive, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2020
    People are dieing because people like you are spreading evil ignorance like that . You are a danger to yourself and the people around you .

    Where do you have your ' secret ' ' facts ' from ? If its secret how do you know ? Post rational posts with original links or go forth and multiply .
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    They cannot obfuscate the virus itself. Finally they would have released the virus itself and by it its designed DNA.
    The 'proof' will be a falsification of the weaponizing theory by proving natural existence.
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  5. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Yes, A Sars/Coronovirus does show a direct link to a mammal crossover.... but no link has been established with Sars/Corona2 as of this time and date. This is why there is so much conjecture on it's beginnings.... because nobody can point to a direct link to any mammal at this time?
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Are you sure?
    Indians already found and quote "4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature", implying manipulation by man.

    Perpetrators tried to obfuscate but they didn't make a good job!

    Or shall we start going quite conspiranoid and talk about extraterrestrial intervention?

  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  8. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #308 Joe C, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    NIH, CDC and any scientist from the U.S. are mum on this subject....?
    Yen... your link is informative, but it does not rule out that Covid2 could be from something other than a mammal because they can not locate a direct mammal link.
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I meant once they would have released the virus they cannot obfuscate it anymore. That is pure logic.
    The identity is obvious, the DNA is known already.
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #310 Mr.X, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    Come on... Science is the best thing can happen to any intelligent species, scientists on the other hand, pfff. (not everyone but many)

    Do you get the irony here? :tooth:
  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Yeah I get it.
    Scientists will develop a vaccine against COVID-19 and there are scientific (medical) employees that currently are treating sick people.

    Speaking of a group of people generally and classifying them always leads to issues. Each group of people has their individual 'black sheep'.
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  12. Garp _McGarpington

    Garp _McGarpington MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2020
    1) Find "natural" corona virus in the wild, somewhere.
    2) Deliberately infect a large number of bats near the Wuhan market.
    3) Release the virus into the market by means other than bats.
    4) Claim that the bats were the cause of the virus.

    Please note the absence of any assertion that the virus was "genetically engineered" or modified.

    "One prominent rumor" = the virus escaped from a lab. "There's not enough evidence". FOR SCIENTISTS. That doesn't mean that the common sense conclusion that a novel virus that manifests within hundreds of feet from a market CAME from a nearby biological research facility. Science, and scientists are always, and will always be in dispute. Using this terminology is manipulative propaganda, deliberately crafted to silence the question, and not acknowledge it's validity and/or answer it.

    Also note this is the Chinese Communist government, not exactly known for their openness, their honesty, or placing a high level on human life.

    Further, we are also expected to believe that the Chinese Communists operating this research facility had no contingency plans in place in the event of an accidental release, unless someone wants to assert that arresting Doctors that attempt to inform the rest of the world of the situation is a "contingency plan". If I had deliberately released a biological infection, and wanted to infect as many people as possible, as fast as possible, I would do it in this way, and then try to prevent awareness of the infection for as long as possible. And, if that meant arresting doctors, I would arrest doctors in order to suppress anyone else that might want to "blow the whistle".
  13. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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  14. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012

    This shows species jumping from human to feline mammal.

    My concern is will covid 19 jump in the other direction?
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #315 gorski, Apr 13, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    Uhhhh.... There are tons of very uncomfortable issues to go through here... Issues dealing with knowledge and power in a modern state, sociopathy, evil, arrogance, short-sightedness and so on....

    For instance:

    If anyone doubts this in any way, here is the voice of one of the originators, in his own words, admitting what they did (claiming it was "good science at the time"), to begin with....

    The ultimate issue is that of "...of course it was not widely known/published", as it was allegedly "only" and exclusively "a scientific affair"...

    Why is this important? I'll tell/remind (some of) you...

    And this, for instance (we are only talking the "democratic" govs/countries, so you can imagine authoritarian or worse regimes...):

    And so... these were eventually banned... Until...

    A Federal Ban on Making Lethal Viruses Is Lifted

    Conspiracies? Well, these are by definition "conspiracies". And yes, based on such fertile grounds, our modern context, it is not difficult for some bozzo to let his imagination fly... No, no wonder they make these videos, which hold nuggets of truth:

    However, these days even some billionaires are raising concerns re. the next generation weapons, like lasers, robots and whatnot...

    And whaddyafink, is there any reason to be worried and what are we to do, then...?!?
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    These are immediate issues but by no means the only essential issues in all this...

    Crisis like this have always been misused by power hungry sociopaths to their advantage:

    "Governments around the world are exploiting the pandemic to monitor us like never before. I discuss it with @GGreenwald here on SYSTEM UPDATE:"
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  17. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    they will never get to me;)

  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    And what is the purpose of repeating your assumptions?
    That people now are passing sentence on Chinese scientists without evidence? That people follow your anti Chinese prejudice and do believe the same?

    You have an idea of Chinese scientists and that makes you believe they could have released the virus. That's all, but most of us are here to share facts and no belief.
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  19. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    people are spreading all this fake conspiracies the china weaponized the corona virus to destroy world economy and now world governments are trying to take over and control the masses in lock downs:D:D:D:D