Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3721 Mr.X, Jan 6, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2022
    Bacterial lysate as a treatment against COVID19

    Dear Akasha Community Members:

    It is with pleasure that I share with you a study that has just been published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology by Pivniouk and colleagues ( The study, entitled (translated from English) "OM-85 bacterial lysate inhibits the infection of epithelial cells by SARS-CoV-2 by decreasing the expression of its receptors," and aimed to investigate how OM-85 treatment protects SARS-CoV-2 human and non-primate epithelial cells.

    I give you a bit of context before explaining what they report in the study: OM-85, commercially known as Broncho-Vaxom. This drug of bacterial origin has been known since 1989 (see:, and is frequently used as part of the treatment recommended by doctors to treat various respiratory infections . There is a very good review, published in 2021, about it ( where you can see that this product, an extract composed of a lysate of the common bacteria Branhamella catarrhalis , Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella ozaenae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus viridans, and Staphylococcus aureus, prevents respiratory infections, reduces the number of chronic pulmonary complications and reduces the time of illness. I clarify that it does not contain live bacteria. That is, it is an extract from a lysate of many bacteria that can no longer infect or multiply since they are dead and in pieces. There is a lot of evidence for its mechanism of action (which among other things, immunomodulates), efficacy and safety (it has, in Pivniouk's words: "an impeccable safety profile") in human studies. In addition, it has long been known that their preventive use can reduce antibiotic use, avoid antibiotic resistance, and lower the cost of treating chronic respiratory diseases.

    Thus, the study by Pivniouk et al. Recognizes the urgent need for treatments against SARS-CoV-2, and given the virus's infection mechanism through its Spike protein, which interacts with ACE2 and TMPRSS2 proteins in cells, they proposed that The use of OM-85 could help to immunomodulate and prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. For this, they analyzed the expression (both at the level of messenger RNA and proteins) of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in the cells, the ability of the virus to bind to the cell and the entry of the virus into the cell. They used cell cultures of kidney, lung and intestinal epithelium, as well as human bronchial epithelial cells.

    They found that OM-85 decreases the amount of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 mRNA and protein in cells and that, in addition, it inhibits the binding of SARS-CoV-2 to receptors, significantly reducing infection. This means that OM-85 has the ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in epithelial cells. Although it is an in vitro study, it is in addition to other studies that have shown, as I said at the beginning of this message, very effective antiviral and immunomodulation effects against various respiratory infections (for example:,,,,, including for SARS-CoV-2 (see:,

    The OM-85 product (Bronco-Vaxom, also called Imocur, and in Europe: Broncho Munal, Broncho Vaxom, Buccalin, Immubron, Immucytal, Ismigen, Lantigen B, Luivac, Ommunal, Paspat, Pir-05, Polyvaccinum, Provax, Respivax and Ribomunyl). The product currently costs between 1500 and 2000 Mexican pesos for a box with 10 capsules. You can read about its form of administration at:, and you can read about the product at the EMA (European Medicines Agency:, FDA ( In Mexico, Bronco-Vaxom has had a health license from COFEPRIS since 2017 (

    If your doctor is unaware of the product and its preventive and treatment application in patients with respiratory symptoms caused by COVID-19 (and other respiratory infections), perhaps they can pass this information on to them so that they expand their knowledge and consider that this is one of many treatments against this clinical picture.

    I hope the information is useful and I send you greetings, Karina AW
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3722 Mr.X, Jan 6, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
    Important clarification

    Dear Akasha Community members: I want to clarify a point that, given some of the questions that the members of the Task Force have asked me, I realize that there could be some confusion. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is not a properly "respiratory" virus. I have explained on several occasions that the main receptor it uses, ACE2, and the coreceptor TMPRSS2, are found in very few respiratory cells - in the lungs, only in type 2 alveolar pneumocytes (they are not very abundant specialized cells), and in the tract upper respiratory tract, there is some expression of ACE2 in the nasal epithelium. In contrast, there is a high expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in the kidneys, bladder and intestine. In this sense, 1) there is no scientific basis that people without symptoms can infect others through talking, singing, or breathing, and 2) there may be virus infection in some respiratory cells and replication (generation of copies of the virus) in that tissue, but it does not compare with what may be in other organs and tissues (as long as that is the receptor and coreceptor that the virus uses; if it turns out that it uses others, that is another story). I clarify that there are other cells that express ACE2, including endothelial cells (inner wall of blood vessels), but the normal pathogenesis of the SARS-Cov-2 virus does not lead to these cells easily. So why the respiratory signs? And why am I sharing the information about the Broncho-Vaxom with you? Because on the one hand, most of the symptoms and clinical signs of COVID-19 are due to dysregulation of the immune system, which when it occurs can easily affect the respiratory tract and cause respiratory signs. That is why immunomodulators (Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, CDS (yes, chlorine dioxide solution, note by me Mr.X), Broncho-Vaxom, etc.) have been effective in treating these conditions. On the other hand, being in the winter season (in the northern hemisphere), it is common (and normal) for infections to occur with the Influenza virus, with the four seasonal human coronaviruses, with respiratory adenovirus strains and with various opportunistic bacteria, and all will cause similar signs and symptoms. According to the medical / scientific literature, Broncho-Vaxom can help with all of these - it is not a specific effect towards SARS-CoV-2. If with having signs of a cold or mild to moderate flu (as they surely did every year before the pandemic, without being terrified) people immediately think they have COVID-19 and run to get tested, perhaps it is It helps to know that there are products (not just Broncho-Vaxom) that can help, regardless of the cause of those signs.

    I hope I have made myself understood and send you greetings, Karina AW
  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Changing the narrative and violation of the metamodel

    Dear Akasha Community Members:

    There is a well-known phrase that says "In politics, form is substance" ... the same applies to what we are experiencing (which, incidentally, also has a lot of politics). Why am I mentioning them to you? Because when a media outlet that has been characterized by repeating and repeating the official narrative ad nauseam, publishes something like this that I share with you, one has to ask 'how come they allowed that to be published?', And that leads us to to question 'what would they do it for?' Almost everything has a reason, and it is difficult to imagine that they did not realize the implication that that note would have. I do not doubt for a second that Professor Andrew Pollard is (finally) realizing that the vaccination strategy does not work and that he is speaking from that point of view, but being given a voice in that medium is unexpected:

    Of course, the writer of the note managed to put in a sentence that was not said by Dr. Pollard. I imagine he did it to mitigate the message. As you will see, he writes almost at the end: "Scientists agree that as long as there are people who are not vaccinated, the possibility of the appearance of variants is greater, in addition to the fact that these people are more at risk in case of contagion." I can't help but sigh and raise my eyes to heaven as I read this, because it omits, distorts, and generalizes the metamodel. Which scientists agree on this? The data and science simply do not support this narrative: in reality, the more you vaccinate, the more cases occur, and the selective pressure is being exerted by vaccines, not by the "unvaccinated." Of all this I have provided scientific evidence in previous text messages and seminars (which you can search the channel if you are interested). There is also no evidence that non-immunized people "have a higher risk of infection" since it is, according to official data from England, Germany and other countries, the vaccinated who are disproportionately occupying hospitals and intensive care units. Data on that has also been presented here.

    It is important, when we see news that have phrases like that, ask ourselves if they are violating the metamodel. Just see if they use unspecific language, if they are not precise, if they generalize, if they do not specify who the subject is ("the scientists"), if they omit information (including references) ... usually there we can know that they are not presenting truthful information or At least they are trying to manipulate the message. This is the method that all "fact checkers" use. If you're curious and time consuming, look at their "check" notes and see how they make use of metamodel violations. You can read more about this at:

    Anyway, in the note that I have shared with you, Dr. Pollard is saying something important, and given his participation in the development of the Astrazeneca product, his vision is very relevant, and more so, who publishes it. this medium. Could it be that the evidence is so great that they need to change their narrative before this explodes?

    I hope this information is useful to you and I wish you a happy and free day, Karina AW
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, Delta is by far not done and it keeps killing...

    WHO is warning that it is too early to deem Omicron "mild"... We do not know enough yet...
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    "A QAnon and anti-vaccine podcaster has died from complications due to COVID-19 after contracting the virus at a conspiracy theory conference that turned into a superspreader event, and where fellow attendees baselessly blamed their illness on an anthrax attack.
    Doug Kuzma, 61, from Newport News, Virginia, died on January 3 after being hospitalized 10 days earlier. Kuzma broadcasted on the FROG News podcasting network, which stands for “Fully Rely On God.” Kuzma and his FROG fellow hosts pushed an array of conspiracy theories ranging from QAnon to COVID denial and election fraud lies."
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Yeah and all the thousands of deaths in news you've brought endlessly were covidiots, stupid believers of this charade. Just like you.

    Most Latino dissidents I'm with are alive and wailing.

    I'm awaiting patiently for your moment...
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sociopath. Because you want to see somebody suffer and die! IPX was right about you and your post - which provoked his - still stands, while his was removed!

    Look above for your "truth" - that's your lot. FACT! Deny that! Well bloody done...
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  8. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    #3728 Palladin, Jan 7, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
    There was a Freedom of Information lawsuit against Pfizer recently to mandate that they release all data leading up to the development of their Covid-19 Vaccine. Pfizer said they would release 500 pages a month and due to the amount of data that equated to 75 years before all the data leading up to Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine release.

    Well a judge would have none of that nonsense, and ordered Pfizer to release 50,000 pages a month. Even at that it will take 8 months for all the data to be released.

    So there are 400,000 pages of documents that Pfizer had to produce, 400,000 pages of documents that the FDA had to read before they could authorize the Emergency Use of Pfizer's vaccine. And all that happened in a a matter of a few months. And I'm sure the FDA was very thorough in it's review of those 400,000 pages. /s
  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This video should be watched by all those who have got the jab from Pfizer.

    It's a review of the study that led to EUA.
    Made by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance based on official study data.

    The Alliance consists of more than 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners.
    It has more than 1 Million clicks.
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  10. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    And here's a PDF transcript of the video.

  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, you previously criticised "partiality"... So, how about this:
    • Experts say there is no evidence that the vaccines produce a toxin that could cause heart problems and neurological damage, as Canadian viral immunologist Byram Bridle maintained.

    • Bridle has not produced evidence to prove his claim, which has been widely shared on social media.
    See the sources for this fact-check

    A video titled “Canadian Doctors Speak Out,” which claims to offer the top reasons not to fear Covid-19, has been shared thousands of times on social media. But public health experts said it includes misleading claims about variants of the disease and immunity, and recommends treatments that have not been proven effective against the virus.

    The nearly 12-minute video, which has circulated since March 8, 2021, features commentary from doctors in British Columbia and Ontario. They are licensed medical professionals but not coronavirus specialists, and claim to offer Canadians tips on how to protect their health “that do not include getting a shot with a vaccine.”

    So, experts here and experts there - whose statement is more truthful?!?
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  12. Dave_Ru

    Dave_Ru MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2021
    #3732 Dave_Ru, Jan 7, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022

    Oh come on, just check the information on both sides and make up your mind! It's pretty easy to see who's lying, the survival rate is higher than 99.9% for f*ck sake! Unless you have serious comorbidities, you're more likely to drown by accident! Did you knew that the average covid death has 4 comorbidities at the same time ? I'm not gonna go on.... And this is not even counting the inflated PCR tests and death statistics. You do know that according to the rules everyone that dies with Covid is counted as a deth from Covid, even if it's not the real cause of death ? This is real, just check it by yourself, they're not denying this!

    This is all planned, the big money guys spent all your pensions and funds and now need an excuse for the economic collapse that follows. The great reset planned by the world economic forum is not a conspiracy theory, the whole things been planned folks, by billionaires and politicians. They even put videos online about it. Your politicians go there! ... And before the reset on their totalitarian terms they get to use the money they're printing to buy everything, before you get to use it (when it's already devaluated and you worked like a slave) ...

    Your sources are not very good by the way. You do know that big media is owned at the top by the same financial groups as big pharma right ?
  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3733 Mr.X, Jan 7, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The 12 minute video you referred to is another one. There is no recommendation of other treatments!
    Either way....

    The video I have posted refers to Pfizers own RCT data. So first of all we don't have to question from where they have got the data.

    "Experts"....Do you have to be a "coronavirus specialist" to go through the study as they did? Actually not. But the alliance also consists of people who are actively dealing with own experiences they get from the inoculations...and their professions are related, they are not outside of the subject's area.

    It actually does NOT matter what drug / vaccine is in the trial to point out flaws of study design (powers, endpoints, etc etc) and to put results together as they did.

    You have to have professional knowledge and own experience how to asses RCTs. In that case it would be beneficial to be involved in some clinical trials or at least have accompanied such. (To get practical experiences).
    If you do now a real 'fact check' one would have to go through each claims they made in the video and to disqualify them. Nothing of that ever happened.

    A 'fact check' works mostly like that: An original claim is twisted with intent, or being put outside of context, and then disproved. There is never an effort to go to each claim one by one sticking to original contexts.
    And those fact checkers are mostly much more non-experts, most of them 'journalists' only with absolute no idea of the subject itself they do fact-check.

    You should be aware that ATM anything works like: If there are publications which might cause vaccine hesitancy they get deleted! If you are OK with that....then you have nothing to read here.

    If you watch the video I have posted you'll see that most of the points they do address are already addressed by myself here somewhere.
    I am also no 'coronavirus specialist' BTW there is no such study one could have 'passed'....but I know enough about preclinical research, I am working there.
    And I know enough about the virus itself.

    My point is clear. I have valid reasons to reject the vaccines. The video I have posted summarizes all the points all based on original Pfizer data. The sources are in their PDF.
    It's well made and solid. Absolutely no point of complaint.
    The public health authorities and politics are compulsively sticking to the vaccines by ignoring ANY negative arguments, factual data and manipulations unveiled at the Pfizer trial and published in the BMJ.
    The FDA did not respond until today to the allegations made there against the partner Ventavia.

    You had issues with Grünenthal / Contergan / Thalidomode?

    This is by far more a scandal!
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    I realize you haven't read pages back in this thread. All you said I've said before and gorski has the opposite posture. He already knows everything you say and more. It's more than obvious the 'pink leftist progressivist schoolgirl' has it's own personal agenda.

    What's such agenda?
    To promote that everybody should blindly believe and not question public health authorities. gorski is trying by all means to indoctrinate MDL viewers to have absolute confidence and obedience in the government.

    The globalists and their servants (politicians) want to disappear western style societies to create a world government, and to achieve that, they need people's obedience. gorski and globalists want you and me and everyone to be dependent from a world government to feed us and tell us what to do and what to think. Something akin to the Chinese model.
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @Yen, "twisted by intent"?!? Wait, wait, this is like saying "You want to poison me with vaccines"... Jesus Marx wept. Make your mind up already....
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3738 Yen, Jan 8, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
    No @gorski :D
    I don't use English language such like: twisted with/by intent = turned into the very opposite. I would have said they turn claims into the very opposite and then disprove them.:D
    I give you 2 examples: (fictional examples, though, but same way as I have seen already many times)

    Claim: The spike protein is toxic. And a study is named where it showed toxic behaviour, it formed blood clots by fusing platelets together (antibody/platelets complex found).
    Fact check: This is wrong. The spike protein is not toxic, there is no study where it kill cells.

    Claim: The vaccines do not protect from getting hospitalized. In hospital are 65% un-vaccinated, 35% vaccinated. This represents the same ratio for the same age group outside of the hospital, therefore no effect.
    All data are posted as a source. Admitted to hospital people 35-70 years, 65% unvaxxed, 35% vaxxed. Population of the nation all people 35-70 years, 65% un-vaxxed, 35% vaxxed.

    Fact check: This is wrong. Vaccines do protect from getting to hospital, the majority in hospital we checked that by ourself are the unvaccinated people.

    A good fact check comes with efforts. I do no fact check, but when going to scientific works of others (I do that quite frequently at my job) I check each part if it is comprehensible and based on real relations....
    You recognize a good fact check when it's put apart thoroughly. Claim, study which is supporting the claim, alternative conclusions, logic.....

    Really many of those are a joke. Most checkers do not even make the efforts to relate to the original details (they relate already to an own pre-interpretation of those details) and it seems it has become popular to fact check everybody who could cause vaccine hesitancy.

    They should fact check IF Pfizer has manipulated their study. I bet there are still traces somewhere in the data sets...
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  19. Dave_Ru

    Dave_Ru MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2021

    I did read a few older posts on the thread but not enough I guess...
    I guess the question now is, how much of the general public is having the same attitude ? Are they really seeing both sides of the information ? In the USA there is a big amount of alternative media, but sadly most of the western world still relies on big tv and news companies (even in there too). Some of the top scientists that have spoken out had no other way other than to talk to the alternative media.The fact that some people refuse to see it when presented the information is a big black pill for me but at the same time in some twisted way, the fact that most people are simply misinformed still gives me some hope...:)
  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You know, if only those poor sods in their millions around the world would find the balls to attack the real issues here - fine...

    It says "Dictatorship (especially at work, in the West), Corruption (esp. in the East), Unemployment (everywhere now...) - bah, meh, whatever, dude... But "Masks!!!!!", ach, vaccines generally, as in "making sure we respect the measures in order to protect not only our own health but also others from ourselves".... OH, NOOOO!!!! RISE UP, TO ARMS!!!!"

    Jesus Marx wept!!!

    Balkanska posla.jpg

    In hospitals it's a madhouse and yet - who cares, because most of those antivaxxers do not work in hospitals (which is why they are antivaxxers...)...

    hospital chaos continues.jpg

    Otherwise they would have known of this...

    Nurses and doctors on the battle line.jpg

    Even Fox "news" had to capitulate in front of the overwhelming numbers, which can not lie...


    But oh, no... It's so much better to have a few idiots doing this and following them blindly and without checking - "Ach, I heard that..." or "I know a guy..." "FACTS", yesss...


    Most of this "debate" has fcuk-all to do with facts, it's bloody tribal and the only thing I see is an effort to justify and "rationalise" one's prejudices!!!
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