The awareness to do something for what we call health is as old as humankind. (collect / use herbals...) and later 'nutrition' So if we are now intellectually able to understand what's responsible for 'something' that might affect 'health' we can change our behavior...generally spoken. The most natural consequence would be to avoid wintertime and to move to a place where there are no seasons...
One thing is to be skeptical of official narrative etc but to create conspiracy theories like this lunatic did it's irresponsible Snake venom in the water supply...
People quickly forget that vaccination is dangerous because it creates new strains! Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier
"Snake venom" came up by this article, released by the University of Arizona: "Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality" They decided to use a clickbait headline. The study to which they refer to is: The substance which seemingly associates to snake venom is Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 The research was done August 2021 already! And then far later.... if a 'doctor' picks that up Dr. Bryan Ardis, saying such a crap, it could be true....and the conspiracy theory folks have another topic. What is the 'weapon' against it? Knowledge. Reading the original papers, getting familiar with the mechanisms. Or reading closely for instance here: Briefly: What are phospholipases, or what is a phospholipase? Anything that ends with -ase points to enzymes. Enzymes biochemically decompose / break other molecules by a selective and specific catalytic effect. Protease decomposes proteins, Dnase decomposes DNA, Rnase decomposes RNA, phospholipase decomposes phospholipids. What are phospholipids? They belong to the cell membrane lipids, are a component of it. They build double layers to separate what is in a human cell from what's outside. SARS-COV-2 has an envelope (not all viruses have an envelope). When the virus captures a human cell and more viruses are made, the virus gets out of that infected cell. By that it takes a part of the human cell membrane and uses it as its own envelope. It is stolen so to say and not an own product of the virus. So phospholipase can break cells and the envelope of SARS-COV-2. (or generally membranes of pathogens when they consist of phospholipids.) The association to snake venom is because some snake venoms also contain Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2. The purpose is to break cells of the victim. BUT the Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 they are talking about is NOT from snake venom it IS self made (pancreas)! It has a human biological function. And the amount of it in the blood is increased at those having severe covid. At acute (end) state it can blindly attack and destroy own cell membranes. Whenever there is an infection and inflammation human body releases APPs (AcutePhaseProteins) and phospholipase belongs to them. And additionally whenever we eat food it is made to decompose / break / digest cells of the food "meat=animal cells". It is also in our digestive system. This is nothing new. But what's usually missing is the fact that everybody who has got natural infection ALSO puts escape pressure on the virus! The immune system is NOT naive anymore and 'knows' the variant of the first infection perfectly. So it is pushed to change there as well. Anyway once the virus has become that much contagious a coexistence without any significant mutation is possible. Is it the BA.2 variant already which will only come up with further sub variants? We will see. When now administering a vaccine to a 'naive' individual that is updated to Omicron, yes, you put additional escape pressure on Omicron. So the original wuhan based vaccine has pushed escape pressure on the original variant. What's far more sad at vaccines is the fact that you are doomed when having adverse events from it! Far worse than having long COVID which is now 'recognized' as such, at least more and more. But adverse events of the vaccines are still not recognized as such! "Covid-19: Is the US compensation scheme for vaccine injuries fit for purpose?"
Well Bat present Wife Hep-B is definitely active Next will be a round of tests to determine how much if any liver damage. While it might be a coincidence, I think studies should be done on both the Covid itself as well as the vaccines and boosters. Something just feels Not Right here . Batwife and Batprincess are planning to go home to LBFM land in around 7-8 Weeks Visit family and look for a house for Bat to buy. Bat wanna live where there's only one season too Hopefully they'll drop vaxx requirements in a few months then Bat and Bat.2 can make a trip. Neither Bat or Bat.2 plan on being vaxxed
Rates of COVID-19 Among Unvaccinated Adults With Prior COVID-19
Yeah X-Man...Bat does love him some Light Beers From Miller . Bat had de Kung Flu TWICE even though he never went to a Doctor to verify. Caught it from Bat.2 girlfriend who gave it to half her family the first time and the rest of her family the second. She's vaxxed and boosted but works as a EMT on a ambulance. Bat.2 (unvaxxed) never caught it. . First time mild symptoms lasted about one week but had long term lung problems and diminished taste. Second bout 5-6 months later it lasted 3 days (like seasonal flu) and cured the long term symptoms.
I always find it funny when you are talking in 3rd person. But this time it's confusing. Bat2 is your wife with the hep issue, right? So are we talking about a probable reactivation due to vaccine? Or due to natural infection, or both? Can you please tell me when exactly the hep issue has occurred? How many days after which shot? A reactivation of dormant viruses is also a very individual thing. It didn't happen to me so it cannot no valid argument. This argument unfortunately does generally not apply much to COVID. Anyway I am curious about those kids. At some hepatitis was that much severe that they needed a liver transplant! They did not find any hep virus, though. No A to E. But Hepatitis which is actually liver inflammation can have other causes, too. Also other viruses, they mentioned an adenovirus. IMHO those kids do not suffer from a reactivation. They rather suffer from a 'collateral damage' coming from measures against spreading of SARS-COV-2. Those are young kids. Young kids have the innate immune system and are heavily training their adaptive immune system by getting exposed to many pathogens. This is a very important process. Their immune system need a constant irritation by different pathogens, the mentioned training which is far more important at this age as when being adult. They had to break for 2 years!!!. Wearing masks. So the immune activity declined. Defences declined. And then reopening....a circulating virus and bam! No defences...I bet the immune training break will unveil far more issues in the future..up to getting more allergies when being older... There even must have been co-infections at the very same time! Otherwise there would be no recombinations of variants. What some people do confuse. Nothing ever would prevent infection. No vaccine does, no natural immunity does. A virus enters human body and infects some cells. The immune system has some latency. It takes time until the enemy has been recognized as such. Imagine there would be antibodies for every pathogen one has encountered already circulating in the fluids in a sufficient amount to capture any virus...that would be simply too much and not efficient at all. ABs would age without any purpose and making of them uses loads of energy...guess why we are mostly tired when fighting with an infection... BTW: This is the reason why waning of ABs is a natural process. No pathogen anymore, no demand anymore. BUT the immune system can have such perfect defences that the infected one cannot shed the virus nor getting sick by it. To be immune means not to get sick. 'Natural immunity' at COVID to be expected means only getting mild symptoms or even becoming asymptomatic. BTW I'll watch your video later. I suffer a bit from myopia. ...but as I am getting older presbyopia can take over...
While it's prolly a coincidence the fact it happened left Bat pondering. I'll have to check Batwife card to see what vaxx she got and on what dates. No way to narrow down the date the Hep B became active udder dan it wasn't March 2021 but was March 2022 during Annual checkup.
I thought I'd compare the stats from this site from a few months ago to yesterday to see how the numbers compared. It showed that the cases doubled from last September, as well as the percentages of cases compared to the populations of the various states. However the percentage of deaths went from 0.206% to 0.301%, a miniscule increase. The other thing that comes to mind is what are they using to determine what a "case" is. It was my understanding that the PCR test was to be abandoned as of the 1/1/22 and to be replaced by what?? Whatever it was, it brings into question any comparison between cases prior to 1/1/22 and cases since the first of the year, comparing apples and oranges This web site has a blizzard of numbers but omits the most important one and that is what is the number of deaths expressed as a percentage of the individual state population, caused by Covid-19? The last column in both of the tables shows just how small your chances are of dying from Covid-19. Last September you had a 99.79% of NOT dying from Covid-19 and six months later with the Case Count and the Total Infection Count doubling, the chances of you NOT dying from Covid-19 were still only 99.699% I wonder why nobody in the MSM has brought this statistic up?
Wasn't it in the news that SARS-COV-2 has become even less fatal by Omicron? The case count should not matter if the percentage is obtained by enough statistical power N (to represent a cohort). Anyway some thoughts which have an influence on that.... It's reasonable to assume that vulnerable people die first....and once they have died they are not a statistical part of the potential vulnerable group anymore... The value you pointed out is actually not much useful since COVID has the attribute to have a very irregular distribution on age groups / obese BMI / diabetes... What's the real 'meaning' of the 'difference' of 99.79% to 99.699% WHEN it drastically decreases as soon as one belongs to one of such group? Yes, that affects actually 2 values together. Case AND fatality. PCR positive does not mean sick by COVID. And at fatalities ..died being PCR positive does not mean died BY COVID....
Make your self comfortable at your favourite place (on the couch or wherever) in the living room and watch this: "Pfizer can't hide this ANYMORE" If you are a stock holder you are lucky if you have got adverse events from their vaccine you are not. Another lesson about how capital works.
For those of you interested in the Pfizer documents, I've put together a zip file with all of them from 11/17/21 to 4/1/22. It's a pretty big file, around 500MB so if you want to review what's in the Zip file, here's a link to a PDF of the contents of the larger file. Here's the link to the large Zip file that contains all the 166 documents. All of this information came from this site, if you want to download one of the files individually. There's another batch coming out soon, and I'll just put together a Zip file with the files posted after 4/1/22. We know the problem in Ukraine! Fascist Zelensky and his gang of Nazis are raping people there. And Ukraine has no legal personality And it all belongs to the USA! So who is Ukraine at war with? Correct, with the United States. Some clans are dividing up the wasted land, while the people are suffering. If you do not have democracy, we are coming to you!
Doctors could be struck off for spreading fake news on vaccines and lockdowns Orwellian dream come true. And they call others conspiracy theorists.