Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3341 Yen, Oct 8, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021

    This 'initiative' obviously tries to censor anything that could be a competitor to the vaccines.
    The BBC article you have posted is a load of assumptions. There is no reference to the mentioned studies nor a proof that studies should have been manipulated.

    The psychology of the BBC and others to 'kill' IVM is to lie and to bend facts.
    In fact most IVM articles have been rejected because nobody wanted to have good results being published.

    I evaluated studies myself applying 'my professional skills' and I came to the conclusion that IVM works.
    This BBC article is no issue for me. I know that they are spreading lies.

    I also know lots of docs using IVM with success.
    And I am not alone with my assessment.

    How often one has to repeat lies until they become public truth?

    As being said....the MSM landscape is poisoned, you never will get there real info.
    Anything there is distorted. Journalism is within its greatest crisis of losing independence and proper art of journalism itself.
    And also they have 'scientists' on their side. Those being involved in big pharma and big money.
    This is actually 'the issue' I am worried about.

    There is a power behind that glorifies vaccines and diminishes any repurposed drug. (competitor)...
    Results that might harm the vaccines are suppressed..and also good results of alternatives are.

    Any previous SARS vaccine development has been halted due to ADE.
    But this time they simply skipped the tests before and they even DO NOT check virus levels (I mean real levels) and compare them to the unvaxxed.

    For the people (reader) it's hard to make a valid opinion.
    Finally all appears to be a mutual 'blaming' of each others to spread misinformation.

    But who's 'missing'...with intent?

    Paul Marik
    P. Kory
    Joseph Varon
    Hector Carvallo
    Eric Osgood
    Tess Lawrie
    Syed Haider

    and many more...

    All people with great reputation and loads of scientific publications in the past.
    Their expertise is based on profession and without conflicts of interest.
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  2. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    The media these days is always beholden to the people paying for their opinions to be aired. Same with politics, it's always two sides of the same coin. Very hard to find a truly neutral article on anything. Even the actual studies could be paid assessments.
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Funny that such "obvious" benefits of IVM still have no "obvious" studies to prove it, though... And quite some time has passed...
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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Some incredibly agonizing Stupids I know agree with the "life jacket" seller

  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3345 Yen, Oct 8, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
    Are you serious? :D
    Studies are not obvious per se. And each days docs administering IVM are preventing deaths and suffering already. You only have to listen to them. (Not on youtube anymore?!?)
    You have to make the efforts to read them. :p
    There is no fertile soil on the MSM landscape.

    Or do you really want to say that when I posted."I evaluated studies myself applying 'my professional skills' and I came to the conclusion that IVM works." I was dreaming of a cent dug of which I got possessed for whatever reason.
    I especially purchased IVM, Fluoxetine and Budesonide because I am a fool not wanting to have it 'real' that only the vaccines can help me / humans???

    The references I have posted to the 5 MOAs are building the back frame of proper reasoning that IVM has mechanisms that can be helpful to fight COVID-19.
    And then one goes further (this is proper science and research BTW) for instance following this summary: and checking each study.

    And THEN point to certain contents of those studies on which you have doubts! I am willing to debate then. :)

    Or just have a look here...and check for 'facts'...

    IVM is NOT the holy grail.
    But an additional beneficial drug!

    BTW did you know this?
    And who said to vaccinate below 26 is irresponsible? :D:p
    (I know this is MSM as well. But the fact that those 2 nations have paused Moderna can be easily verified).
    Not to forget that Sweden has a rather loose politics on the pandemic and anyway they are concerned.
    So shouldn't we all open our eyes and be concerned?

    Your latest argument does actually not apply to positive studies of a cent drug. Especially when they don't come from the makers themselves....
    To negative studies it would, though. Especially the JAMA study if you see who has made it. (people who are involved in vaccines).

    Finally studies cost money. So they have to be paid.
    And contrary to the vaccines the studies are not made by the 'makers'...the maker of IVM Merck even suppresses it and spreads lies themselves. For instance about safety of IVM.

    The reason for it it obvious. They have a conflict of interest named Molnupiravir.
    It has failed at the flu as being an anti viral and now they want to make money with COVID. It Is not off-patent as IVM is.
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen, I read previous IVM links you posted. Not a single one is "definitive", "clear-cut", "authoritative" and so on. Instead, we always see that much more research is needed, that it is - at best - "indicative that abc..."

    I mean, you can't even know the moment one should start taking it (within days of being infected - which we, by definition, can NOT know), let alone anything else.

    How do you measure if somebody took it "in time", given that you can only observe and not experiment on people like that, in a strictly controlled manner?

    You were the first to bitch (and righty so) about non-uniform methods in C-19 research - so, how come it's now "acceptable" or at least "understandable"?!?
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3348 Yen, Oct 9, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
    The site is 'just' a place for a start.
    The process to make an own opinion takes efforts, though.(I had a lot of time during lock-down).:) It took countless of hours.

    Generally when you scroll through it you notice that there are the majority of studies 'favouring IVM and NOT control'. This is first....

    Each study comes with its own study design.
    You have to declare an endpoint before you start the study.
    This is mandatory. You later could pull the data you like to 'create' another endpoint which suits your needs more.
    To figure them out you have to refer to the particular study you mean. And then you could spot there 'issues' for valid criticism.
    I am sure the one or other study has that. No question.

    When you summarize those studies then you have to define more global categories to where you assign then the studies to.
    Early treatment (treat immediately on symptoms or shortly after)
    Late treatment (late stage after disease has progresses)
    Prophylaxis. (regularly take medications on advance to prevent or minimize infections)

    And maybe exclusion criteria such as peer reviewed only. Or RCTs only (randomized controlled trials). Or IVM only at treatment arm.

    Then you'll see. IVM works at best at prophylaxis. Then early treatment and with lowest efficacy at late treatment.
    One thing turned out to be clear, and that makes sense: Effectiveness may depend critically on treatment delay.

    If you want more specified categories then you go probably to ICU or ventilation conditions...

    Once spotted the categories you are interested in you research for the source of the particular study and evaluate it further. (Some are not free and cost money).
    You simply click on the link to the study...and go to...

    For instance then here:
    or here:

    At each study then you'll find how it is designed with all details.
    You can see if it meets your sort of a claim of a proper study.

    I picked only those using IVM alone as a drug to make my opinion.
    I also used observational studies. I don't have an issue taking such into consideration.

    And if you then only get studies which are personally not 'convincing' for whatever reason (maybe there is always a reason for personal criticism) only then one can say IMO IVM does not really work. Or ....good so far but not sufficient or whatever...

    I did that and I came to the conclusion it does work.
    And I'll take it (again) as soon I have symptoms (again) which could be from COVID.
    I also posted why I do not go for prophylaxis generally...

    But all my 'ideas' come from the results of studies I have read.
    There is a conviction based on profession.

    There is no reason for me not to grant EUA for it.
    If we would have that we had more results. And the safety of IVM is unquestionably high. Nothing to lose.
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes and none of the studies are conclusive! Therefore, it's all anecdotal!

    And hit & miss = haphazard, at best. This is not science!

    We need something much more robust!

    Otherwise, it's this:

    medical conspiracy humour.jpg
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    You make a statement contrary to their analyses. Can you post an approach reasoning your idea that results are not robust? Did they fake numbers?
    From 'where' do you get that?

    And do you apply the same criteria of being robust THERE you applied to the vaccines studies?
    There is 'something' what made you to take the vaccines. Apply the same rationality at IVM, too, please.:)
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3351 gorski, Oct 9, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
    So, let me get this straight: this stuff you posted is both statistically significant and methodologically perfect and yet somehow the whole of scientific community (or 99.9% of it), in our hour of need, have all gone either professionally or morally incompetent or both - suddenly???
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  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    There is obviously unreasonable resistance. And there is censorship. YouTube videos on IVM where a MD simply talked about own successes got deleted etc.
    And lots of articles published such as your BBC article...
    There are others who are the same way upset about than me.

    Many front line docs have sent papers to authorities, but got rejected with common blah blah.
    It's a structural and regulatory issue (big pharma and lobbyist influence). Maybe also a legal issue. (A repurposed drug that could turnout to be effective might question the EUAs of the vaccines).

    I think it was there already and not 'suddenly'. It has just taken a drastic form at the ongoing pandemic.

    How works drug research and development in our society? 'Who' can have hope for a cure especially when there is no opportunity to make money involved?
    If you have a rare sickness, there is no money to make....if one has a superior drug, but not enough financial means to realize it and get it to market, another one gets approved. Not always the best one.

    The priority in decision making is not to the benefit for humans at first place.
    At recent pandemic there is clearly focus on new stuff. New vaccines and new drugs.
    We have vaccines now, but nothing really for treatment yet. No efforts on treatment. Just a 'waiting' for new drugs.

    Can we morally afford this? I guess not.
    There are many docs using IVM already. Also it's part of treatment protocols.

    But the actual job of the WHO for instance is utterly missed. Benefits for humanity and human health.
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, it is not so one dimensional at all, Yen! You are not yet living in dystopia or a Stalin' s**thole...

    Especially nowadays, we have ways to get the info out, there is no doubt about that!

    But I do worry that sometimes the obvious can't be seen because of overthinking...
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  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, you are full of it!
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3356 Yen, Oct 10, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
    If you are really interested in this here is a video.

    The title is "Molnupiravir, Bamlanivimab, Remdesivir, and Ivermectin Studies"
    Dr. Mobeen Syed presents studies of Bamlanivimab and Remdesivir which lead to their EUA.
    He presents the study of Molnupiravir which probably will lead to EUA and he picks up one IVM study from that panel that I posted already.

    He compares their design and statistical powers. He clearly illustrates which criteria for EUA the FDA has / had!
    And he compares exactly those criteria to the IVM study.
    This is a 'guided' way to look at the studies. But very objective.

    If you don't want to have that 'guided' he always posts any sources at the description of the video.
    You can get and read all the studies on your own.

    For Remdesivir there is even a WHO study "Covid-19: Remdesivir has little or no impact on survival, WHO trial shows"
    Anyway it has still EUA

    Your reply from above is about what you personally think. And that is (unfortunately) very wrong.
    The criteria for EUA applied on those new drugs (oh well Molnupiravir is from 2014 already) are very low.
    Which is rightly so we have a pandemic!!!

    BUT IF they would stay conform to their criteria they MUST EUA IVM as well.

    There is an active resistance on IVM which costs countless of lives!

    You can now keep your gut feeling that 'we' don't have a major issue at the authorities and 'big science'. Or....

    You objectively evaluate yourself the criteria of those already EUA'd drugs and Molnupiravir that will probably get it and compare to IVM.

    If you cannot do that or don't want, then....there is me, Yen, who evaluated that on a professional base and you who 'believes' that it is not that way and we can stop here. :)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3357 gorski, Oct 10, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
    Thank you, I shall have a listen...

    In the meantime:

    "Novo istraživanje procjenjuje da je od travnja 2020. do kraja lipnja ove godine više od 140 tisuća američke djece zbog Covida-19 izgubilo majku, oca ili skrbnike koji su im osiguravali stanovanje, osnovne potrebe i svakodnevnu njegu, od čega čak njih 65 posto dolazi iz manjinskih zajednica..."

    Imagine the poorer Central and South America...

    This is not a game to mess around with!!!

    Btw, you have not counteracted any of my charges (indeed, you ducked and dived carefully not to engage any of them), hence I do not think I am wrong to ask those pertinent questions!
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3358 Yen, Oct 10, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
    "A new study estimates that from April 2020 to the end of June this year, more than 140,000 American children lost their mother, father or caregivers to Covid-19, who provided them with housing, basic needs and daily care, of which as many as 65 percent came from minority communities ... "

    This is not a game to mess around with. Absolutely!

    I have picked one source from the video above. I didn't know that as well before.
    "Quality and strength of evidence of the Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guidelines "

    This is about basic criteria / clinical practise guidelines for their recommendations. (Remember, you mentioned being robust.)

    50% of their recommendations are supported by level III evidence (derived from expert opinion)
    31% of them by evidence from observational studies (level II) (Remember I said I have no problems including observational studies)

    Only 16% of them by RCTs (level I), which is the 'gold standard'.

    Even half of the recommendations of IDSA are based on / derived from expert opinions. Not underlined by any studies done.

    To that base, the current guidelines, we have to relate.
    And although for IVM there are 31 RCTs supporting it there is STLL resistance.

    There is something utterly wrong going on.
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Thank you but it seems to me that - as stated before - this is not yet robust and hence the reluctance and resistance to recommending relying on IVM (too much)...

    If others do not reproduce the results in similar studies, then... it's expected, is it not?
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  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Biodistribution of lipid nanomolecules and vaccine RNA

    Dear Akasha Community Members: You have repeatedly raised questions in the chat about how long the endogenous production of Spike lasts after receiving the instructions to do so via the mRNA or vectored vaccines. They also ask if it is possible that the Spike (or the mRNA) can be transmitted to another person after close physical contact (sexual intercourse, a kiss, or with breastfeeding). The quick answer to both questions is 'don't know', as no studies have been done to answer them. I have commented in several talks about the Pfizer vaccine pharmacokinetics study (an internal report of the company, which as far as I know has not been published as a scientific article) that shows that the mRNA of its vaccine biodistributes rapidly, achieving high concentrations in the brain, lungs, liver, spleen and ovaries, among others. This report is very useful because it makes it clear that the vaccine mRNA definitely does not remain in the inoculation site or in nearby lymph nodes, and it also helps to understand the systemic adverse effects that have occurred in a percentage of inoculated people. However, it does not allow answering the question of how long the vaccine mRNA remains in the body because they did not investigate beyond 96 hours post-vaccination.

    Doing a Pubmed search on the subject, you can see that there is very little published, but one study, which I have already mentioned before, by Bahl et al. (2017; ), as well as one by He et al. (2020; show evidence that, indeed, exogenous mRNA (be it from a vaccine or gene therapy) does not remains at the inoculation site after administration. In contrast to the study by Bahl et al, who administered the vaccine intramuscularly, in the case of the study by He et al, the administration was intravenous. In both cases, the exogenous mRNA rapidly biodistributed to various tissues.

    Another study (Liu et al. 2008), which analyzed the biodistribution of a DNA vaccine (unlike RNA vaccines, it first needs to reach the nucleus where transcription to mRNA takes place) found that the generated mRNA remains viable for at least 7 days ( It would not be valid to simply make the inference to say that then the mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, or the already transcribed mRNA from the vectored vaccines will also last one week. These studies are required. In fact, its realization is urgent in the context of the current mass vaccination! Now, one of the comments that I hear most from those who underestimate the duration of vaccine mRNA is that it is degraded rapidly, but that is not completely true. Indeed, under natural conditions, foreign mRNA faces innate responses within the cell, which limits its viability and ends up destroying it. However, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines modified some of the nucleotide bases (the letters that make up mRNA), changing uridine to pseudouridine and including 5-methyl-cytidine. This prevents the cells' innate responses from being activated, allowing the vaccine mRNA to remain longer. You can read more about these mechanisms at:

    Therefore, we cannot yet answer the questions posed, but the available evidence suggests that it would be sensible to consider that people vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna vaccines maintain viable mRNA in various organs and tissues for several days, and that these vaccines, as well as the Vectorized lines lead to endogenous full-spike production of SARS-CoV-2 over several days.

    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you my regards, Karina AW