Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Dave_Ru

    Dave_Ru MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2021
    Hi. WTH, a forum where we can discuss this freely, am I dreaming ?! I came here (was a lurker for sometime) to get win7 utilities if you know what I mean, but this is a very nice surprise to me. THank you!!!!!
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3523 Mr.X, Nov 24, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
    Evidence about effectiveness and safety

    An essential aspect of any vaccine is its safety - that is, it does not harm; The other aspect is its effectiveness: it must protect us from infecting ourselves, from the possibility of infecting others if we do so and, above all, from getting sick.

    I share with you this study, conducted on November 16, 2021 by Rolf Steyer and Gregor Kappler. The first author is Professor Emeritus of the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (, and the second was Professor at the University of Vienna and the University of Jena. Both have training in Medical Statistics, Causal Probabilistics, Biomathematics and Clinical Psychology. They can be contacted by mail at [email protected], [email protected]

    Their study investigated the correlation between excess mortality and vaccination rates during weeks 36 to 40 of 2021 in Germany, taking into account the number of inhabitants in each state. A correlation coefficient of 0.31 was found. This is high and goes in the opposite direction to what would be expected if vaccines actually reduced mortality from COVID-19 and if they were not associated with serious health problems that could cause the death of the vaccinated (If the coefficient were negative it would imply that the higher the vaccination, the lower the excess mortality). In other words, they found evidence that the more you vaccinate, the more there is excess mortality.

    It is true that a correlation does not imply causality but it does offer important information on trends and patterns that can be alarming. Regardless of what is causing the excess deaths, there is a clear statistical correlation, which should be investigated in depth, and as long as there is no clear answer on the causes of this excess mortality, the correct and responsible thing would be to stop mass vaccination.

    I clarify that the study has not yet been published in a journal after a peer review process, but the data they investigated is official (from the Government of Germany) and the analyzes are correctly carried out.

    To conclude, the results they obtained have a marked relevance for current vaccination policies, which in some places is beginning to be mandatory. There is no scientific or medical justification for making something mandatory that not only does not prevent transmission (much evidence on that point has already been presented in the Akasha Community Channel) but increases excess mortality.

    The study can be viewed at:

    I hope this material is useful for you and I send you greetings, Karina AW

  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    November... See if you can find any general correlation, Dreistein...

    C19 November 21.jpg
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  5. IXMas

    IXMas MDL Senior Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    #3525 IXMas, Nov 24, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021

    Those at the bottom are mostly post-communist countries. Sociopathic amoral men.
    At the roots of a decadent and deeply sick society? There are two types of men in the world: those who love life and those who hate it!

    It is not said that the latter know they are what they are, in general they do not suspect it in the least. On the contrary, they consider themselves the champions of all possible causes, and therefore see themselves as those who struggle tirelessly to bring about the progress of society, therefore as those who love man and also love life. But it's not true. Behind the frenetic activism and ideological drunkenness that hide their true essence, these individuals love death, or rather, they hate life, which leads them to love death.

    We asked ourselves the reason for this and, net of the loss of meaning of the old concepts of right and left in the globalized world of our day, we believe that the culture of the left, with its feel-good and pseudo-romantic cosmopolitanism, its myth of unlimited progress ( and therefore tend to transhume), his philanthropism which is proclaimed love (but not verified) of abstract man, and ignorance or impatience for concrete men, his ambition and his continuous claim to adapt and bend reality to his own schemes and ideological ghosts, in short his carelessness or his genuine contempt for the human factor as it is, especially if marked by tradition and traditional values (God, country, family).

    It is evident that such a human type, in fact, is largely the result of a slow and widespread brainwashing operated by the neo-communist culture, controlled by it, by the mass media, by the school and the university, or rather the result of a constant pressure exerted by them on those characters who, due to their pathological tendency, were already prone to a substantial lack of love for life, more or less cleverly disguised.
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Wut? Me no comprende :tooth:
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, you don't comprende most things, X...

    Austria and Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium at the moment... Your first sweeping statement might need some qualifying, @IXMas

    Second such sweeping statement needs no words wasted, as it is but pure rubbish! The mind boggles sometimes...
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  8. IXMas

    IXMas MDL Senior Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    #3528 IXMas, Nov 25, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years

    I do agree.
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3530 gorski, Nov 25, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2021
    Shoot, it is a surprise to me - given that they are included... It's just you don't read better than a 5 year old, it seems...

    Awwww, kitty ate your memory re. Capitalism? Let's see:

    -2 world wars with unbelievable amount of industrial carnage is what??? negligible?!? WOW!!!

    -the invention of concentration camps goes to... drumroll... the British... (no, not the Germans, although they were the most in love with the idea...) -

    -genocidal maniacs... how about the Spaniards or the Portuguese or the Dutch or the Brits or Belgians or nowadays the Americans... you get the imperialist picture -

    -how about illegal kidnapping and ex-territorial torture - cue the Americans with their many willing collaborators around the world:

    -how about killing Communists and others wholesale =>'s+genocide

    -how about right wing juntas around the world:

    -apartheid was done by.... Communists?!? AHEM!!! -

    -and what of this -

    -I bet you forgot about Slavery... well, I didn't -

    -my "favourite" nowadays is the biggest state terrorist programme on the face of the planet -

    -precisely what they are doing -
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3531 Yen, Nov 26, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
    Sorry I am not an advocate of transhumanism running after the elixir, the vaccines. Nor am I one of dividing the society where politics try to distract from their inabilities to deal with the pandemic and declaring some guilty ones, the unvaccinated.

    First they said if the majority is vaccinated you can get back to normal.

    Then they said the vaccines will protect you from getting the virus and you cannot spread.
    Then they said, no 2 jabs are not sufficient, take a third!
    Then they raised pressure on those not being vaxxed.
    Then they EUA'd vaccines for children 5 years onwards.
    And if you ask honest docs who have vaxxed lots of people they say the adverse events are much higher than reported...

    Almost 70% vaccination rate and highest numbers ever! here!!

    Now they are discussing compulsory vaccinations.

    No I don't want. I know what is good for me and with that I do not risk my own health significantly more nor am I a risk for those being vaxxed (if they are that good as they think).

    Leave me alone.
    I am advocating proper bio-ethics and the Nürnberg Code.

    For you to study:

    I don't take stuff of which nobody knows what it is doing long term. And all the kids being 5 years and onwards! Just got EUA for Pfizer today!

    Politics is dividing society and I clearly express by this post I am not a part of that!

    Rules are made to get all vaxxed, but NOT to save lives by other additional and effective measures which are clearly available!
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  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3532 Mr.X, Nov 26, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
    Now you are formally welcomed into the Conspiranoid Deniers class. A new class in this sick society the globalists have created to criminalize those against the official rhetoric. Thing is they say we are bad apples polluting anyone else, polluting to any other "smart" and compliant fellows (sheeple)... We should blindly accept vaccines and measures for our own good they say :)

    Hallelujah brother!! :D
  13. ColdZero

    ColdZero MDL Android 17

    Nov 9, 2009
    #3533 ColdZero, Nov 26, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3534 Yen, Nov 26, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
    I can tell you how's my day at work.
    I have to get rapid test with valid certificate every day before I can go to work. That's fine with me.
    I cannot access the company grounds the normal way. I have to move around the entire complex by foot.
    Then I have to present the certificate before I can go in and work.

    The vaxxed can go in and out WITHOUT doing a test!
    We all know they can spread as well!!! So they can infect all others around being vaxxed or unvaxxed!

    Is this made to prevent spreading or to control the pandemic?
    It's made to bully the unvaxxed that's their purpose!

    By that they only count the unvaxxed if being positive.
    The vaxxed are not part of the statistics anymore.

    No wonder why it's the unvaxxed who are getting more positives here!
    The statistics are massively flawed by that.

    This practice is made everywhere here, entire nation.
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Horowitz: Why every red state has an obligation to fight hospitals killing patients on ventilators
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Transhumanism? Who is advocating this? Fighting a strawman valiantly?:rolleyes: Wow!:p

    Yes, one can be vaccinated and still spread it but less so than the unvaccinated! However, with this perspective you lose sight of the forest, for you are stuck with individual trees!!!

    Two in my family just got infected. They went from Germany, double jabbed, to Spain and living with an unvaccinated couple who just got infected. My bro-in-law has no symptoms whatsoever, but is infected, sis-in-law has some headache and it's not a problem. The Spanish couple are struggling!!! And that is the point: one is BETTER OFF vaccinated!!! In a variety of ways!!!

    We can talk of other legitimate points, issues to do with profit and so on, sure. It's rational and reasonable to discuss these matters. BUT WE MUST NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE ESSENTIAL THING IN ALL THIS!!!!

    And after 8 billion doses given to 3.6 billion people - gimme a break, stop being a baby and go get vaccinated, FFS!!! Leave this stoopid conspiraloon s**te behind! Jesus Marx wept...
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3537 Yen, Nov 26, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
    No, my own risk benefit analyses is negative. And I have meds of which I am convinced they protect from getting severe is as good as the vaccines.

    And they have 2 advantages. Lesser side effects and no waning effectiveness.
    They work on any variant and work as they do regardless of period of time taken if early enough.

    So if you are close to get your next jab you have most waned effectiveness while I have the same whatever it is.

    We have a big wave here. And to break it most reasonable is to test anybody once a day, and NOT the unvaxxed alone. I mean what's the sense in that?

    As long as I cannot recognize any reasonable behaviour but to enforce to get vaccinated without sense and Reason, I do not!
    This is experimental stuff no real approval and therefore it has to follow the Nürnberg Codec.
    And re-purposed drugs should be EUA'd as additional treatment!
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You know this "stretching" is baseless!!!

    You can not possibly tell if they (IVM and co.) are either "as effective as the vaccines" or "effective on all of the C-19 variants"!!!

    And no, it is no longer "experimental", even if we agree that at the beginning it was (and that is debatable)! So, leave that scary story for kids and conspiraloons!

    Strictly speaking, no other vaccine has been so "tested" and scrutinised by now! None! That is, by definition, why you have all the "dirt" on it and you rightly warn about it! They should improve on it, of course!

    However, "unreasonable behaviour" is what you get by all the cry-babies when they believe crackpots and conspiraloons and both do NOT get vaccinated and do NOT follow measures! Let's get real here and call a spade a spade!
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Btw, I agree with testing everybody, of course, that is reasonable!

    We in the UK also have a big wave, as in the Balkans, too - all because people have relaxed crazily, lulled into false security by being double vaccinated, knowing that if they get infected it will not be hard and they will not die of it ==> and so they are NOT respecting the MEASURES!!!!

    Btw, the new variant (found in South Africa and Belgium) is scary for researchers and docs as it has tens of mutations in the spike alone, amino-acids are different in many ways, from what I heard from a researcher on the radio.... Brace yourselves! Start practicing safety protocols by respecting the MEASURES once again!!!
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  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3540 Yen, Nov 27, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
    Sure I can. I am able to evaluate studies (I did that more than 15 years) and since I know the virology of SARS-CoV2 and the MOA of those drugs one can clearly notice that their MOA is independent of the variants.

    And yes they are experimental. You can go on persuading yourself that they are not, but this still would even more underline that you have no clue about how drugs and vaccines are developed and tested, which are the common requirements in order to get full approval.

    From the EMA paper page 14: (BTW: Have you read it at all before you got their jab?!?)

    So NO word, even of 'expectations' about Carcinogenicity.

    EUA= experimental.
    mRNA and vector based genetic vaccines = experimental

    That easy. The Phase III studies haven't been completed yet.

    The quickest approval for a vaccine we still have was 5 years! It usually takes 6-10 years to get it out of the experimental state.

    Check out the leaked contract conditions of Pfizer. They deny any responsibility in case of harm!

    Would you get any long time suffering from them? You don't know! I don't have to create a scary story for kids therefore, it's in the EMA paper, you know that you don't know anything about long term events.

    NO studies were performed about Genotoxicity/Carcinogenicity!!!
    And with each additional jab you get another situation!

    What else is that except an experiment? As soon as the fourth jab will be administered to somebody we have a complete unknown situation and the experiment continues.

    mRNA and vector virus based genetic vaccines ARE experimental!
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