What is the problem of people (society)? people are under reflexive control (an analogy is trained hamsters) the voice gave the command to vaccinate (put on a mask) they all do it together and watch other hamsters so that they also follow orders.
Place your bets! Right or wrong? Lies or truth? Pharmafia or no Pharmafia? COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults 18 Years or Older in 13 US States, January 2021 to April 2022 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2796235#note-IOI220057-1
@Yen - what say you? https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/12/03/mtrj-d03.html Ever so slight inconsistencies across most of the political spectrum in the West... For example, the same a-holes who protested "the irresponsible behaviour of pandemic deniers" in the West are now praising the Chinese protesters as "freedom-loving heroes" and whatnot - for the same kind of nonsense... The narrative changed and shamelessly the titles with it... without blushing...
You are addressing a bunch of things at once. Germany encounters excess deaths / mortality. It's a phenomenon that is taking place at lots of nations... People should know that Germany is and was disastrous when it comes to proper collecting of data. It is a huge shame especially for a nation which is actually known to do proper science. Here it is still NOT possible to distinguish from have died with SARS-COV-2 or by the virus! Although 'they' already say the current excess deaths cannot be reasoned by the infection itself, "can no longer be readily attributed to deaths resulting directly from infection with the virus." you rather cannot expect data sets and unbiased statements which would point to a real reason for it. I always appreciated the UK and the Nordic countries for their proper way to 'record' the pandemic. It is a wild speculation...why and so it always shifts to political colourations apart from proper scientific investigations..still... Is it... Because essential treatments / surgeries have been delayed due to overcautious measures in hospitals and exhaustion of already insufficient capacities? Because of absence of training of the immune system due to isolation and masks and by that 'making' other pathogens more deadly? Because of vaccine adverse events? Because of long COVID? I am afraid you ever would get data here to answer this properly...and IF there would be data that points towards a failure of govt decisions, I doubt confession...so what's left is as always to look for scientific data oneself when they become available, especially there where they do a good job (not here)... TBH I don't know why there is excess mortally and not only here. I would say anything I posted plays a role except the last one. COVID is at special cases acute and fatal, but never long term, long COVID is hard but not delayed fatal...at least there is no sign yet. Your posted source contains a sort of propaganda at the end which also reflects the absurd politics of Lauterbach. When you determine that (which is true, other nations which have better data do confirm that) you cannot go on like that: And the last paragraph I leave out here. It's getting even more awkward..."elimination of the virus" and so on... There is no elimination of the virus..hello China!..., the pandemic is over, the virus has become endemic and the excess deaths have either nothing to do with COVID at all or are a CONSEQUENCE of the measures of the governments and their decisions, either during the pandemic or years ago already! Some change their narrative just as the wind blows. We are speaking of 2 completely different things. Dunno if they differentiate. One thing is to deny a pandemic. The other thing is to deny the zero COVID ideology of the Chinese and their hard inhuman measures against the population. To deny the existence of the virus is the most absurd in this regard. So speaking of pandemic denier actually means people who say there is no virus at all, right? The second one is absurd, but as measure. Zero COVID is from an epidemiological view a head-shot. I strictly deny the zero COVID politics and the inhuman measures of the Chinese govt. People must show resistance, but I know there is the virus
Damn, you threw in even more issues, all at once and jumbled them up in an unrecognisable mush... Using your own measures in this post alone I shall point out just one SCREAMINGLY obvious nonsense (sorry, Yen ): Go on, Yen, take a dead fish and slap yourself over the head, endlessly - BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BASE THIS *CONSEQUENCE* NONSENSE UPON, NO DATA, NOTHING!!!! Shame on you, so obviously "political", "dogmatic" and "non-scientific"!!! All of the things you criticise the "authorities" for... Seriously?!? FCOL, Yen!!! The best you could do is pose a question, a working hypothesis (if you can possibly work on it), maybe your suspicion - but you MUST qualify your statements IF you are a scientist! This is shameless *scientism", Yen! P.S. And a cherry on top: Yen, FFS, how many times did you change your stance in this thread alone - I lost count... I mean, even you admitted it... P.P.S. You do know that they are doing it precisely to protect the population, even though they are losing revenue, Yen? I mean, your assertions here are close to ridiculous! It was the capitalists (Koch and co.) who did what you charge the Chinese gov with: they wanted to push everyone back to work when the virus was very deadly! I documented it here! Now, I don't have enough info as to how the Chinese gov is resolving the issues with food, water and other needs - if they are not doing it well, then I agree with you. Do you have the info? P.P.P.S. The rest - I agree... more or less...
Sorry for that. It was a brainstorming at late night. It obviously is that much unrecognisable that your objections (*scientism* and the like) are actually not indicated. I did not post a working hypotheses, I asked 'wildly' questions to be answered. This is the only point where I have a different opinion: No they don't protect the population. COVID has become as mild as everywhere. You cannot stop the COVID infections nor is there any argument that would justify a need for protection. There are and were other pathogens around which are similar and nobody ever announced a need for protection.
Oh, Yen - some are still getting blasted by the virus, FCOL... In other words, the MEASURES are still a WISE thing to do... And look at this and weep: https://twitter.com/patientadvAU/status/1599519913353576448 The unmasked Immunology Conference in Melbourne has turned out to be a superspreader event…. The same happened in US earlier this year, apparently... The irony is dead... These people are playing with other people's lives, playing the utilitarian numbers game - all in the name of profit (so, no, Yen, you're WRONG on this one, sorry!!!)!!!
If masks don't work to prevent the spread of Kung Flu requiring attendees at a Conference to wear them sure does sound like irony to Bat. Wouldn't a better idea be not to have Conference
Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/m20-6817
Of course they help, since the virus is not to be found on its own but in droplets of our sneezing, coughing etc. Old stuff, so people "forget"... when it suits them...
Here we go again, corrupt pseudoscientists spreading FUD. All full of lies. Subvariant ‘soup’ may drive wave https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0262407922019704?via=ihub
Harvard Gazette: Severe COVID-19 linked with brain aging, says study. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/12/severe-covid-19-linked-with-brain-aging-says-study/
SEVERE! Six times that word is written! Spoiler: severe covid-19 WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO NOT GET IT SEVERE!!!! Spoiler: yes you guessed it right
"Severe" does not exist unless X has been affected by it - it can not possibly be! A severe case of narcissism...
Thanks for your concern. I am fine, albeit very busy. (Some people have at work the feeling 'important' things have to be done this year, can't wait till next year. Always the same silly game at the end of a year... kida funny. I am actually over that, but...hey feeding their illusions, doing it). "Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination" https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5#Sec3 A good German study, not far away done from here. A good team. (Good German work on pandemic related matters are rare!) (This is for the people with background. Just another piece of a whole). By those I mean those who have CD4+ t-cells in mind..as 'troublemakers', TH2 path also. And those who know what TH1 and CD8+ really does (namely prevent and protect and namely cross-protect naturally and to hit SARS-COV-2 there where it hurts without 'side' effects).