Official UK government publication. The 'California Study' also sponsored by the CDC... So they are official, nobody can say they are not official. This 'main' everything that does not fit IS the same like 3+3=7. It violates the very basic of a certain science. The rest is put in my mouth without ever having said, for instance that other variants aren't part of the game depends on location. My agenda is to rely on data and basics of science. And yes I am selective when choosing. When somebody violates the very basic rules of a certain branch of science (for instance saying the evolution of virus is to become more virulent and more contagious), I do ignore. I am 'blocking' anything that is not observed, backuped by a study / data and / or basics of epidemiology. You should have noticed that such people never reason their statements with data / science / an appropriate mechanism... I don't take those people as being expert. People who are still saying Omicron is not milder are living in an illusion. Or what's more probable they follow capitalistic interests by bending science. Keeping up fear and the pandemic ongoing is profitable for those. (Making money with vaccines only).
Experimental diabetes medicines... yeah, terribly thick and moronic people, all of them!!! Thank gawd for angels like you, SF!!!
No, it hasn't and some did better than others - the Swedish guy certainly has a few souls on his conscience. And as mindless as you are you would have had many, many more, as ignorant as you are. And you possibly wouldn't care cause you couldn't handle the responsibility, so you would point a finger in all directions, except at yourself... No, Yen, his gurus and your phenomenal self would certainly not have done anywhere near as well as the official scientists to the UK, for instance, government. The problem often was - bad, dithering politicians, who therefore killed many more people than should have died... So, thank fcuk you and people like you, without a clue of what is involved when it comes to making public health policy, have no power whatsoever!!! Period! No ifs and no buts! Yeah, more mindless eugenics, a tool for the incompetent and impotent quasi-politicians. Again, thank fcuk you and geniuses like you have no power whatsoever. A really good thing! Halleluuuyaaahhh!!!
Something to add to 'selectively choosing' in case it's not clear yet: I am one of those Malone's.....I have a similar understanding of the matter bioethics etc etc...
Bioethics? It's the geniuses who "think" we are but animals and should be "governed by the laws of jungle", right...??? Jesus Marx wept! To the point: that guy said NOTHING! Sweet f*** all!!! A typical political speech about truth and data implying only him and his ilk have the proper IQ, scientific knowledge to understand and properly interpret the data = without saying anything about anything! @Yen, it is bewildering that you can't see a stupid propaganda video for what it really is!!! Moreover, you still have no answer to these important question, @Yen! How many more people would you have sacrificed on the altar of your partial understanding of statistics - with no understanding of what makes a good public health policy?!? How many more people are you trying to get rid of?!? Therefore... Really? Show me a place where Omicron and only Omicron is active/"alive"?!? You have no idea just how selective you are and what that does to your arguments... So, when experts in the area warn that it is not a given that mutations must become milder and that they might take a turn for the worse - you ignore, right? You know better, right? So, what happened with Delta in relation to other mutations? I mean, it killed millions... So, in short, no one can come up with anything new, any new supposition, new working hypothesis, a new "idea", right?!? Only those who already came up with something "new" long ago will have ever been allowed to come up with something new, right? Yen, you may have "reasoned" but you were wrong at least at one stage - because you have changed your position! In fact, several times. So, if you are only "objective" how come you changed your position so drastically?!? You really don't at least "feel" the gross contradiction of your position here, just on this topic/issue? AFTER you changed your position you started a new jolly mantra and you kept saying this is "nothing", this is "not a pandemic", that the measures were ridiculous, totally over the top, unnecessary, that the Swedish model was the right way to go and all manner of utter nonsense, despite the fact we all saw that Sweden has killed many more of its people than was necessary - by comparison to their neighbours, i.e. comparable countries! Why? Because of their dogmatic, autistic, rigid approach to the measures, insisting old people do not count, young and able can go on about their business as before... How many millions around the world died in the meantime, even with the measures in place?!? How many more would have died WITHOUT the measures?!? So, yes, sure, you ignored, all right!!! Thankfully, you and "scientists" who were "thinking" like you - "only scientifically" - were largely not listened to!!! Sadly, we have had not only good but also some bad politicians who might have listened to the likes of your gurus or stupid libertarians who were only interested in the 'freedom' to do whatever the fcuk they wanted, regardless of the cost to others or even themselves. Seriously?!?
Senegal, Lebanon, Philippines, Norway,.....etc etc and if you add those 95%+ there are even far more nations..... UK belongs also to it 97% omicron 3% delta.... A typical way how troublemaker do argue. They state something personally out of the wild and then demand from others to prove otherwise. Oh for you: Do you need help to read the diagrams?
Hold on a second: you are asking to be included in the debate as somebody on the fringes and then you dismiss those who warn that the data does not support either ideas about it being over or that Omicron means no nastier version is possible after it, even though those viruses keep mutating... That's a bit rich... Moreover, today on the UK radio (BBC4) epidemiologists argue something that you - given your minimising the measures, rubbishing the idea that this was/is a pandemic etc. - can't possibly understand or support: they are saying that we shall now see a "double bounce effect" - because the UK government firstly didn't react fast enough, so there was a nasty spike in cases and now (reducing the measures as soon as they saw some reduction in numbers of reported cases) there will be another because they are removing the measures too soon! Their advice is: KEEP THE MEASURES IN PLACE (one of the reasons was that Delta isn't gone and another that the virus can and indeed will mutate further)!!! But you know better, right...
Seen the maps, thanx! Question: is the virus still mutating? Will there be new variants? Are other, older variants still present? Are you still going to prophesise the demise of the pandemic in no time and only the mild variant remaining? Well, earlier you mentioned these phenomena (mutation is constant etc.) yourself... We also witnessed Delta killing millions, did we not? Some mutations were milder but Delta wasn't, was it? So, now you choose to ignore those facts because right now they do not fit the current narrative... And therefore you keep repeating the same pattern of behaviour as I described above, several times, at several stages of the pandemic discussion here...
Not addressed to you pink moron but to anyone reading... Millions die every year. It's "normal". Fraudulent handling of this Plandemic worldwide, says it's covid.
You are a moron because at least I - and other level headed people here - posted in this thread, not once, the difference between expected and excess deaths but you keep spouting uniformed stupidities because you have this cretinous conspiraloon "perspective"... Oh, look, there is Mexico, quite high - but this is all a hoax, eh? Excess deaths since country’s first 50 covid deaths Last updated on January 17th COUNTRY / CITY TIME PERIOD COVID-19 DEATHS EXCESS DEATHS EXCESS DEATHS PER 100K PEOPLE Bulgaria Apr 20th 2020-Jan 2nd 2022 30,980 60,940 884 Russia Apr 1st 2020-Dec 31st 2021 302,650 1,090,940 748 Serbia Apr 1st 2020-Nov 30th 2021 11,680 48,710 709 North Macedonia Apr 1st 2020-Oct 31st 2021 7,120 13,740 660 Lithuania May 25th 2020-Jan 2nd 2022 7,370 17,050 634 Peru Mar 23rd 2020-Jan 9th 2022 202,980 208,280 624 Romania Mar 30th 2020-Nov 28th 2021 56,230 112,880 590 Bosnia and Herzegovina Apr 1st 2020-Sep 30th 2021 10,590 16,800 515 Mexico Mar 30th 2020-Dec 5th 2021 290,910 609,190 468 Slovakia Sep 28th 2020-Dec 19th 2021 15,970 24,560 450 Kazakhstan Jun 1st 2020-Oct 31st 2021 17,040 79,070 416 Poland Mar 30th 2020-Dec 12th 2021 88,460 155,240 411 Latvia Oct 19th 2020-Dec 19th 2021 4,400 7,560 405 South Africa Apr 13th 2020-Jan 9th 2022 91,880 242,650 404 Hungary Apr 6th 2020-Dec 12th 2021 36,400 38,490 399 Croatia Apr 20th 2020-Nov 28th 2021 10,710 16,010 392 Albania Jun 1st 2020-Sep 30th 2021 2,660 11,220 391 Bolivia Apr 1st 2020-Sep 30th 2021 18,730 46,190 390 Ecuador Mar 23rd 2020-Jan 2nd 2022 21,030 67,390 377 Czech Republic Mar 30th 2020-Nov 28th 2021 32,910 39,560 369
No it's not a conspiranoid perspective. The fact true information is censored by mainstream media doesn't make it a conspiracy theory. I've talked with several doctors, not that many, but some honest doctors. Then, I've been reading information on the web and social media where important and honest scientists concur. And it's not my opinion it's them, ergo I believe in them.
'Cause I was vaccinated and I was careful! Unlike you - but at least you were lucky, which is good (not that you understand empathy and solidarity but there you go...)!!!
Hong Kong Will Cull Thousands of Hamsters After Covid Cases - The New York Times ( This is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. Now for the sheep they will say - there is a new virus a new strain has come out - hamacron DANGER ps: Why do you kill hamsters? - So they don't get sick.
There is no proper mapping as you would understand. You need to know statistical basic definitions of "Grundgesamtheit" English "population" and "Teilerhebung" English "partial census"... Either way Norway has best ratio. Yes, of course the virus is still mutating. It does in every infected human all the time. It is an attribute of this phenotype. And yes there will be new variants. But variants are human definitions out of those mutations, also the assignment of Greek letters to them as a VOC is a human definition. VariantOfConcern. The concern here is that it could escape the vaccines. This has nothing to do with any other attribute such as virulence and contagion. It's a spike simulation of how 'different' it is to the old crap Wuhan spike VOC is an instrument for the vaccine makers to control panic. They could have updated the vaccines much earlier so to announce VOCs would become obsolete. It is not about 'narrative' here. It's about basics of epidemiology. The evolution of virus has a direction and an 'optimum'. This optimum is asymptotically approximated. For instance the receptor binding strength has a maximum. The driving force is R Naught. Wuhan<delta<Omicron. "Are other, older variants still present?" They also asymptotically approximate extinction. If you want to see a diagram I have posted one already. It's in the Dutch report page 11 (I am READING all the sources which I do post!) Mutations, variants, strains. Those should be understood before making an assessment! Each dot is an own mutation! And there is actually no single Omicron mutation. There are mutations which belong to the variant Omicron! And Omicron has already 2 types. 21K and 21L
Yes, I know all that (partially thanx to this thread and you and partially down to having free time and educating myself continuously, especially in Public Health Policy additionally) but you evaded the questions of importance. Delta was a mutation but not a "weaker" mutation, was it? And so on, you keep blocking what does not fit the narrative you adopted from your gurus... "VOC as an instrument of panic control"? Man, you are getting ever more cynical, I fear... Listen, the work continues and this nonsense I hear is based in FEAR - of science, of what you do not understand, all those conspiraloon "theories", oychhh! So, charging the politicians and MSM with doing precisely that - spreading fear - immediately draws the images of pot calling a kettle black and all that... Seriously, a bit rich!!! If you are pointing to numbers - chew on vaccine numbers given... 8.5 billion doses given, more than 3.5 billion people getting them - seriously, what are the grounds for "fearing the experimental vaccines" after all this?!? Badly and madly populist cr@p! Experts are now talking about more and more work being done on anti-virals attacking not the spike but the reproduction mechanism (so the whole family of these viruses being attacked, allegedly). So, you anti-medicine, anti-science lot: will you ignore them? I really wanna know... EDIT: one of the links I posted speaks of sampling when mapping/testing and that no country has proper numbers! Many qualifications used, @Yen!!! So, forget about that story - at least for the time being - with any certainty! Especially Lebanon and Senegal (I hate this but I will use it exceptionally here) LOOOOLLLLL!!!!!
To make this clear again. SARS-CoV-2 does mutate naturally and that won't stop. But if there will be new variants depends on human definitions. One could define a variant in that way which would INCLUDE all further mutations. But as soon as you say if a certain mutation meets the definitions of a new variant, there will be a new variant.