Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    More than 18 million people - three times higher than official records suggest - have probably died because of Covid, say researchers.

    Their report comes two years to the day from when the World Health Organization first declared the pandemic.

    The Covid-19 excess mortality team at the US's Washington University studied 191 countries and territories for what they call the true global death figure.

    Some deaths were from the virus, while others were linked to the infection.

    This is because catching Covid might worsen other pre-existing medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease, for example.

    The measure used is called excess deaths - how many more people have been dying than would be expected compared to recent years, before the pandemic hit.
    To calculate this, the researchers gathered data through searches of various government websites, the World Mortality Database, the Human Mortality Database, and the European Statistical Office.

    Rates of excess deaths are estimated to have varied dramatically by country and region, but the overall global rate calculated in the study is 120 deaths per 100,000 people.

    That would mean about 18.2 million deaths have happened because of Covid in the two years between the start of 2020 and the end of 2021 - three times as many as the official 5.9 million that have actually been recorded.

    Excess death estimates were calculated for the full study period only, and not by week or month, because of lags and inconsistencies in reporting of Covid death data that could drastically alter the estimates, the investigators stress.

    According to the research, which is published in The Lancet, the highest rates were in lower income countries in Latin America, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. But deaths were also fairly high in some high-income countries, such as Italy and parts of the US.

    The five countries with the highest estimated excess death rates were:
    • Bolivia
    • Bulgaria
    • Eswatini
    • North Macedonia
    • Lesotho
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4102 Yen, Mar 11, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
    Some of the Pfizer documents are now in the public domain.
    Remember: They have been released by court order! You should wonder why!

    Document of interest is: 5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf you might want to download.
    This data is from 1st of December 2020 to 28th of February 2021. (3 months)
    N=42086 cases 1223 FATAL within 3 months already.

    This link should be bookmarked since new documents will be released.

    The myocarditis issue is by far worse than expected.
    Especially if you look at more recent data
    "Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021"

    Myocarditis expected (age 12-15 years): 0.53 / million doses. Reality 70.73! after 2nd dose!! This is 133 times more.
    Age 16-17. Expected: 1.34 / Million doses, reality: 105.86 after 2nd dose!!! This is 79 times more.
    (Booster is not even considered yet.)...
    (Table 2).

    This is FAR more than my worst expectations!
    I knew this day would come....where all data become unveiled and the real damage as well....
    Look at the age groups!! Young people who actually do not get severe COVID!!

    BUT now they are a victim of the vaccines! Myocarditis is never mild. It's either severe or fatal.
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  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes and now a valid analysis of cost v. benefit, in terms of numbers, sheer numbers - is missing...

    Greater risk is:

    a) getting C-19 unvaccinated or

    b) get vaccinated and have exactly how much risk from side-effects?

    Per vaccine, age, class, ethnicity, gender etc. Which risk is greater, more dangerous?!?

    Sadly, it's dark in that respect and therefore we're still in the sphere of witchcraft, methinx...

    Everybody seems to be either lying or not doing a very good job, either because of their interests or incompetence...

    Maddening, I tell ya! We need to make a decision on behalf of our children and Science is not honest and concerned only with truth!
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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    The tongue can hide the truth but the eyes can never hide the truth

    Dear Akasha Community members:

    I hope you are all doing very well.

    I know I have been somewhat 'quiet' these past few days and I thank you for your patience. My silence has been mostly due to high amounts of work and that I have been devoting a lot of my energy to finishing the preliminary draft of the study with which we intend to analyze some biological aspects related to the safety of mRNA vaccine platforms. I still do not know if we will be able to get the requested vaccines from the Mexican health authorities, since they have not responded, but if there is such an opportunity, it is well worth any effort and investment of energy to have everything ready to answer these research questions.

    However, I am aware that more and more evidence continues to accumulate that does not usually make it to the media - even less so now that the subject of media attention has changed somewhat - but which is, at least it seems to me, important for you to know. I cannot summarize all the things I want to share with you in this message (and which include: a video in which I want to explain the new genetic evidence about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, talk about the documents that Pfizer gave to the FDA that the US Supreme Court forced to be open to the public, send you articles about more therapeutic options, share with you relevant news from different countries where they are no longer forcing vaccination, etc.); I will do it little by little, combining my work with these tasks in Akasha Comunidad.

    For now, I will focus on this post, for which I chose a quote from the Russian physician, poet and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov (gee, even in my choice of quotes I am rebellious) about the eyes: "The tongue can hide the truth but the eyes, never". I chose this quote because the article I want to share with you, which was published a few days ago ( focuses precisely on the eyes. I find this article very relevant for ophthalmologists, general practitioners and the public who might have suffered (or know people who did) post vaccination eye damage. In a previous post (#Recorded_adverse_effects_to_the_inactivated_Coronavac_vaccine_against_SARSCOV2) I have already shared some information about ocular adverse events (specifically, about a Coronavac-associated optic neuritis), but this is a new case that needs to be known because of its relevance. In the case report, a 41-year-old healthy man had progressive vision loss and ocular "floaters" (strands or black spots in the field of vision; that appeared 48 hours after COVID-19 vaccination. Ophthalmologic examination showed bilateral anterior uveitis, which progressed to panuveitis with occluding vasculitis ( that persisted despite topical cortisone treatment. No other cause was found and finally, after treatment with a combination of systemic and topical cortisone, she showed signs of improvement, although it is not excluded that she might require laser intervention. The case report, written by Hebert et al, concludes that it is plausible to consider the COVID-19 vaccine as the cause of panuveitis and that clinicians should be aware of this possibility.

    Uveitis is the result of an uncontrolled inflammatory process, which may be associated with autoimmunity; moreover, it is not the only case of this ocular condition after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. There are, in addition to this one, 19 published articles (here are the links to some of them, but you can search in PubMed with the keywords "uveitis AND "covid-19 vaccine":,,,,,,,, ). As these events are associated with different types of COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., mRNA, vectored or, associated with fewer reports, inactivated), it is necessary to consider the possibility that it is precisely due to an autoimmune reaction due to the molecular resemblance that various Spike peptides (protein fractions) have to our own proteins. The molecular resemblance or "mimicry" implies that when we generate a response against these peptides, we may also end up affecting our own similar proteins. That is, generating an autoimmune response. This topic has already been published with bioinformatic evidence at:,,,,

    A quick search in Eudravigilance ( shows that, associated with the Pfizer vaccine alone, 28,502 ocular adverse events have been reported in Europe. Of these, uveitis corresponds to 271 cases, and the occurrence of floaters has been recorded for 312 cases. With the data available in this registry system, it is impossible to determine the occurrence rate per vaccine administered, nor to compare it with the expected rate in the population. However, it doesn't matter if there are too many or too few cases - it's all about people's eyes! In the words of Dr. Peter McCullough: "when there is risk, there must be choice", but choice is only real when the risks are known and understood. Without a dialogue, without removing the censorship, there is no way for people to really know the risks.

    I hope you find this information useful and I send my best regards, Karina AW
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4105 Yen, Mar 11, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
    There are age groups at which the vaccines might had greater benefit than risks.
    But not at those posted for sure.

    My own assessments always were no vaccines below the age of 30, only vulnerable groups.
    And those seem to be confirmed.

    And those 1223 general fatalities within a quarter of time occurred within the first 24h after the vaccine on average. So they can be clearly associated to the vaccine administering.
    This is only the tip of the iceberg since more data will come...
    Some of those data are present, especially age and male / female. Also cohort (nation).
    The court ordered data is Pfizer related only while the JAMA myocarditis data is mRNA vaccine in general (also concerns Moderna).
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I have heard a number of stories of younger men and women in their prime (20-ties/30-ties) who got long Covid and couldn't go back to work, their lives messed up....

    So, my bet would be on more "individualised medicine" (which costs), i.e. targeted vaccines (or rather not giving vaccines to specific cases, with specific physiology/genetics) - and for that we need to learn a lot more and invest...

    Do you have a source for "the general fatalities" (most, percetage-wise?), please? If so, their genes should be studied for similarities...

    Yes, I know but much more should be done, I think...

    P.S. Cohorts, as you know, might be sub-groups within a nation, sub-group within a sub-group etc.
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  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4107 Yen, Mar 11, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
    No, I didn't find any in that report.
    You have valid questions, I have. Others have....

    But what's most scandalous: Do you think it's OK such data have to be made available by court order?
    Shouldn't they be in a public domain from the very beginning since all the vaccines are paid with our money AKA taxes collected from govts?

    And even in that report you find greyed out parts WTF?
    "It is estimated that approximately ***** doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide
    from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December
    2020 through 28 February 2021."
    So we cannot calculate a simple percentage of fatalities here !!!
    Other question: Would that be still greyed out if the percentage would be low?!?!

    Another consideration: Own situation versus statistics of the public / public data. (Simply: What happened to the 'other people'?)
    I decided to refuse the vaccines. I got COVID and I went for IVM.

    So what would have been if I had taken a vaccine? Nobody knows.

    3 people got infected with me. Only I took IVM. The other 2 are also unvaxxed.
    I suppose we got the same variant. All 3 have similar age. 2 males one female. Nobody with comorbidities.
    I recovered within 3 days, the other 2 within one week. One of those had even mild lung issues.
    I stopped IVM after the symptoms were gone. (Too early I know now). 2 days later I lost sense of taste and smell...
    It took 3 weeks until I got all back...
    Would that have occurred when being vaccinated? Would I have got adverse events? Nobody knows...

    IVM shortens period of symptoms and severity. I knew that already when shared my IVM with friends. Friend vaccinated, with IVM, 3 days with symptoms (delta). Boyfriend of her vaccinated without IVM 6 days.(also delta).

    So since we individually cannot know what would have been with this and that we NEED such data. It's the only way to make a proper own assessment of risk / benefit.
    We never know what would have been otherwise....:)

    MORE data please! No greyed-out parts, damn! :D
    WE are the owner of that data!
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  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    SA Police drop COVID-19 vaccine mandate as state records 2,047 new cases and two COVID-related deaths
  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    United Airlines to let unvaccinated workers return - WSJ
  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  13. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019

    Luc Montagnier's last speech before his death beats THROUGH the Luxembourg Parliament on January 12, 2022.
    Revealed the whole covid scam.
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  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4114 Yen, Mar 16, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2022
    A reasonable and pretty straightforward presentation of current knowledge of what we know now.

    All underlined with studies I knew already and many (graphs) also I had posted here as well.. (You find all them sources at his video below.)
    Couldn't have said that by a better summary. Bravo!

    You might want to watch it to update your knowledge. (If you didn't know already).

    All you could do for protection if you are pro vaccines only is to get 3 shots.
    "It's time" to get exposed to the virus itself. You will sooner or later anyway.
    And if you have got natural immunity already you are good. No vaccine will add anything of a benefit.

    A 4th jab / 2nd booster also boosts the T reg cells which then down-regulate your immune response. 'You' are already at peak.
    There is no the more the better and there is no one way fits all (vaccines)...
    Also there would be no new vaccine that could change that.

    "Superior natural immunity"

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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    The cases are up significantly! It's milder for some but not for all... Children frequently somehow are not OK with Omicron, it seems...

    621K+ cases a day in South Korea alone... Thousands dying daily, from the USofA onwards... The fat lady has not sung yet...
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4119 Yen, Mar 18, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
    I posted that on September 2020...and here we are.
    To me it was likely that vaccines would not stop waves nor eradicate the virus. I simply applied what science knew when developing vaccines against a respiratory related virus that can mutate.

    The really 'odd' thing is that they additionally are waning faster than you could booster up. If they would last at least as long as flu vaccines you could get your seasonal shot every year.

    I bet the conventional vaccines which are based on entire inactive virus are better in that regard. But we here don't have them here!

    Science / politics did make a mistake to focus on spike vaccines almost alone.

    I am speaking out what might be uncomfortable.
    Omicron acts as a natural vaccine. It brought nations such as SA / actually entire Africa natural immunity. Young people most which can handle Omicron mostly well. A nation that never would have got a high vaccination rate in time.
    It will be Omicron like variants that end the pandemic NOT human made measures.

    "Bill Gates: Omicron did ‘a better job’ building immunity than COVID-19 vaccines" Even he is saying that. Somebody who wanted to vaccinate the entire world.

    So where are we now?
    People are getting infected. More and more around me.
    Is it still an option to behave in a way that an individual could escape the infection? For how long?

    We have the vaccines. The 3rd jab won't work anymore the next months. More jabs even if you could down-regulate your immune system by that sooner or later?

    We have 2 'new' meds that are useful. Monoclonal antibodies which have probably (if it has mutated there where the AB attaches) to be adjusted to each new variant and an antiviral Paxlovid.

    Molnupiravir is risky due to its mechanism of action. I posted about.
    The new meds are expensive and not available at all places.

    Extremely vulnerable people could go for monoclonal antibodies which can last up to 9-12 months protection in the meantime. (Passive immunisation).

    And they could have Paxlovid handy in case of...

    But what is about the 'rest'?
    And oh well we have IVM....but you know about its man made 'reputation'...

    @gorski What are your thoughts about that and about you (individually)...what's your plan for the future? :)
    I mean we can go on posting high numbers from that place where they occur on and on...and yes you can ask people to get the vaccines...but that does not change situation that vaccines only provide a protection a small period of time....(future long term POV on covid)
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Individually, due to my asthma (currently flaring up, which it does, mercifully, once or twice a year only) my lung capacity is almost halved. Without inhalers - it'd be a struggle. Why on Earth would anyone like me or worse want to play Russian roulette with one's life or health? There are millions of people, especially kids (more and more kids with asthma due to man made pollution, esp. diesel car exhaust particles), who can not afford to be so "relaxed" like you suggest and just get infected and - what? "See"? What will you see if you die or get long Covid or some of your organs get damaged a lot etc.? I don't want to see. And even if I was 100% the most able to defeat the virus - I would still think and act the same way, as you know. I am from the democratic Left and notions of empathy, solidarity are central to it all!

    Strategically, given we're Humans, not animals, we can come up with better vaccines! And I have no doubt we will. Most probably paid for by the tax payer - public institutions will lead the research. Also, anti-virals! And more, if needed.

    You have seen my link re. US Army vaccine in testing (the "football"/"ladybug", 24 hexagonal surfaces to attach various spikes, not just for C-19 but similar ones, too)? There are new anti-virals being tested, too and so on. We can do it!

    And just imagine how much more constructive s**t we could do if we diverted all our desctruction-directed budgets towards constructive, peace-oriented goals...

    Because, this is no good:

    Prof Alice Roberts Retweeted
    Stephen Reicher

    Least surprising news of the day.
    A policy of 'See no Covid, Hear no Covid, Speak no Covid' leads to... More Covid.

    new rhetoric.jpg


    P.S. In the USofA - because they are badly misinformed (to be kind!) - there are many, many millions who did not get vaccinated and for them it is harder than for vaccinated, so... But we do need a new, better vaccine, for sure! Numbers are high and scary!
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