This is true, but it was also more than 60yrs ago also. The U.S. did not hold back it's nuke testing (which is most likely impossible) and they did do test on it's own people. But the U.S. and other countries as far as I can tell, has never not cause a world wide pandemic of this magnitude and then attempt to deny it. Wuhan has two biological labs within a very short distance of this fish market which is considered as ground zero to the starting point. These labs were doing experiments with the Coronovirus. Shifting the blame stating the Other countries have done things too, is quite childish at this point
You are not in a position to claim any such thing! Serious scientists claim the opposite! Just look at this... "President Trump this week suggested the coronavirus possibly came from a Chinese lab — a claim rejected by medical experts as well as the Pentagon. "The idea that this virus escaped from a lab is just pure baloney," says infectious disease expert Peter Daszak, who has worked for 15 years with the laboratory in Wuhan that has become the focus of such conspiracy theories. "It’s simply not true."" Besides, not only is your claim false (that these experiments only happened "long ago") - look here, for instance: - but it is absurdly false: Pause and think... Now, come again... did I sense "American exceptionalism" somewhere in all that yada-yada-yada-we-are-superior-yada-yada-yada?!?
Are you attempting to state that the U.S. did bad things so it is O.K. if China does bad things too? I hope you realize how moronic this is getting! Are you attempting to shift this onto to the U.S. as being the responsible factor in this pandemic? Your getting off the edge there gorski
I'm more interested in "What can we do to fix this" rather than pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame. To me, everything else is a waste of energy and resources.
Yes, I also posted blaming each others leads no nothing. And I am interested in keeping this thread clean (out of personal political ideologies). (OK I am also interested in the origin..scientific interest and what we can LEARN from it to apply measures for prevention).
First thing to do in order to "fix this", is get the Chinese Government to tell the truth. Also to prevent dishonest and intellectually deficient people from participating in the discussion, when their only purpose is to distract attention away from the truth. The "bat cave" is almost 1,000 miles from the Wuhan Market. They didn't fly there, and that seems like a lot of trouble to eat bats that were discovered to be diseased 15 year ago.!2m2!1d114.305539!2d30.592849!4e1
@Garp: I disagree with you. The first thing that needs to be done is for us to find a way to mitigate the threat of COVID 19. That means more testing and more work being done on antivirals. The second thing that needs to be done is that the USA -NEEDS- to enact laws that will force PPE equipment (Masks, Ventilators, gowns, hand sanitizer, etc, to be manufactured here in the USA. That could involve creating an Approved Vendor List for health care providers. The first criteria is that the manufacturers -NEED- to be in the USA. Once the virus is under control, then fact finding can be done as to its' origin.
No, Joe! It is important to point out that USofA/UK/etc. and their "advocates" stop pontificating, as they have no "moral high ground to do so", given their history!!! Esp. as in some ways it is enabling Trump and his lot of getting away with pointing a finger at others for their own failures - that's the point here, for all who are doing this kind of nonsense - that's what I call "getting off the edge"!!! Just in case anyone somehow managed to miss it, in their biased nonsensical tirade after tirade... Needless to say, science is in need in facts, in order to understand and remedy problems but...
Wow. I just got finished watching one of the financial shows on TV, and the market closed with the price of oil at -$23 a barrel. That's minus, meaning negative. It's never happened before, and I'm not sure exactly what to make of it. Does it mean an oil company will pay you $23 to take a barrel of oil off their hands? Or it's costing them on average $23 a barrel to produce a commodity that there is currently no market for? It appears that owing oil, or anything that has to do with oil, is no longer an asset but has become a liability. An unforeseen consequence of the economic slowdown caused by the Coronavirus epidemic, combined with the ongoing Russia-Saudi oil price war. Welcome to the Twilight Zone folks.
the price of the barrel is at all time low but a gallon of regular gas still at $1.90 a gallon regular gas should cost no more .90 cents a gallon.
that is a very disturbing video great find...if this is true that means china has declare war not just to the US but to the world now what will the world nations do about it?
Dishonest, intellectually deficient people and the truth. Strong words.... Don't you notice that this is exactly the same ideology as the Chinese govt.? You have the same try to 'exclude' those who 'disturb'... the own ideology, the own idea of truth, your idea of truth. You a crying out for the means of a state of law while you yourself are ignoring them.... Arbitrary law and an ideology of prejudice are prevailing in your posts. You are speaking of intelligence and of those who are intellectually deficient... But in fact you are afraid of the intelligence of the others..they could see right through your postings, recognizing that that what you blame others for you exactly apply yourself... No, thank you. It is enough. Call it censorship or whatever. Previous post is deleted, it is off topic! Why did you post the bat cave distance to Wuhan? -There are bats which fly even more than 1000 kilometers and -The 'Chinese theory' is not about bat's about a 'last' animal host (mammal) that is between bats and humans. Either you argue on topic or not. P.S: And if you should think I moderate it because it is against the Chinese govt. what you have posted, you are wrong. I would exactly moderate the same way regardless of the nation.
There have been a few rounds of random testing in MA lately and they are consistently finding 1/3 of randomly selected symptom free people to be infected. I am starting to wonder if we would be better off if this were more like the actual flu where you almost always feel like crap if you have it. Maybe people feeling fine and going about their regular life is the entire problem here?
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