Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    No matter what you post this applies.
    To assess covid management from deaths and compared to its neighbours only is not the right way, especially when the rate cannot be determined exactly. (with or by /because of).

    Sweden is not an exception within the EU all the more not compared to the world's nations who had much more restrictions.

    I did not deny that its neighbours have a lower death rate.I said it's ridiculous to asses covid management by comparing deaths rates to neighbours only and because of the fact that they are higher to say they have failed.
    I am sorry the pandemic has far more factors to consider.

    Besides of the issue that stats do not distinguish between died with being corona positive or because of COVID.

    The UK data are more detailed so if one has a look who had died from covid with no underlying causes for UK and Wales it decreases to:
    2020: 9400
    2021 Q1: 6483
    2021 Q2: 346
    2021 Q3: 1142
    2020-Q3 2021: 17371

    Before somebody becomes upset. I do not say that only 17371 have died. I say at all other cases there are WITH underlying causes.

    I just wanted to illustrate by that that you assess quality of covid management by picking out a number which immensely can change how you count it!
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, to use your words: it doesn't matter what you post, you can not relativise Sweden's nasty score in this regard...

    At the time their death rates were amongst the very highest, if not the highest, in the world. No way you can "rationalise" this!

    The architect of their C-19 response ADMITED they made gross errors and that now they would change what they did significantly!

    The numbers are no longer dependent on their early response, they continue to have significantly higher rates than their neighbours, so compatible countries.

    You yourself have initially insisted on the "comparable countries only" comparisons and now you are trying to minimise that - by your own standards - all of what you said is a proper measurement, CLEARLY indicates their SHAMEFUL and ABYSMAL score in this regard.

    But you DOGMATICALLY insist on Swedish "best score" - because you have a DOGMA to satisfy!!! You are NO SCIENTISTS now, Yen! You are a scholastic dogmatic. You want to abolish the measures and who fits the bill best? Sweden. Therefore, they must be lifted up to High Heavens as Angels - and damn the data! Soon I expect an Inquisition from AfD quarters to be brought forward. I just hope you and other pros wake up before you really end up in such marriage of convenience...

    Just don't tell me later on, when the real headaches start, that I did not warn you well in advance!!!
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3943 gorski, Jan 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    One more point: how can you - with a straight face - come up with this relativisation and minimisation of the numbers of dead people due to C-19 by trying to invoke "non-underlying other causes/no comorbidities only" cases, as "measurement"?!? In which world do you live, man?!? These people were surviving with their medical treatment and if there wasn't C-19 infection, they'd continue living normally, as they can, for their condition.

    Here we deploy "excess death" measurement, to see the difference that C-19 brings into the equation! Then, we have to formulate a Public Health Policy! Not from a prejudiced position! But after looking at data! In an unprejudiced manner!

    By excluding real people in real living conditions you may get your perfect lab conditions - but that bears no resemblance to REALITY!!! See-through prejudice, really...
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  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3944 Yen, Jan 31, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    Stop talking about dogma while you are insisting on your narrative.:D

    This is a Swedish newspaper that links to official stats

    IN NUMBERS: Excess mortality in Sweden during pandemic now lower than most in Europe

    I am glad that you yourself came up with excess deaths. (Übersterblichkeit)
    If I had done that myself you would have said this number says nothing.

    And here: Saying the LOWEST in Europe 2021


    No sorry, everybody can see it now. You are ridiculing yourself!
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  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I believe, not sure, we (wife, daughter and I) got covid Omicron variant lol

    The night before last night I woke up at 3 am with strong headache thinking it was my benzobrain condition although I don't really suffer headaches other than brain pressure (not the same).

    I couldn't sleep rest of the night. In the morning they told me of a strong headache.

    Me and wife no fever but I started showing lung constipation, a bit, along with oxygen desaturation, a bit, I don't have an oxymeter at hand. Daughter with a bit of fever no axygen issues, wife no lung issues but they both strong headache as well. That's why I believe we caught Omicron.

    Therapy: chlorine dioxide CDS, Ivermectin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen .

    Yay, we're doing good...
  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3946 gorski, Jan 31, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    @Yen, I certainly do not have a "narrative", unlike you, as anyone can see now... I am interested in anything but dogma! Unlike you, for a while now... Sadly... I insist on DATA and you are insisting on only those bits of data that suit your narrative! A dogmatic narrative! A prearranged goal that must be justified with all means at your disposal, tunnel vision and all...

    And your last post is total rubbish!!! It says "NOW" (sic!!!). Get a grip, man! They allowed most of their old and infirm, susceptible to the virus to be culled, i.e. most of their "balast" is gone and you think that this is the reason to CELEBRATE?!? Who here is RIDICULOUS?!?

    This is the REAL DEAL, the REAL DATA re. their death rate per million in comparison to their neighbours:

    Characteristic Confirmed cases (absolute) Cases in last 7 days Confirmed deaths (absolute) Deaths in last 7 days Daily increase (# deaths) Population (in millions) Deaths per million (total) Deaths per million (last 7 days)

    Sweden 1,973,485 231,775 15,674 137 75 10.29 1,523.9 13.32
    Denmark¹ 1,504,724 253,064 3,600 104 21 5.82 618.71 17.87
    Finland 371,135 0 1,724 0 0 5.52 312.3 0
    Norway 690,244 118,589 1,414 26 23 5.35 264.4 4.86

    Sorry but it is quite obvious to anyone now that your picking and choosing ONLY the bits that fit your dogmatic narrative is anything but scientific!!!

    Chew on that piece of evidence... Sweden is best! Sure, in allowing a cull of its old, infirm and so on... And it is not the first time they were involved in such unsavoury, eugenics-like policies on the level of the state...

    One hoped they were finally over it, that they have learnt their lesson but this is obviously not possible! Every generation has to re-learn that for themselves and this one certainly hasn't yet!!!
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3947 gorski, Jan 31, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    Look, let me break it down for anyone who does not know...

    There is an article in the Newsweek attacking Fauci for "deflecting the blame" etc.

    Well, this is rather naff from their side... They are "ridiculing" Fauci as somebody who is "deflecting blame" (while he was simply a part of the huge chunk of the scientific community and a part of the team, of course) - and what are they doing now?!? By their own "logic" they are doing precisely what they are blaming Fauci for: "deflecting the blame", by saying "Oh, look, it wasn't us, it was them"...

    Yes, it was "them" (CDC, Fauci and co.) who saved millions of lives, otherwise it would have been much worse (at least with the original Wuhan strain and Delta), had it not been for vaccinations and measures! I mean, what are they talking about here - what was the alternative? "Targeted minority" to be protected and the rest should have gone about their business as before - but how is that actually, practically possible?

    And what we actually have here is essentially a tiny minority of libertarians and conservatives who have picked a fight with majority who did see that this was about solidarity, empathy, the Hippocratic oath ("Do no harm!") and even at a rock bottom level of nothing more than basic self-interest (no one knows how one shall react to the pathogen!) this is an enlightened self-interest based policy that did not sacrifice the old, infirm and susceptible to the virus AND it did not play Russian roulette with one's own life or health or that of their families etc.

    Where was all this "push them all back to work" coming from (even while the pandemic was at its deadliest swing)?!?

    I'll remind those of you who forgot and I shall inform those of you who simply do not know: Koch Industries through their think-tanks - safely barricaded behind their heavy doors, insisting in internal memos to "stay at home out of abundance of precaution" - at the same time levied quite a bit of pressure on the Congress etc. to push all of those "less fortunate" back to work!!!

    Here, inform yourselves properly, if you are interested in truth of the matter at hand, as in "whose interest was it to go back to work" regardless of the warnings coming from a huge majority of scientific and medical community:

    March 2020:

    Americans for Prosperity, a pro-corporate group, wants employees to return to work despite desperate pleas from public health officials to the contrary."

    They told each other "Don't be a fool, stay at home, we are not going out there, it's too dangerous!"

    So, I don't know about you but I am NOT going to be fooled by THEM!!!

    P.S. One more thing: I know of a time when biggest industrialists ended up in bed with Nazi-Fascists. It is happening, quite clearly, nowadays, on this particular issue! I would be VERY careful who I'd be planting such poisonous fruits with...
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3949 Mr.X, Jan 31, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022

    This is so cool

    Justin Trudeau, that rat fled to an undisclosed location lol
  10. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hopefully, all this is coming to a close, at least when it comes to huge numbers, lots of people dead or severely affected by C-19... However...

    We shall have to deal with this, methinx:

    ‘The scariest thing’: the children living with long Covid
    Though still rare, the numbers of kids across the US reporting symptoms long after infection are increasing, doctors say

    And we shall be able to compare, if not perfectly:

    Cuba leads the world in vaccinating children as young as two against Covid
    With confidence in public health system high, 95% of kids aged 2-18 are fully vaccinated and Omicron infection rates are low

    "The Swedes have rejected it, Dr Fauci says the US may soon approve it, the Chinese have started, but the Cubans have already vaccinated almost all young children against Covid.

    The island is the only country vaccinating toddlers as young as two against the disease, and more than 95% of two- to 18-year-olds have now been fully vaccinated, according to the ministry of public health.

    “Although Covid hits children less severely, they are an important factor in transmission,” said Dr Gerardo Guillén, the lead developer of Abdala, one of the island’s homegrown vaccines.

    Child vaccination, one of the world’s highest Covid vaccination rates and high herd immunity after a massive Delta peak last summer, he said, have contributed to significantly lower infection rates in Cuba than in the US and Europe throughout the Omicron wave."

    Let's see, in a year or three, who got it right...
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  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Hey! @Yen
    How you doing?
    How do you feel in this journey?
    Great awakening isn't it?
    Medical and scientific institutions are not what they look correct?
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #3954 Yen, Feb 2, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
    You still are and you do not stop. You are even going the extra mile.
    And you can keep your classification of individuals like me into a political direction.

    To say Sweden did it best can be reasoned by their lowest of all EU nations excess mortality 2021, for instance.

    "Here we deploy "excess death" measurement, to see the difference that C-19 brings into the equation! "Then, we have to formulate a Public Health Policy! Not from a prejudiced position! But after looking at data! In an unprejudiced manner!"

    .....then you saw that the numbers do not feed your narrative ooops...and then you repeated posting the died from / with COVID numbers.

    If you should have a problem that the excess death map is per 100,000 then add a zero digit each 20/100,000 = 200/1,000,000
    This is maths of a 10 year old, it's called "to expand a fraction".

    Your definition of real = fits to personal narrative. This is the same definition the politicians have.
    BOTH numbers are real! Your numbers posted (died from / with COVID positive) and mine posted (excess deaths).
    Sweden has lowest excess mortality which indicates that their overall management is best.

    And nothing else I have said. You yourself suggested that number of excess deaths to be deployed! And yes it is reasonable to do so. :thumbsup:

    The excess deaths already take into account that the died from / with COVID number also contain fatalities which are not causal to COVID19 alone otherwise Sweden would not have the lowest excess death rate of those EU nations.
    I pointed on that by illustrating how numbers change when doing a more specific DB query "with no underlying causes ".

    Oh yes. :)
    But finally rationality and real science will succeed. I hope it will initiate a complete structural change at those institutions.

    And also the political corona narrative is starting to collapse here in Germany. (Vaccine mandates based on illusions).

    But what's hard to resolve (from the Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now) BMJ article.

    Well said here at the BMJ!

    BTW I put here some patents (Matrix adjuvant), some help from colleges finding them. :)

    I'll edit this post and add comments on them as soon as I have more time

    Some of them are interesting.
    Especially the technical process. It's the same and kind of funny I am doing in the lab ATM......

    It's preparative HPLC. But I am not isolating Quillaja Saponins.

    I am purifying a synthesized metabolite of something (NDA). :cool:
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #3955 gorski, Feb 2, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
    @Yen, this IS POLITICAL!!! Only you don't see it! You choose not to see it! (That's why the option you prefer is championed by AfD, FCOL!!! You should be a bit more careful than to end up in bed with such lot!!! Don't tell me you haven't noticed it - the company you're in now...)

    Besides,I gave you the DATA and what do you do? Like a good old dogmatic scholastic - you ignore the relevant data! RIDICULOUS for a scientists!!! I mean, gimme a break here, this is too ridiculous for words!!! I wiped the floor with your "vision" of C-19 pandemic and what needs to be done by using your "best example"! They are amongst the WORST examples overall!!! They can NOT brag about all those deaths!!! In fact, they should be ashamed of themselves, killing so many people needlessly! Of course they now have low excess deaths - AFTER THEY ALLOWED SO MANY OLD AND WEAK, VULNERABLE HUMAN BEINGS DIE NEEDLESSLY!!! But that is something to ASHAMED OF, FFS!!!

    Moreover, this never was and never will be "scientific debate only"! You are in PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY TERRITORY and that is much more my turf, if you want to put it that way! We are not talking NUMBERS but HUMAN HEALTH and HUMAN LIVES!!! But you just do not want to understand it as it would ruin your karma or something... In your own words, now your 'ego' is speaking despite the facts!!!

    In Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria and so on (the Balkans generally) the C-19 related deaths are worse than ever! What do you have to say about that? See the data!! I dare you! Go on, enlighten us...
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  16. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    2022-02-02_212436.jpg 2022-02-02_212833.jpg

    How old is Soros?
    Probably 300 years old?
    Has he had more than one heart transplant and other organs?
    George Soros is a Lego set :)
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Wow! What a company to keep... Vladnil for Pres!
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  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013

    This is outrageous.
    I don't know in your respective countries but in mine this is an humiliation, a rudeness beyond acceptable for a forum authority.

    This insect is sending a very negative message to everybody regardless whether he's right or not.

    I Can't believe this, @Yen
  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    He can believe it from an arse-licker, sure he can...

    Btw, no arguments whatsoever, just pleading with those droopy kitty eyes, looking upwards (hat in hand, covering the boots), towards the authority - really shows right through you, X...

    Back to basics...
    Covid-19 in the UK
    72.3% with two vaccine doses and 55.7% with booster top-up

    Daily cases
    -14,207 v last week

    In hospital
    -1,417 v last week

    Daily deaths
    +188 v last week

    Cases and deaths as published on 2 Feb, hospital numbers on 1 Feb. Vaccine % is total population with two or three doses on 1 Feb. Source: PHE.
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