Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Fascists and maniacs are all those passing themselves as "clever" and stating "virus doesn't exist"!!! Morons to boot!
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  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Go to hell, servant of globalists.

    In the meantime, show me scientific evidence to back up your claims.
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Servants are, by definition, people who can't think - and that is you and your ilk!!!!
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    "Intenzivna nega u Batajnici: Smrtnost intubiranih viša od 90 odsto


    “Prošle nedelje u jednom danu umrli su muž i žena. Oboje nevakcinisani. Ona ‘84. godište, on ‘76. Zamislite tu porodicu i tu decu koja su u jednoj noći ostala bez oba roditelja zato što se nisu vakcinisali”, priča na ivici suza dr Tanja Adžić Vukičević, sa kojom je ekipa obišla najugroženije pacijente u "crvenoj zoni" kovid bolnice u Batajnici.

    Intenzivna nega kovid-bolnice u Batajnici, gde su pacijenti u najtežem stanju, njih gotovo 120 – svi na aparatima bez kojih ne bi mogli da dišu, od toga polovina u indukovanoj komi, na respiratorima, većina nevakcinisana. Ovaj talas je najsmrtonosniji, pored svih naših napora, opreme, više od 90 odsto intubiranih ne preživi, izgovara načelnica bolnice prof. dr Tanja Adžić Vukičević i pokazuje crnu vreću u hodniku, navodi

    Kaže, u toku je rovovska bitka kojoj se ne vidi kraj i koja preti da nas desetkuje ukoliko se svi ne vakcinišemo. U prvoj jedinici intenzivne nege pištanje respiratora i medicinska sestra koja hrani pacijenta u indukovanoj komi. Objašnjava da tečnost koju iz šprica ubrizgava preko cevčice dospeva direkno do njegovog želuca. Više od polovine pacijenata mora na ovaj način da bude nahranjena, jer njihova pluća pokreće samo mašina koja im upumpava kiseonik pod velikim pritiskom – ostatak njihovog tela je nepokretan."

    Go on, play your silly games with this!!!
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3385 Yen, Oct 18, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2021
    Budesonide belongs, besides of IVM and Fluvoxamine /Fluoxetine, to my 3 drugs I personally found being significant (evaluating studies) in treating COVID. That's why I have them handy at home.

    I don't know about details about the exerted pressure on getting vaccinated.
    Anyway your way of arguing makes no sense.
    I mean you have a personal reason why you don't want to get vaccinated.

    And at the same time you wish to get cancer?
    I think you are not aware of what you are talking.
    You have made a decision not to get vaccinated. That's fine. And now stand behind it and live this decision, where is the prob.?

    Here in Germany there is pressure as well.
    Since last week the tests are not free anymore. You actually got treated like being vaxxed when being tested.
    Now they raised pressure to get vaccinated by charging the tests.
    Nobody is being recognized as 'unvaxxed' unless you encounter restricted access to 'something' where you have to show your vaccine certificate.

    I am unvaxxed as well and still don't have major disadvantages by that.
    But I would not hesitate to use a fake cert if I have no other choice (for instance in University being exmatriculated if non vacccinated and the like).

    No they didn't!
    To pick out a particular event (May 2020) and to declare it as a consequence of a political direction distorts the reality.
    Each nation had particular events where the virus did a great harm because the virus could 'enter' a particular community due to individual mistakes.
    Super spreader events happened everywhere regardless of politics / restrictions.

    It's a myth that Sweden got hit very hard.
    A study of the University Stockholm clearly shows that two-thirds of the European countries (exactly twenty one of the 30 countries with available statistics) had a greater excess mortality than Sweden.
    Besides of that Sweden has got lowest overall damage, because they have the lowest collateral damage due to their mature politics.
    And by collateral damage I primarily mean human suffering of any kind and NOT the temporary damage of economy.

    Sweden did best democratic corona politics (by treating the people as mature individuals) in Europe and also by ending almost all restrictions.
    Denmark followed and did it well.

    Either the vaccines are effective and after everybody of us got a vaccination offer and got 80%+ vaccination rate I can end all restrictions OR I continue on lying and teasing the's the latter what's happening here! They continue to create a 2 class society discriminating the unvaxxed.
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Sorry to say but many countries, first world countries like European ones, are example of The Perfect Dictatorship. Australia! Omg!
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3387 Yen, Oct 18, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2021
    I agree.
    Here the unvaccinated don't get salary for the time being either sick of COVID OR being in quarantine (ordered by authorities in case of contact to somebody who has got it).
    This is highly questionable. A total healthy person cannot get salary only because of having had contact?

    I mean where should this go?
    The obese not getting any money anymore? The smokers? The ones drinking alcohol? The ones who get injured doing their sports?
    How low we can sink at all?

    News about Novavax Phase III.

    Overall Efficacy: 90.4%
    Efficacy (moderate and severe): 100%
    High risk cohort: 91%

    Mortality (all cause mortality): 0.5% in vaccinated AND 0.5% in unvaccinated (placebo).

    But (a little drawback): Hispanic / Latino cohort: 67.3% (still better than overall efficacy of J&J).

    Adverse events: <=2days: Tenderness and pain at the injection side.
    Systemic (more after the 2nd jab): Headache, myalgia, fatigue and malaise.

    No anaphylaxis
    No GB
    No pericarditis / myocarditis

    As expected with least of all adverse events and still my fav. And still an option for those who are waiting for a traditional vaccine, which is no gene therapeutic. It comes with the antigen (Spike) directly.

    Source (still a pre-print, though)

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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Nonsense, Yen!

    Go back and read, I wrote about it in detail! Sweden has reneged on stringent measures in order to let their majority continue as before, thereby sacrificing the elderly!

    You can't have it both ways - in this case it is "either - or"!!!
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  9. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    We decided on Monday
    To make a list of assholes.
    By Wednesday, we were on the list ourselves,
    By Saturday, everyone was on the list!
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Immunonutrition and COVID-19

    Dear Akasha Community members: I share with you this scientific review ( on the relationship between nutritional status and susceptibility to developing a severe COVID-19 picture. The review authors do an excellent job of showing how adequate nutrition is essential for optimal immune response. This includes levels of micronutrients that impact immune responses through biochemical cascades, and that their deficiency is associated with an increased risk of developing infections or with exacerbated inflammation and oxidative stress (such as vitamin D, vitamin A, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols). In the context of what I have shared with you about the importance of transcription factors of immune relevance, such as NF-kB, for the development of severe COVID-19, the fact that several of these micronutrients have antioxidant capacity and reduce NF-kB activity is very important. Interestingly, the authors argue that vitamin D can even impact viral replication and the effects of such infection by interacting with ACE2.

    Medicine is successful when it considers the patient as an integral being. We are not an endothelium, or a liver or a lung. We are not a picture of diabetes or a picture of COVID-19. We are multicellular individuals with high biochemical and metabolic complexity, who can sometimes have a pathological process. This process does not only depend on having been exposed to a virus or bacteria, but the result of this interaction between our cells and the pathogenic organism will be influenced at the same time by what we eat, by the physical and mental activity that we have, by the amount of water we drink, for our age. Medicine, to be effective, needs to be viewed through that more comprehensive lens.
    The image I share with you shows the relationships between micronutrients and other components of the diet and COVID-19.
    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you greetings, Karina AW
  11. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #3391 vladnil, Oct 19, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2021
    Comments from people who are vaccinated after they learn that vaccines are not vaccines
    (This is all for our benefit, they need to know the situation, to help us they need to keep track of people, etc.)
    At first I thought, well are they completely crazy?
    But then I thought.
    And all correctly they write!
    The situation:
    What happens to a person who has no way out?
    Stalemate situation!
    There is only one option to avoid the noose!
    The mind, in order to protect the body, begins to justify the situation by any means and protect these methods!
    The Stockholm Syndrome can be placed in the same category.
    In this too, there is a plan to put people into a panic that there is no way out and they have no immunity, and they can only survive with a vaccine!
    So they will constantly go every month to pay money and get vaccinated.
    Think about it, if the strain of the Covid 19 virus has not been found anywhere in the world, but there is a stubborn fight against viruses.
    And what viruses are being fought?
    Viruses that humans have always had?
    You have billions of viruses and bacteria in your mouth and people live normally!
    So who is the fight against?
    With nature?
    With God who created it all?

    The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
    Where it is clearly spelled out that altered humans become Entities, not humans.
    They lose all rights and become altered organisms.
    Who will be transported to the exclusion zones!
    And they are the property of the jurisdiction in which they became living altered organisms.
    Now look where the camps are already lined up and it's all for the vaccinated.
    Why don't people get into it?
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  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3392 Yen, Oct 19, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2021
    I can have it both ways. It's always a matter of perspective.
    I either have a look at a certain event (mistake)
    Or: I can compare for instance annual data to other nations and by doing that Sweden does not appear to be significantly worse.

    It is fact that especially at the beginning of the pandemic the vulnerable people got hit hard due to individual super spreader events and mistakes..but that does not apply to Sweden alone.

    And finally it's all about an (my) opinion. The Swedish overall politics on corona is best in Europe. I prefer maturity over patronization. I prefer reasonable recommendations over laws and punishment.

    You can have your own opinion I don't take it away.:)

    Edit: let's rather go on with news.
    "Molnupiravir promotes SARS-CoV-2 mutagenesis via the RNA template"

    Synonyms: EIDD-2801

    "Emails offer look into whistleblower charges of cronyism behind potential COVID-19 drug"

    No thanks, don't want to deal with mutagenicity (mammalian cell mutagenic potential).
    I stick to IVM which is safe for decades.

    Hint: Always get alarmed if a condition to participate in a study IS to abstain from sex / use contraception while on drug up to several days after. LoL.
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  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Can't believe it! Reason seems to return. :)

    "Medikamente gegen Covid. Ivermectin-Einsatz in Münchner Klinik"

    "Meds against COVID. Ivermectin application in Munich hospital"

    German language, though.

    Watch it as long as the censor mafia is sleeping. :D
    The docs there also clearly speak about significant benefits.

    It has arrived!
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, you can't have it both ways - if it is just a matter of perspective... well, that is dogma/religion.

    As far as Science is concerned - this doesn't play!

    You must take a pick, as it were!

    P.S. Swedish C-19 response architects do not claim what you claim in their name, as they have learned certain lessons but OK, knock yourself out....
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  15. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Like Remdesivir, Molnupiravir is another drug that is hyped, but not that good at all.
    Concerning Remdesivir:

    Looking at Molnupiravir:
    Sounds great, no?
    With these restraints, you could establish thalidomide (Contergan) as a sleeping pill - safe and effective!

    Molnupiravir was so good, they decided to stop studies early:
    "We got the results we wanted, let's just don't look too close"

    Molnupiravir isn't even a new drug:
    New wine into old wineskins, or so they say.

    All that is really strange, no? Drugs being pushed by big companies, hyped by the media, ignoring questions about safety and efficacy. In stark contrast, IVM is being ridiculed as a dangerous horse-only drug which should not be used outside clinical trials, if at all. Even mentioning ivermectine in any Covid context puts you into the "dumb people" corner.

    So why push a new drug? There is so much money to make, that couldn't be made with IVM:
    But don't forget, vaccination is still necessary. We don't want to cut the vaccine profits, of course. Birds of a feather flock together.

    Of course, all that are just ramblings of a madman. Industry would never put profits first, ignoring safety concerns or preferring old, safe, effective drugs over new experimental drugs that also are eligible for grant fundings. No, no, no. How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love big pharma.
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  16. :)
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    f**k off!!! Read back regarding me being profoundly critical towards corporations!!!

    Of course, they are profit driven - stop trying to look clever, FFS, it only makes you look really dumb!!! - and as a Leftie I certainly have no "love" for them!!!

    However, the vaccines have very high efficiency in preventing serious illness and death and the numbers do not lie! Read back how PUBLICLY FUNDED INSITITUTIONS HELPED FIGHT C-19 (Goethe Institute etc.)!!! They published their results in Open Source Spirit!!! Prof. Djikic went to the USofA to help out with the reseaerch!

    Learn to think for yourself, instead of using somebody else's head and yet try telling us how "independent" you are - it's laughable!!!
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  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless: Covid-19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others

    September 9, 2021
    Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD 1 [email protected]

    Download paper
  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Just no. Of course they lie. You LIE!
    Me trying to look clever?
    Do not project yourself.

    I do think by myself I got my own brain, like every one does, you dumb.
    I use somebody else's head cause I'm not an expert in so many areas to cover a pandemic discussion neither a genius or gifted mind, I wish.
    Finally I laugh at you. Every goddamn day :D