Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >Kids and youngsters got most 'collateral' damage due to 'measures' and vaccines'.

    Yes . They had two years of their childhood development castrated ......... and were taught to take sensless orders .......... very few got it .......... the few that did dint have big problems .......... so there was no need for any involvement for them . Thats a crime against humanity .
  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4542 Yen, Oct 22, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    And that's not all. Vaccines are still recommended for them in many countries.
    Today where we know now about myocarditis, no stop of transmission. It was never tested, low quality...low amount. no need at is a crime.
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  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    An ‘unprecedented’ rise in respiratory viruses in children is overwhelming some hospitals

    Personaly i think ...... keep it simple ......... and not drift off into pseudoscientific speculation and reports , peer revued or not , that most people cant understand .......... and look at other ' Attack vectors ' :)

    I'm not for or against anything ......... but i dont like government forced truthes and policys ........... I want scientific proof ........ and not press and poly-tricker propoganda . And i'm not satisfyed with whats happening to children and how they are being used to twist their parents arms . And think that that needs clearing up .......... children are not colateral damage .......... and shouldnt be abused as human protection shields . ( Menschlich schutzschilder )

    Another thing is the mask faschism . Mask snobism . How effective are they ? Whats the difference in effectivity between them . There was a german report that 33 different masks had been tested and only 4 were good . In hospital yesterday i had to wear an ffp2 mask to get in ........... but in the hospital loads of staff were wearing the blue OP masks .......... and my doctor took his off when i asked him to and said that he doesnt like them either :)

    Then the filters in class rooms that dont / CANT work . All they do is to blow dust / virus around the room .

    = A lot was brain dead actionism .

    We need a neutral and objective international inquiery .............. but it wont happen .
  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    LOL you guys all of you still don't get it... :rolleyes:
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4545 Yen, Oct 23, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    I can post what I personally know about masks and how the rules of wearing masks are since due to my lab work I also have to wear some to protect myself. (Not very frequently, though)
    First of all, I do not work with pathogens. I work with toxic substances which are either solid and can expose particulates (fine particles) or which are solvents and can expose vapours.

    For the latter you have to wear gas masks with special filters attached on it. Let's keep them aside

    So we are talking about FilteringFacePiece, known as FFP and the surgical masks.
    The surgical masks are useless at my work. They are made for medical personal. Their main purpose is to protect the one who undergoes a surgery. When you speak and breathe you release fine droplets.

    The FFPs are made to protect oneself (the user) from particulates! There are FFP2 and FFP3. And there are two models: With breathing valve and without.-
    They are originally NOT made to protect from pathogens! The difference of both is: FFP3 can filter finer particles.

    There are strict wearing rules concerning periods of time! You have to PAUSE after a certain period of wearing time!

    The current rules are:
    Breathing valve: 150 min wearing time, 30 min break.
    Without valve: 75 min. wearing time, 30 min break.

    Those rules simply have been ditched at the pandemic!

    Do they protect against SARS-COV-2?
    As being said. Their original purpose is NOT to protect against viruses. So 'they' have made studies.
    Surgical masks are useless. They only hold back droplets.

    At lab conditions there is a benefit. Depending on study design more or less. Some results are not significant, some are.
    But this depends STRONGLY on how you wear the mask and whether it fits tightly on your face!
    In real life use most people do not wear them correctly.

    My personal opinion:
    It should be only a recommendation to wear masks, no mandates at all.
    Those age groups (kids) which can handle COVID very well should never have used a mask!

    The vulnerable people: They should have received a proper instruction how to wear them properly and also how long and when they have to break. (applying the rules).

    Sweden here did it well again.
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  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    I'd like a proper detailed investigation about the efectivity of different types of masks ....... and the whole of the corona episode .

    Doctors did heart transplants with blue op masks on ........ they did operations of all sorts for decades with the blue masks on . People in labs wore them . Then they were good enough .

    I used to grow mushrooms ;) = I had to do sterile work ........ wich i did in just my boxer shorts and a blue mask on ......... and it was OK :) Thats also why i question mobile hepa filters in rooms ........... Wich just blow things around and spread them .

    When i went to the emergency department maybe 10 % of the people had blue masks on . Some staff did . When people arrived without a mask they were given blue op masks !?!?

    When i asked the doctor if i could take the mask off he smiled and said ' yes , i dont ike them either ' and took his off as well .

    And ....... it doesnt matter where i go VERY many people take the mask off when noone is looking , or they're not wearing it properly .

    I think that a lot of the mask faschism was just actionism = The government pretending to do something , pretending to be in control , giving people orders that they have to follow = ocasionaly kick your dog so it knows whos dog it is , who owns it , and that your the boss , and useing guilt to shame people into following orders .

    I want to know exactly how good / bad each type of mask is . The physical dynamics ......... how much each stops .......... white ffp2 , blue op , a bandit scarf ....... what size of particles they stop ...... and how effecive each sort is .

    Its easy to see that people breath around the white masks ...... with much more preasure ........ and much more through the blue ones ......... with less preasure . I can wear a blue mask for MUCH longer than a white one . I have to keep takeing the white one off every few minutes . I had to sit for SIX hours in waiting rooms , the whole time with an FFP2 mask on .

    I think that we could have just told people ........ if you want keep two meters distance and wear a mask ........ if not dont .

    Another BIG problem i have is that we hear over and over again that hospitals and the health system cant cope , that they're over worked . WTF !!!!! Then the hopspitals should employ more staff . Theres enough unemployed nurses and doctors . The problem for a lot of people is that ......... a government builds a health service ........ with public money ........... and then sells it to capitalists who then squeeze the life out of it so that it only realy functions for paying patients . After it gets sold the poor people are only there to pay for the rich . Thats the same with the whole social and political system . The poor are slaves and get farmed and pay for the rich . The capitaluist firms made massive profits in good times ......... wich they shoukd now be useing to keep the health services working . Thats the same for the rich . Example ......... in little britain ......... millions of people ' living ' in poverty and a very high possibility of millions getting into debts that they can never pay ............ while human s**t like charles and co live in utmost luxury ......... has billiions in the bank ......... wich was made from our backs , stolen from us .

    >Surgical masks are useless. They only hold back droplets

    People dont breath out flying viri ........ the virus comes and is transmitted in a spit droplet ........ wet breath . So breathing tghrough them with less preasure could be better than breathing round them with more preasure . The dispersion , how far the droplets ' fly ' .

    @ CNN ......... yesterday they were mentioning kids wearing covid masks that are now getting other diseases because of that . Today theres no mention of that ....... and now they're showing pictures of infected babys = Kids that couldnt have worn a mask .
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    WOW! never thought such questions myself. Amazing! :p
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #4549 case-sensitive, Oct 24, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
    My thinking is ........... corona has not been optimaly dealt with . And people like you deliberately spreading missinformation , confusion and complication make it worse .......... SO ......... i think .......... keep it simple .......... so that people have a chance of understanding .......... and not haveing their lives made even more difficult by confused trolls :)
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Heh, spinning, spinning, don't you get vertigo sometimes?!? :D :p :D

    The numbers of excess deaths are NOT difficult to figure out! Despite the criteria which were different between various countries. Objective and simple to understand!

    SA had a considerably younger population, so again... spinning, spinning... Just like with Sweden - compared to neighbours, very similar countries with very different outcomes!

    Yes, you were against mass vaccination campaign but not always! So, spinning, spinning, yet again...

    Above 65 would not work - other than a reduction in deaths and hospitalisations, reducing suffering with over 65s... From one extreme to another, spinning, spinning, despite your own objections in other parts of the phenomenon, so not consistent and coherent!

    The mass campaign was driven by huge numbers of deaths and huge suffering, not knowing what we are dealing with - that part was fear-driven, of course. And it was driven in reverse, for obvious reasons, so when they came to kids - the virus has changed and our thinking with it, of course...

    Stay well, either way... Apparently, new, nastier variants are on the way...
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  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #4551 case-sensitive, Oct 24, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
    >Apparently, new, nastier variants are on the way...

    You mean an x variant ?

    @ New variant

    I hope so . Imagine it .The start of a new adventure ............. hope for a bright future for humanity ........ 80 % death rate .......... the street full of bodys ........ all the neighbours dead :) ............ women selling their bodys for food and protection ....... politicians droping like flys :) ........... mobs roaming the streets ...... looting .......... executing all the drivers of electric cars ............ rotting bodys everywhere ........ cannibalism ....... THE SMELL !!!

    = The end of all the problems the biosphere, including humanity , has :)
  12. Palladin

    Palladin MDL Senior Member

    Feb 1, 2014
    #4552 Palladin, Oct 25, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    Wondering what a FFP was so I looked it up:

    And one thing stood out to me right away on the first page:
    No matter how well a respirator seals to the face and how efficient the filter media is, wearers should expect a small amount of leakage inside any respirators. No respirator will eliminate exposures entirely

    On page 3 there is this:
    Regarding the debate over whether or not you should use a mask with a valve or not:
    In their guidance, CDC says, “A NIOSH-approved N95 filtering facepiece respirator with an exhalation valve offers the same protection to the wearer as one that does not have a valve. As source control, findings from NIOSH research suggest that, even without covering the valve, N95 respirators with exhalation valves provide the same or better source control than surgical masks, procedure masks, cloth masks, or fabric coverings

    Nuff said.

  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4553 Yen, Oct 25, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    That's the point. How small that 'small' will be depends on how you wear that mask. For instance you have to bend the metal piece (if existing) around your nasal wing so that it fits tightly...
    Men also have an additional 'issue'. If you are not shaved smoothly, it gets more leaky...

    When they tested the masks they had to test them at lab conditions. Means artificial faces where they could attach the mask perfectly. (Also it's not unshaved, lol).
    What they found as well is that it also depends on manufacturer and model. Critical 'part' there is the seam.
    Fact is: All the masks are more or less leaky.

    Different terms:
    • Australia/New Zealand - P2
    • Brazil - P2
    • China - KN95, KP95
    • Europe - FFP2
    • Japan - DS2, DL2
    • India - BIS P2
    • Korea - 1st class
    • US NIOSH - N95, R95, P95
    It's obvious that there are studies with results which are not significant and some are.
    The argument of the mask supporter was: Even if they protect to some extent only, the chance of getting a higher viral load is smaller than without wearing a mask.
    On the other hand when you wear the mask incorrectly, do not have breaks, and use it again and again, that potential advantage can turn into disadvantages.

    When I have to work with poisons I am of course very interested in wearing a mask properly.
    I do not use those with valves.
    As soon as I am finished with that work I take the mask off, still wearing gloves...
    When I did drug design I had to deal a lot more with poisons than today....

    Anyway I am against mask mandates as I have mentioned already.

    OK: More news to complete the picture of the vaccines:
    Japan Bombshell: COVID-19 Vaccines 4X+ Myocarditis Risk than Background Population: 'Extremely High Myocarditis Death Odds' (
    SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and increased myocarditis mortality risk: A population based comparative study in Japan | medRxiv

    This means there are even more if not ALL age groups affected.
    Those who already have a complete picture of the vaccines are overhasty...there is more to come...
    Whereas the virus has already weakened, the serious adverse event is as serious as it is and will not weaken (the vaccines are as they are)...
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  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Long-term mortality following SARS-CoV-2 infection: A national cohort study from Estonia

    >How small that 'small' will be depends on how you wear that mask. For instance you have to bend the metal piece (if existing) around your nasal wing so that it fits tightly...
    >Men also have an additional 'issue'. If you are not shaved smoothly, it gets more leaky...

    >When they tested the masks they had to test them at lab conditions. Means artificial faces where they could attach the mask perfectly. (Also it's not unshaved, lol).
    >What they found as well is that it also depends on manufacturer and model. Critical 'part' there is the seam.
    >Fact is: All the masks are more or less leaky.

    Thank you . You put that very well . Thats what i'm trying to say . Maybe the difference between a lone ranger bandit mask or a blue OP mask worn properly .......... and an FFP2 mask worn badly isnt that much . With each type we are not talking about absolute efectivity we're talking about a range of efectivity . From - to .
  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009


    @Yen, any info which is a bit more precise/better, please?
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  16. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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  17. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    About Time....

    President Ferdinand Marcos will issue an executive order to make indoor mask use voluntary in the Philippines and ease the rules for foreign travelers, a senior official said Tuesday.
    Unvaccinated foreign travelers will also be allowed entry into the Southeast Asian nation by presenting a negative result of an antigen test taken 24 hours before departure or by testing upon arrival, Frasco said.
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4558 Yen, Oct 26, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    :eek: From where did you get that 'quote'? (The variants do not exist, or are misspelled).

    I suppose 'they' mean BJ.1
    It's too early to say something about. BJ is not even on the list SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern as of 20 October 2022 (

    And it's not yet found on nextstrain. To categorize variants a family tree is useful. And we should not forget it is still Omicron.

    Nextstrain / ncov / gisaid / global / 6m

    And :

    And if you look at the NIH database of real samples you only find one sample of BJ.1 so far
    NCBI Virus (
    AFAIK BJ comes from BA.2 as well....

    Before I would think about BJ I'd think about BQ (comes from BA.5)...ATM it doesn't look like BA.5 and BA.2.75 get replaced anytime soon..even the XBB didn't play that role in Singapore where they thought it would...the peak is already over.

    I'd say before BJ becomes theoretically importance, BQ will...

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  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    BTW: There is another site. There you can see how many mutations there are at all.

    For instance sublineages of BA.5
    Did you know them all? :D ..not me.

    It's always a sort of funny when there are news that there are 'new' sublineages. I have the feeling that they 'need' to pick some from time to time. But which they actually choose...hmmm...dunno.

    Even there you only find BJ.1 as a direct sublineage of BA.2 SARS-CoV-2 data explorer

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  20. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #4560 ipx, Oct 27, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022