Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    C'mon, m8!

    8 billion doses?!? Still "experimental"?!? How blind do you have to be?!?

    IVM would have been shown to be effective in double blind studies since whole states used it. Given the absence of such studies this is just fanciful posturing showing your heavy bias...
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The amount of administered doses, what is its actual value?
    The first ones who officially got the jab have got it not even a complete year ago.
    There is a huge amount of data and it takes time to evaluate to get a full and complete 'image' of the vaccines.
    And there is huge under-reporting.

    I have chosen those 3 drugs and I 'put' my life to them if I should get COVID.
    I totally rely on what I know about. I could not trust more in what I know it's finally about my health... there are lots of RCTs about IVM, but no nation related.

    RCTs are expensive and you cannot make money with re-purposed drugs! That is a structural issue of capitalism!

    Anyway you find observations such as in Japan recently:
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    8 billion doses have done nothing so far?

    And how many IVM cases which are proven to work in double blind studies?

    Gimme a break...
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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    It's the TIME factor you lunatic stubborn moron to observe as many reactions and other parameters as possible!
    Time Will tell!
    You servant of the system!
  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3545 gorski, Nov 27, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
    Yeah, here cometh the Zombie species!!! TREMBLE, YOU PUNY HU-MAAAANSSS!!!!! :rolleyes: :D :p :D
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  6. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, some here in the UK arguing that it should be "allowed to take over", since "hospitalisations are far and few between" etc. (high heart rate and serious fatigue being cited)...


    SA is predominantly young country and these bits we heard are - for the time being - anecdotal evidence, not enough data is available...
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  8. moon510

    moon510 MDL Junior Member

    May 10, 2007
  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I strongly wish, I hope this Omicron brings your well deserved Omega, at last ;)
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, a con-servative would...:rolleyes:
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No. But all your "reasoning" is a fraud!
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  12. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
  13. I Agree Without Any Evidence cuz i know the Facts behind the Scenes .
  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  15. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    You guys were so quick to start discussing Omicron.
    Why don't you show the Sars strain first and the first virus first.
    Well, if you found the second virus?
    Show me the strain?
    Or if there is no strain, how did you find it?
    Guys I worked for many years in India in Kerala and in 10 years I didn't get sick with anything!
    There are sanctuaries there with real jungle diseases that are unknown to medicine.
    One critter can bite at night and you get worms inside, but nothing rots or hurts.
    I've seen people like that, and they live pretty normal lives.
    It's just that with a little extra some kind of critter lives inside the person.
    No drugs can get rid of it.
    It goes away after a couple of years by itself.
    So, I'll tell you, as before, you want to prove something.
    Show me the strain of the virus!
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  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3558 Mr.X, Dec 2, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3559 Yen, Dec 3, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
    This is an absolutely unreasonable and irresponsible way to behave and manner to post for an "UK expert"!!!
    Solely made to fear-monger.
    No expert would post a statement like that that is contrary to the rules of epidemiology without providing a MOA that would reason his statement.

    BTW: A contrary MOA would be the fact that there's mass vaccination into an ongoing pandemic.
    But funny part then is that the cause for it would be the vaccines themselves, since in the vaxxed the variants spread the more the farer away they have mutated away from the original Wuhan variant.

    But what's far more critical is that people are jumping on this bandwagon, without thinking and being resistant to any negative findings about the vaccines.
    Whenever there is a new variant found it's always more dangerous, causes more deaths. This repeats as vicious circle all the time and it is heavily propagated that the only way to get out of this is to get the vaccines.
    The construct of this viscous circle violates the rules of epidemiology and is therefore illusionary. So this reason to get vaccines is a reason to get out of an illusion. Nothing more.

    The rules of epidemiology are: More contagious less dangerous in order to become a dominant variant. Period! An exception would have to be reasoned with a 'new' MOA.

    This proper rule is based on logic. IF a variant would be more deadly it would 'kill' its opportunities to become dominant, because the host would become 'unable' to spread it further. The variant would extinct.

    Another value that comes along with this set of proper rules is the ICP of the variant. In order to spread more the ICP has to be shortened. A host needs to develop symptoms, preferably at the UPPER respiratory tract such as sneezing and infectious mucous, mucous congestion 'ASAP' in order spread the variant. At delta the ICP has shortened from 5.5 days to 2-3 days after infection.

    This also comes along with the fact that being more dangerous = causing more damage = takes more time to occur. (The virus enters body coming from the upper respiratory tract, when it infects there, it can spread easier. The damage there cannot be that dangerous. To cause more harm it goes down to the lower tract, lungs, there it can cause more harm, but from there the spread is not that easy anymore.)

    Omicron has 2 alternatives: Becoming the dominant variant while getting more contagious and less dangerous OR becoming more dangerous and finally extinct.

    Any other statements are pure rubbish.

    The situation became that bad, because the vaccine makers did not update their stuff in time and the politicians (at least here) did not support the health system by raising their capacities in time. It's all about money and making as many profit as possible.

    And the guilty ones are spotted easily: Those who are not yet vaxxed.
    No, thank you.
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  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Been telling people around here about this rules months back and they just put their face in suspicious mode :D and in the end don't believe a word I say.

    Why? Because I'm not the guy on the tv news or mainstream media like a local newspaper.

    Wow, I never thought we the common citizen were so ignorant and easily controllable. A broad new perspective of the world awoke in me, wow just wow.