Arrogant idiots are dying around the world, you fool, because they are not vaccinated and on their dying bed they are cursing those who persuaded them not to get vaccinated, which sometimes means they curse themselves!!! Doctors and nurses, care workers in retirement homes etc. etc. included! The worst is when pregnant mothers are dying because quacks in white coats persuaded them not to get vaccinated and then... "Mi trudnicama savetujemo da se vakcinišu i protiv gripa. Jedino rešenje za sve, i za trudnice, je vakcina protiv kovida i što manje kontakata sa ljudima. Bolje da ne znate šta sve viđam u bolnici u Batajnici. Svako ko ne želi da se vakciniše trebalo bi da samo na 15 minuta prošeta hodnicima bolnice. Videće ljude u punoj snazi na ivici smrti. Oko 20 odsto pacijenata su mladi." Dr Bošković je još jednom istakao da vakcina doprinosi tome da ćemo, i ako obolimo od kovida, imati blagu kliničku sliku. "Vakcinisane osobe će u najvećem broju slučajeva ako se razbole imati dva do tri dana blago povišenu temperaturu i izgubiće čulo ukusa i mirisa", kazao je dr Bošković. "U velikoj većini u kovid bolnicama su nevakcinisani pacijenti. Popustili smo u vakcinaciji ali smo se opustili i u kontaktima. Ja svoju majku od 78 godina nisam poljubio od marta prošle godine. Ni ne rukujemo se, iako je primila tri doze vakcine." Dr Bošković kazao je i da su česta posledica preležanog kovida upala srčanog mišića kao i tečnost oko srčanog mišića. "Ta tečnost pokazuje da iako je bolest preležana, u telu i dalje tinja zapaljenski proces. Sreća je što to prolazi, kod nekoga za šest, kod nekoga za 12 meseci. Svaki virus je sistemska bolest i može ostaviti posledice na srcu. Ono što zabrinjava je podatak da je prošle godine u našoj zemlji od kardiovaskularnih bolesti umrlo 55.000 ljudi, to je gotovo polovina svih umrlih."
Reuters: Explainer: Delta dominates the world, but scientists watch for worrisome offspring.
Acute asthma exacerbation after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Sinovac®): a case reportAcute asthma exacerbation after SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Sinovac®): a case report
Most vaccinated' place on earth cancels Christmas 8 Dead, 80 Infected In Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home
Hello?!? Do you want to risk another thalidomide scandal? Nobody knows what these genetic vaccines are doing to unborn life! This is real crime: "America's Top Critical Care Doctor Sues to Save His Patients and the Hippocratic Oath (Paul Marik, Part I)." "Dr. Pierre Kory: "Barring Dr. Marik from using the medicines he believes will help his patients is unconscionable, contrary to reason and science." (Marik, Part II)" And wow a new huge study to the waning Effectiveness of the vaccines. They do much faster even for severe progresses: "Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study" Please note: This study is NOT about: Waning antibody levels. AB levels is a lab value which indicates the condition of humoral immune response. (The TH2 arm of the adaptive immune system). And it is NOT about waning efficacy. Efficacy is a statistical value obtained from a clinical study only and artificially defined cohorts just as placebo and treatment groups. IT IS about waning effectiveness and going down to zero. Effectiveness = real protection found in a real cohort (Sweden) in real life!!! As a very real result of 'altogether' First huge study I've read... Still a preprint for Lancet, but this makes VERY clear that a mass vaccination NEVER would lead to a 'herd immunity'. They wane faster as they would get and hold it...and even more clear they do not get any immune memory cells since their effectiveness is going down to zero. Pfizer from day 211 and onwards, AstraZeneca even already at day 121 and onwards....down to zero... And for severe 181 days and onwards:"showing notable waning among men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbidities." I guess this is the reason why Europe is still hit hard and here the hospitals get full...the vaccination rate is good, but they do not work anymore as 'promised'....
OSHA suspends implementation of Biden's COVID vaccine mandate until further court order Finally, reason takes its place.
Coronavirus Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed
Indeed, Moon! Otherwise, the figures are going nuts, from infections to deaths - but voluntarism rules!
If that is correct, it's not difficult to understand why: yesterday my wife and I went shopping for some necessities and our estimate was - to our amazement!! - that probably 3/4 of people did not wear masks or respect distancing, hand sanitisers and so on. Now, in a few days I must go get my booster (having had flue jab recently) - but if people do not get it (and too many don't, in their complacency!!!), sure, we know they will get infected, because most vaccines do not prevent one getting infected. However, vaccinated people who get infected will be less infective to their surroundings, they will infect fewer people, not get seriously ill and even if they do get hospitalised - they will not die, unlike the unvaccinated! That much is ABC!!!
Here the probable breakthrough infections are week 37-40: Symptomatic: Age: 12-17: 2.6% Age: 18-59: 31.6% Age: >=60: 55.4% Hospitalisation cases: Age: 12-17: 4% Age: 18-59: 15.3% Age: >=60: 39.6% ICU: Age: 12-17: 0% Age: 18-59: 10.1% Age: >=60: 28.8% Not that good.
I have read somewhere that people who are resistant to flue are also resistant to covid. So my guess is that if you get flue jab you are fully protected from covid. No need to get covid jab. I believe that if you get jabbed every six months for the rest of your life against covid, the risk of something going badly wrong in your body will be substantial. On the other hand, the risk of dying from covid is not so great. Simply great majority of infected, unvaccinated people recover from the infection. Also majority of the infected stay isolated at home. No burden to health system. My firm belief is that those who recovered from covid are fully protected for a long time. The vaccinated people allowed their immunse system to be compromised by getting the covid jab.
This makes from a medical POV no sense. When you get a flu jab and they predicted a wrong influenza strain to become dominant, the jab is already useless for protecting you from flu. It's rather probable those staying asymptomatic are cross trained from former human corona viruses. This would explain the low rate in South Africa where more than 60% are seropositive and they had not much issues anyway. I totally agree.
No one is banking on boosters every 6 months for eternity... We are buying time with this, 'till we get something better from Science... This: "The vaccinated people allowed their immunse system to be compromised by getting the covid jab." - WTH?!?