Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4501 Yen, Oct 12, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2022
    No, it's not about "to shoot in one's own foot".

    It's about the red part, the initiative pointed out, clearly!

    This is what I did, but always with a link to the original source and the request to do an own without any conflicts of interests.
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  2. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    The shot in the foot is that your talking about information quality being of utmost importance in a troll contest thread full of fake info ? :)

    I wasnt shooting at you .
  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4503 Yen, Oct 12, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2022
    Just want to add the YouTube source for that.

    Perhaps this is finally an was clear to all who have a bit of understanding of how vaccines are working...but for those who had not and have relied on what was's a punch in the face.

    There were times when people have said this (even when it has been scientifically reasoned) those people were called being conspiracy adherents and an antisocial type of person...well, me 2.
    But I knew what was conform to science. Those vaccines were never supposed to stop the viral transmission (a nasal vaccine maybe), it always was a misconception and a narrative of those who are involved in promoting those 'vaccines'...

    Dialogue: "at the speed of science" ???? WTF? Never heard that. There is no 'speed' of science.
    But read yourself...or better watch the video. :)

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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Yes aleX

    Thats crap . Its a word game ? The vacine was never ment to stop transmission . No vacine is . It cant do that . It suposed to either stop people getting it .......... or makes the infection less severe ............ but doesnt stop it being transmited ........ how could it ?
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #4507 gorski, Oct 14, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
    Meanwhile, in the UK, 1.6 million people are currently suffering from "long Covid"...

    For the first time in well over a century the nurses union is going on strike or considering thereof...

    Tons of nurses and doctors are announcing they are leaving or taking early retirement etc. due to exhaustion, no proper support etc.

    We do not have the replacement number of nurses or GPs being currently educated/trained by far... Grimm times ahead, it seems...

    P.S. NHS waiting lists are now at 7 million+...
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  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Although I do not doubt there is a huge number, I do not see a differentiation between 'long COVID' coming from a natural infection, OR from the antigen from the vaccine.
    Science has to do more work there. A differentiation, though, is here also hard, because most getting 'long covid' were previously vaxxed and we know now there are studies which show MOA of ADE...

    This even could mean, there can be a mutual amplification of natural infection and vaccination regarding long covid...(especially when you still carry 'old' antibiodies from the vaccine and then get a natural infection with a recent variant).

    Fact is there are adverse events from the vaccines (symptoms) which are not differentiable from what we call long covid.
    Also fact is the S protein is a toxic part of the virus, unfortunately it was chosen as being the antigen.

    All this belongs to the real benefit evaluation of the vaccines...and even if they would not significantly cause long covid like adverse events, they for sure did not prevent those people from getting long covid.
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  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ The british national death service

    How to systematicly do nothing and watch people die over decades .

    >nurses and doctors are announcing they are leaving or taking early retirement etc. due to exhaustion, no proper support etc.

    In tamil ? Ugandan ? With deepl ?

    > I do not see a differentiation between 'long COVID' coming from a natural infection, OR from the antigen from the vaccine.

    You mean .......... from another source / with anoither reason ? ............. Like fraud , mass hysteria , panic , ignorance .......... psychology .

    Corona and long covid are two different , seperate problems ?
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4510 Yen, Oct 14, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
    Yes and no. Not really 'separately'. :)

    First of all, the exhaustion you have mentioned is due to their hard job during the pandemic. A lot of work and not enough health care workers and medical capacities!

    We know a viral infection can cause long term issues. This also applies to flu. Some people who had got the flu suffer a longer time from it than others (for instance also heart issues). But there is no term like 'long flu'.
    It's been created by MSM, lots of terms have been created by MSM during the pandemic.

    At covid there is an additional issue, though. And special circumstances.
    We have here a mass inoculation, but not with an antigen directly (such as the flu, those vaccines are called inactivated vaccines.). Such vaccines are made of killed influenza viruses or parts of the viruses.
    The mass 'vaccination' happens mainly with mRNA based gene therapeutics, strictly scientifically seen those products are no vaccines. They are still experimental.

    The huge difference here is that 'we' are inoculating / have inoculated into an ongoing pandemic with 'means' which do instruct human body to make a toxic antigen, called S protein.
    And that always 'too late' since the virus is constantly mutating. At flu it's is far different. 'We' vaccinate there in ADVANCE with inactivated flu vaccines which contain PREDICTED antigens of upcoming flu variants.

    The s protein of SARS-COV-2 also plays a role at vaccine adverse events. So symptoms and conditions coming from the vaccine and from the virus are happening simultaneously within the population. Antibodies against the s protein do play here an important role, because they also can cause adverse events. At vaccines and at the natural infection. (The s protein is common at both.).

    There are treatment protocols against long covid and against vaccine adverse events which are exactly the same!

    Science now has to figure out which 'long COVID part' can be attributed to the covid vaccines and which part is coming solely from a pure natural COVID infection. This is a hard job since there are also complications due to co-infections with other viruses!

    Once one is SARS-COV-2 positive ALL is attributed to it. No matter what part the vaccines have got, no matter whether there is another viral infection additionally.

    At MSM anything that fits to 'long covid' is propagated as:

    1. Coming from a COVID infection alone.
    2. Is something special at COVID alone.

    Both is not really true and science has to work on that to clarify it finally.
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  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Pfizer Forced to Face Tough Questions Thanks to Trial Site News

    It's getting 'better' and 'better'...
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  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    For the owners of this world? I agree.
    Not for any of us, the slaves.
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #4515 gorski, Oct 18, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
    Yen, if it's not "differentiable" how do *we* know this? This is magic, Jeez... On top of it all "there are co-infections with other viruses"? Wow, this will give us definitive answers...

    Have you ever studied Popper? This is NOT science, this is religious belief, which can't be either proven or disproven, ergo WTH?!?

    Sadly, I must say this, you are sailing ever more towards the mumbo-jumbo of conspiraloons...
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  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4517 Yen, Oct 18, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
    Ask those applying the treatment protocols for certain vaccine adverse events and long covid which are exactly the same.
    At both their blood values have elevated AABS (auto antibodies.)

    "mumbo-jumbo" is what's coming from MSM. "long-covid" is a container of symptoms. Anything is put to there that lasts longer than 3 weeks after a COVID infection. The reality is far more complex.

    Studies about:
    Immune imprinting
    negative efficacy

    Your arguing is kinda twisted weird.
    I posted science has the claim to figure that out. And science is not satisfied yet.
    You seem to be, though! Your church is long covid = an longer lasting effect of a covid infection which becomes bad destiny of some people.

    Why some get it and why not is very unknown. Also what's the role of the vaccines there.
    Finally at both (natural infection and the vaccines) the s protein is an active principle.
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  18. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Yen, this pink stuff is a progressivist leftist. He tries to promote such bs to justify all dictatorial measures from daddy government which is the attack front-line of the owners of this world.
    Yen, don't you think this 'cabrón" is smart enough to understand everything is going on?
    He knows, of course he knows what's going on. But he distorts the reality on purpose to fit the official narrative.
    Sometimes I think he's a agent from the government watching and 'influencing' on various internet forums. Who knows.
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    The reason for irrational arguing doesn't play a role to me. I only point on it.:)

    Who ever 'thought', that all who have got the Pfizer vaccine have got a lowered spec. vaccine down to 50% mRNA and the unknown impurities created by their decomposing and lack of purification methods?
    There was a 'signal' at VAERS already showing that some batches had a significant higher appearance of adverse events.

    And who ever 'thought' that Pfizer never tested whether their vaccine is capable of preventing transmission?

    NOBODY was allowed to talk such way!!!
    The bold thing is.....the officials such as EMA KNEW that and have agreed without to inform the end user about that!

    The funny thing is that those who have cried out others being conspiracy adherents get corrected more and more, not those in question. :D
    I bet more of such 'correction' will come...
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Suspicions are one thing, proof another.

    So far this is nothing but conjecture - by YOUR own words. If it is "impossible to differentiate"...

    So, don't look at me but at your own "reasoning" - jumping to far reaching conclusions in such a situation is seriously close to irrational "faith-based" BS we read online all the time...
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