Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Garp _McGarpington

    Garp _McGarpington MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2020
    That can't happen if someone with an ideological bias and limited intelligence and reading comprehension censors the speech of anyone he disagrees with.
  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #362 Yen, Apr 19, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    There is actually no reason. And if it's something private / government owned it is now become public by the spreading of the virus over the entire world.
    Dunno, injured pride, inability, fear to unveil faults, fear to lose power, accident (labor release of natural samples or even manipulated CORONA viruses)..or even weaponizing...

    It's our all (human) right to get answers from where it came and it is the the duty of the Chinese to do all what's needed to build an international team.
    China owes that us all. This is mature and I would claim for that from any other nation regardless where the virus appeared first.

    A good way is to learn to recognize fake news. What are their attributes.

    A first way is to categorize the media and to avoid some of those generally. Also to know is the author a journalist, or a blogger. Is he known profession / works /reputation. Is the purpose of writing to inform people or to be right.
    Is the purpose of writing to have something more impressing than others. Can you notice a bias of the author or does he ponder different aspects of the same event.
    Does he post out of context contents.

    And another way is to recognize why people are posting fake news. (Ego game, create harm on others, manipulation)

    Many fake news are not intended. People post something out of context and it gets a totally different meaning. (Ibuprofen and COVID for instance)
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  3. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    But they -DO-have something to hide. All governments do.

    With Asian cultures, it's about "saving face".

    Most times, that's more important than the issue at hand.
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  4. Garp _McGarpington

    Garp _McGarpington MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2020
    This is the patent racism of the Left. "As a genetic condition, Asians place a lower value on human life than the illusion of their reputation. They would rather allow thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people to die, than to speak up, do what is right and save those lives, in order to temporarily preserve the illusion that they are good, and competent people."

    The Left does two things, simultaneously. They practice open, and bald-faced racism, and accuse anyone that disagrees with them of racism.\

    The true fact of the matter is that the Chinese (and not "Asians") are enslaved to a Communist system of government, which punishes anyone that demonstrates how corrupt and evil that system is. The Left will make racist statements like the above, then accuse someone else of racism, for the singular purpose of creating a distracting drama over a point that is not relevant, in order to direct attention away from the fact that Communism is evil, and Communists are slaves.
  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That kind of racism - after decades of studying the phenomenon - I associate primarily with the Right but OK...

    What the post above does is precisely what it openly "objects to"... Seriously?!? Jesus Marx wept... You just dropped from Mars...

    Chinese or any totalitarian regime is one thing but this...

    Btw, the regime before Mao's Liberation Army was.... angelic?!?
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  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    When the Enigma code was broken, the British government allowed a German U boat to sink
    a ship filled with British people, simply because they didn't want to "show their hand" to the Germans.
    (i.e. The Enigma code was broken.)

    My point is that -all- governments have agendas. Not just the Chinese.
    Sometimes, the results are horrorific.

    @gorski: I agree. The Right has always been associated with racism and bigotry, as well as social darwinism.
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  7. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    you are a compete and total idiot. member for barely a week and already preaching about conspiracies, racism,politix, etc. go read the rules here before you start preaching! yakh!
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  8. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Anyone who believes "The Right" is associated with Racism must have never heard of the Civil War in Merica o_O I won't take my time to explain the history of Louisiana or even bother to explain what I've seen in my own lifetime o_O
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #369 gorski, Apr 19, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    That is the nature of the thing, given the Left's universalism, internationalism, brotherhood and sisterhood as proclaimed goals.

    Inform yourself, Bat.1:

    Anyone should know of these "ties":

    Btw, USofA is another matter: Republicans and Democrats have swapped the roles (up to a point) over time... But that does not change one iota in terms of principles... Esp. given the fact that both big parties (leadership for sure) are in the pockets of corps...
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  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #370 case-sensitive, Apr 19, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    My opinion ---- >

    >The Chinese propaganda machine is going into full swing

    You mean ---- > The propaganda machine is going into full swing ? Wich part of what you call propoganda comes from who ? Whos ' news ' / propoganda ?

    >It's the Chinese's turn for a compete clarification.

    Arent they already doing that ? How do you know ? The amerkan ' press ' ? Donaldtrump ? Remember ' Weapons of mass deception ' ?

    Clarification about what ? With what ' proof ' ? ...... Whos ' proof ' ?

    At other versions ---- > The amerkan press reported about a secret lab in wuhan several years ago ...... plus what they were SAID to be working on ...... and then the amerkans spread some on the ' doorstep ' of that lab ? How many americans or possible american agent provokateur were in that area around that time ? How many international flights went over that area in that time ? ...... just before the next amerkan elections ...... where trump needs something like this to get reelected .

    IF it came from a chinese lab ........ SO WHAT ? What can we do about it ? Whats the point in any ...... speculation ? To frighten people ? To drive them in a direction ?

    Then we think about the past and situations like this ...... and are looking for victims to blame ....... in the end who profits ? Who could profit ? The chinese ?

    How often has the press reported about the plane loads of supplys , doctors and nurses that the chinese and the cubans have sent around the world ? As they always do.

    >It should be a general human interest to find out from where it has originated. An international team of experts and the Chinese should cooperate also in their own interest and interest for the entire humankind to learn from it for the future.

    It is . They are ? In germany they've started testing volunteers from whole population groups in 4 areas to see how many people have antibodys = How many people have actualy had it / have it . Then they can compare it to areas / countrys and earlyer outbreaks of other diseases .

    >If the Chinese had nothing to hide, then why are they trying to cover this up? It makes the Chinese govt look very suspicious in their actions

    YOU claim that they're trying to cover something up . Wheres your proof ? What are you going to say next ? That we shouldnt trust them because they're black ? Homosexual ? Jewish ? Your comment has no substance except spreading poison .

    >That can't happen if someone with an ideological bias and limited intelligence and reading comprehension censors the speech of anyone he disagrees with.

    YES :) ...... But thats a BIG part of the problem . The average human is a thick as two short planks . The average intelligence is about 100 - 110 and the scale goes from about 80 - 200 !!! Some apes have an intelligence of about 80 - 90 . There are apes on this planet that are more intelligent than some people . A mouse has an intelligence of about 40 ....... thats 50 - 60 iq points under the average human intelligence ....... and if we look at that the other way around the difference between intelligence in some human beings is more than the difference between a mouse and a human :)

    That means that for some people talking to other human beings makes as much sense as trying to talk to and reason with a mouse .

    The working classes have been bred thick for thousands of years . Just as a consequence of the social structure that we have / have had with authoritarian power structures . Thats the result . Rich poor . Winner looser . Exploiter exploited .

    >Anyone who believes "The Right" is associated with Racism must have never heard of the Civil War in Merica

    A war between the rich and the rich . That had nothing to do with freeing slaves . The souths wealth and power was based on slavery and the norths on mechanical industry ......... it was a trade war .

    AT left and right .

    Forget it its an illusion . A way of looking at things that we've been taught that doesnt solve problems it perpetuates them ....... and survives because its so confusing ...... it just goes round and round in circles ....... with the same people loosing or profiting all the time .

    Politics is easy :) ---- > There are only two possible systems ? ...... either we decide what happens / what we do ...... or ...... someone else decides for us . In german selbst bestimmung oder bevormundung . At the moment we're allowed to vote for people that history has shown have abused power . They allow us to vote for them . That they lead ....... and look where they've lead us = Up to our necks in human excrement .

    Left is we decide = democracy ...... and right is ......... diktate , people giving other people orders , slavery .

    At bigots and morons . The amis say ' Socialism is the root of all evil and has failed ' ........ and at the same time claim to be a democracy .......... Democracy IS socialist :)

    Russia and china are not communist . They're authoritarian diktatorships .

    >Esp. given the fact that both big parties (leadership for sure) are in the pockets of corps...

    Yes . The problem is that they're making decisions that arent in the interests of the planet ...... decisions that we all have to take the responsibility for ...... and we have to stop that . . Decisions are being made about money and ( they say ) national defence . People should come first not money .

    At national defence ...... a country has to do and does do EVERYTHING it can to survive ...... in a world full of maniacs , liers , thieves and cheats that cant be trusted . Why should any country change its cource ? George bush senior and junior both said when asked about the climate catastrophy ...... ' We will not give up our strategic advantage ' and an american government official recently said ...... ' In the past when humanity was faced with problems there was a technological advance that saved us ' ...... That means america first = american world domination untill the bitter end .
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, except China is 'Communist' in a Stalinist sense, not a true "Communist" society! Totalitarian, for sure.

    Russia is authoritarian, with some small openings towards democracy....

    Left/Right are not an illusion! I understand it's easier to simplify stuff but still...

    Left = if we decide? Are you sure? What if we democratically decide that we (on average shorter than 6 foot) are oppressed by those taller sods and hence we must shorten them... by a head?

    You can not "breed" people stupid/thick but you can keep them uneducated, uninformed, scared, disorganised, believing they are where they belong, i.e. "down", in the gutter... Today, however, it is getting harder and harder to do that.....
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  12. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #372 ipx, Apr 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  13. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #373 ipx, Apr 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Gorski opinion ---- >

    >Yes, except China is 'Communist' in a Stalinist sense

    Marx was a hippy , engels a kapitalist and lenin , stalin , mao were nazis . Marx / communism was for us from us with ken and barby uniforms on ........ lenin saw that the population couldnt be trusted with power because most of them would sell their own mothers for a bottle of vodka ...... so comunism changed to be run and dictated by an authoritarian central commitie= any semblance of real communism ended there and was replaced by what it was developed to replace = an authoritarian diktatorship ...... With the ' communist ' party as defenders of the truth ....... THEIR truth .

    In german the word partei ( party ) ....... and the word ' Parteiisch ' ( not neutral / biased ) ......... partys are biased for their members against all the other people ....... wich isnt democratic ?

    In a real democracy it would never come to a vote like that ......... because the people would have to be taught to think for themselves and take their own responsibrility ...... beforehand .

    We dont need pure democracy . We need this system as it is now but ...... with a press thats made to be answerable for what it publishes = It has to publishes facts and news seperate from opinions political partys , ministers , lobbyists or revolving door to high / well payed jobs in industry ....... = no vested interests making decisions for all of us behind our backs ...... = Glass politics and politicians ........ and ...... accountability = Make politicians and judges take the responsibility for what they say and do .
  15. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    That type of utopian society which you want does not and can not exist in reality.
    Possibly in Indonesia, but it is legal to publicly cane you for spitting on the sidewalk too.
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Oh, dear.... Never mind...

    "President Trump this week suggested the coronavirus possibly came from a Chinese lab — a claim rejected by medical experts as well as the Pentagon. "The idea that this virus escaped from a lab is just pure baloney," says infectious disease expert Peter Daszak, who has worked for 15 years with the laboratory in Wuhan that has become the focus of such conspiracy theories. "It’s simply not true.""
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  17. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    from your linked story gorsky....
    Who really knows if this story is even factual? Nobody claims authorship....
    There's more circumstantial evidence that it very well could've came from a lab. It's already been discussed here... Please read this entire thread o.k.?
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Perhaps you should listen to independent scientists....
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  19. Garp _McGarpington

    Garp _McGarpington MDL Novice

    Apr 11, 2020
    You understate the malevolence of the Chinese Government. They held on to the information for an entire month before letting the world know about it, refused to allow the World Health Organization to enter Wuhan to make their own assessment (which is why Trump is pissed at the WHO), and they arrested the doctors "on the ground" who attempted to inform the world of what was taking place, and now they are blaming the release of this virus on the "US Army". But, their original story was that the virus came from bats that are sold as food at the market. Bats that originate hundreds of miles away and have never been sold at that particular market, however those bats ARE used in biological research.

    What I do is play a game called "What if..." and it goes like this: "What if the Chinese Government deliberately intended to infect the entire world?" That hypothesis explains all of the Chinese actions to this point. The other side of that question is "What if it were an accident, and completely unintentional?" Would they have delayed informing the world? Prevented the WHO from entering? Arrested doctors? Blamed the US Military? The Chinese actions and behaviors are an exact match for a guilty actor, and the exact opposite of an innocent actor. This is obvious to any honest thinker. Even the Left is dimly aware of this truth, but since it directly contradicts and undermines their political ideology, they refuse to accept the truth, and instead seek to distract attention away from it, and towards conflicts and drama that go no where, such as racism and white supremacy.
  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #380 gorski, Apr 20, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
    Nonsense! It's in the nature of a totalitarian society's power structure to act like that. Soviets did the same with Chernobyl and so on! And I should know, I was borne in one, raised in it, lived in it 'till I was 29, campaigned against its power structure/regime/CP - as a democratic Socialist - and I studied these issues for decades, professionally... so, no - such an assumption, such a jump into conclusions is rather unfounded on that basis!

    But the USofA or UK are not much better when it comes to not giving their populations a heads up with all manner of such potential or actual disasters, either. Heck, they even experimented on their populations with biological and chemical, even nuclear/radioactive agents etc. etc.

    Dial down the excitement...
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