@Yen, you were advocating it way before the UK gov adopted it. So, it is yours. And the UK gov is not exactly the best example of enlightened governance, you know, they are not beyond criticism... I can avoid it with a conscious effort for much longer than if I adopt "your generous stance with my health". The longer the better. Even according to you. We know more, we have more tools to fight it. Common sense. You did not qualify your statements. Too many to mention... You "forget" that it means possible serious problems for "others", if that becomes "public health policy" too early...
Yeah well, I was first recognizing the attributes of Omicron..I closely watched the news coming from Prof. Kommal SA. Then take it as this: UK followed what's IMHO right. And you don't agree. No problem. @ipx Consider that: Concerning jeopardizing..Infections are chains! To undergo that mentioned training firstly somebody would have to infect me. Then I could infect others and so on. To spot a guilty one is questionable. A vaxxed individual / already with natural infection could not even have noticeable symptoms....to just pick the one before as an guilty one as the one who is jeopardizing?!? One firstly has to be jeopardized by another one first before he can jeopardize another one at all... There will be waves as the flu one season more one less....it will become / is endemic. At best it'll turn out just like a common cold once gotten natural immunity. A naive immune system is most vulnerable independently of own reaction to it (severity). Temporarily vaccines are training, too. Just as flu vaccines.
Never mind me - Scotland, Wales, many countries in the world, many scientists and doctors were dismayed by this decision... but don't let that stop you... The UK gov was OBVIOUSLY too late to react initially and then they were listening to the industry and stopped the measures too soon, OBVIOUSLY again... Independent folk told them they will have a double bounce effect and it's happening... But OK, some of you guys know best - for all of us, individually even... Tell me, please, is Germany's gov dropping the requirement for vaccination to get into Germany and once one is in Germany, is quarantine obligatory? That practicality is now important to know.... Thanx!
Smallpox Didn't End With Vaccines! There is no epidemic in the history of the world that ended with vaccination! https://www.5gvirusnews.com/yazarlar/cicek-hastaligi-asilarla-bitmedi-h808.html
Nope, f**k those who don't read real unbiased uncorrupted studies about facts proving many were killed with it...
Yeah, as if you are the arbiter of what is "real" and what is "fiction" because - how many PhDs did you say you have?!?
Things have changed. I am updating it...it's hard to get through it for me. Hope this helps. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/coronavirus/2317268 And the link there to the new rules: https://www.bundesgesundheitsminist...guv-19-lp/coronavirus-einreiseverordnung.html ATM there are no high-risk areas and areas of variants of concern. https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Risikogebiete_neu.html So if I got this right quarantine does not apply. You only need either a PCR test, or proof of vaccination, or recovery. Kids below the age of 12 are excluded. If you come by flight you need those documents at check-in already. Yes, the bigger the current wave, the easier. But what applies and @ipx has mentioned is immunologically reasoned (there are processes like affinity maturation) and I can confirm by practical experiences (friend who got it twice). The first infection is most 'severe'. Any further infections are milder. Sometimes one even would not know about a SARS-COV-2 infection without testing. The symptoms will be indistinguishable by own feeling (from common cold like infection). So the question would be: Would I notice about it as 'something special' in the future. We of course have to observe the future variants. Most virologists say theoretically a more virulent (severe) variant can occur (mutation is just a random process), but due to its attribute it cannot become dominant. (cannot supersede the more contagious dominant variant) It also very depends on which variant and when your immune system has made the last response. Either by vaccination or natural infection. The more the current variant has mutated away from it the lesser the protection.
Thanx, @ipx and @Yen - it was very frustrating for me, too. I got to the same conclusion as Yen... IF I am correct - the rules and additional redirections/links are anything but clear-cut and simple...
They are actually a mess. It's easier to go through medical studies. It's been a torture, somehow I was interested myself, we want to go to France eventually at Easter. What's more a mess is 'my' recovery state. Here it's been down ONLY HERE to 3 months against all scientific evidence. Netherlands has 12 months, France 6 months. Switzerland I guess nine. All the more you need 3 different pages and sources to get anything together. Status of country, age of persons, kind of test, duration, what is fully vaxxed and the combinations recovered first vaxxed after, vaxxed first recovered after how many shots and when? It's making me mad.
Oh yeah! But you are such arbiter correct? Show us the evidence where many were saved with vaccines. Mr. Flat-b*tt Discriminator, you must show us your PhDs before asking someone's.
Sorry but this is really sad, Mr.X! We have plenty of evidence that vaccinated did not get seriously ill or dead in relation to unvaccinated, when vaccines were "fresh". No, the vaccines were not perfect, there are some risks associated with them but way smaller than the Delta, for instance... Omicron also kills, kids seem to be susceptible, somehow - but if you have a dogma to follow - what's the point in talking to you?!? It really does not matter when you are tribal about this and dogmatic... There's no discussion and no progress... I have never set myself up as a definitive arbiter, unlike you in your vehement dogmatic approach to all this... Yen, yep, that made me chuckle... Good old German complications and "thoroughness", bureaucratic to the bone... Ouch!!!
Exactly. Finally I agree with you. I don't want or need to discuss anything with you. I don't need your visions of progress or anything. Problem is you constantly attack me. In this case, you attacked me for posting dissident information about small-pox vaccines Now you show the evidence not just your words.
why is this thread still open....it doesnt matter if the truth slaps them in the face anti vaxxers will never believe in the true hard science they rather believe drinking clorox will safe their lifes