Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yen, your presumptions are wrong, since it is flaring up in China again, after the measures have been loosened up.

    How many are you willing to sacrifice?!? How many lives lost or destroyed by Long Covid are "OK" and how many lives are "too much"?!?

    Btw, we know that C-19 virus attacks organs like the brain, heart, kidneys etc. You wanna play games with people's health and even lives?!? You wanna split hairs about how much is the virus and how much it's the vaccines?

    Fine, it is important to know what both of them are doing exactly. Yes, we want better vaccines. But it is NOT disputed that the virus itself is dangerous and still so for many, many Humans!!!

    You can dance on the tip of a needle all you want but these facts are NOT in dispute! We should still have the measures in place!

    And no, we are not developing perfect immunity - we are getting re-infected! And the virus is mutating! So, yes, we need new, better vaccines AND measures, still!!!
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  2. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ yen ......... that video was a bit fast ...... and hard to check facts ...... but its the best i've seen so far ........... hes talking about things that are blatently obvious but not being discussed by the media . A more sensible perspective than the two idiotic sides = Fanatic for Vs fanatic against based on gutter press bal blah and not science .
  3. windowsguru

    windowsguru MDL Novice

    Oct 18, 2012
    One solution: MASK UP!
  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    More Evidence for Spike Protein Mechanism of Damage

    Dear members of Akasha Community:

    I share with you this article, recently published by Boschi et al. in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences ( Their publication is titled "SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Hemagglutination: Implications for COVID-19 Morbidity, Therapeutics, and Adverse Effects of Vaccines."

    I know that it is a whole subject, that for many it arouses passions and that it can generate a string of comments about it, but the facts do not require people's beliefs to exist. The fact is that the Spike protein has diverse mechanisms of biological action and in people who have the right susceptibility factors (the disturbed terrain, then), damage can be triggered. This fact does not exclude other explanations of the damage; rather, they all complement each other. Those who want to continue with a position worthy of an inquisitor or a crusader, go ahead, but the facts are the facts until, after serious studies, other facts can deny them or change our understanding about it.

    So, Boschi et al. carried out a simple experimental study, in which they exposed human erythrocytes to the Spike protein of the Wuhan, Alpha, Delta and Omicron variants. Red blood cells from all four lineages were found to agglutinate (ie, clump together... stick to each other) in the presence of this protein (in vitro, at least). They also found that Omicron's Spike induced less agglutination than the other three (probably due to the fact that it is more electropositive in the central region, so the interaction with the erythrocyte cell membrane is different than the other variants).

    They also used ivermectin to see its agglutination inhibition effect (their rationale for doing so? Beyond the vast published evidence that ivermectin has very good therapeutic results in patients with a condition called COVID, ivermectin binds strongly to sites Spike-specific; The authors found that this drug effectively blocks hemagglutination, with preventive and subsequent effects (ie, if it is added before, it prevents agglutination and if it is added later, it reverses it).

    The authors' results constitute evidence of Spike's damage mechanism and support previous studies on the subject. It also has important therapeutic implications, with obvious relevance for those who are suffering adverse effects (at least some types of adverse events) due to anti-COVID inoculations that are based precisely on the body's cells producing Spike in high amounts. and for at least 60 days (ie, mRNA-based and vectored inoculations). It also exposes, once again, the absolute and inexcusable action of having focused on the endogenous production of the Spike protein in their vaccination plan (don't get me wrong; I'm not saying with this that they better use another protein for their inoculations; the truth is is that a microorganism with such a low associated lethality, does not warrant any vaccine, and even less, for the entire population). What I am saying is that the Spike protein (in this case, from the first SARS-CoV) was known (for over a decade) to be a virulence factor, that there is increasing evidence that tells us that again, and that the fact of having elaborated these inoculations based on Spike is not understood as stupidity (no way that they did not know that literature, which I have already shared here; see:,, The only way to understand it is, in its best case, as irresponsibility bordering on criminal negligence, or in its worst case, intentionality. I don't see any other way to understand it. What I am saying is that the Spike protein (in this case, from the first SARS-CoV) was known (for over a decade) to be a virulence factor, that there is increasing evidence that tells us that again, and that the fact of having elaborated these inoculations based on Spike is not understood as stupidity (no way that they did not know that literature, which I have already shared here; see:,, The only way to understand it is, in its best case, as irresponsibility bordering on criminal negligence, or in its worst case, intentionality. I don't see any other way to understand it. What I am saying is that the Spike protein (in this case, from the first SARS-CoV) was known (for over a decade) to be a virulence factor, that there is increasing evidence that tells us that again, and that the fact of having elaborated these inoculations based on Spike is not understood as stupidity (no way that they did not know that literature, which I have already shared here; see:, https://t .me/akashacomunidad/1035, The only way to understand it is, in its best case, as irresponsibility bordering on criminal negligence, or in its worst case, intentionality. I don't see any other way to understand it. and that the fact of having elaborated these inoculations based on Spike is not understood as stupidity (no way that they did not know that literature, which I have already shared here; see:,, The only way to understand it is, in its best case, as irresponsibility bordering on criminal negligence, or in its worst case, intentionality. I don't see any other way to understand it. and that the fact of having elaborated these inoculations based on Spike is not understood as stupidity (no way that they did not know that literature, which I have already shared here; see:, https://, The only way to understand it is, in its best case, as irresponsibility bordering on criminal negligence, or in its worst case, intentionality. I don't see any other way to understand it.

    I hope this text is of interest and usefulness. Karina AW
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I am still baffled by the complete silence (deafening!!!) of the usual conspiraloon suspects here re. a link to a video I posted here, where US Army gave some flesh on the bone when it comes to which vaccines are doing what and if they were vetted etc.

    Complete silence. You lot LOOOOVE a conspiracy - and now?!? Nothing?!? Not a word?!? Are you still with us, alive...???

    I mean, honestly, there's no pleasing some people... :rolleyes: :D :p :D
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    China hospital after zero covid policy is abandoned

    China hospital after zero covid policy is abandoned.jpg
    David North

    For the last two years, US and European governments and the media have been demanding that China abandon efforts to stop the spread of #SARSCoV2. The Beijing regime has bowed to these demands. This is what "liberation" from #ZeroCovid looks like.
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  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Its interesting and needs clearing up .......... the chinese had the hardest restrictions and couldnt get rid of it is one point .......... another is that as soon as the restrictions were loosened there has been a massive rate of infection ............. are chinese people more suseptable to it ? .......... Why did countrys with less restrictions have less trouble ?
  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #4649 Yen, Dec 20, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2022
    Yes, but it's hard to reply this time..your sources posted are fine, but you obviously did not evaluate them on your own..or even were able to get their meaning.

    Why do your post objective scientific sources and then you "takeaway" their meaning by posting your comments which are colored and unreasonable superlatives?

    First of all this comment has the same value / content as "Aspirin kills people". The wording of your comments there alone gets anything down to a level of cheap yellow press.

    You take a study which purpose is basic research, where they put brain organoids into a Petri dish and infected them directly with SARS-CoV-2 and then you create a superlative out of it.

    This is that much far-fetched and unscientific that it actually hurts to reply to. You got down to the yellow press level by falling for MSM here "fortune well".... your fault!
    I have said you should keep distance to MSM, but you did not.
    It is all about the circumstances, circumstances which do not matter at basic research, because they are assumed as precondition!
    No scientist would take basic research to reason symptoms, only MSM and fools do.
    COVID comes with cognition affecting issues, yes. But the subject is far more complex.

    No COVID does NOT eat your brain, because it does not get there! It only gets there at rare cases when you have co-morbidities such as immune suppression or any sort of virus clearance delaying mechanism.
    Those reports about virus in brain are all results of autopsy! COVID can kill, even when being vaxxed, but that is nothing new.
    It gets there because after a cytokine storm and huge inflammations the organ barriers are breaking.....this is btw the cause of death (MOF) then and not any brain damage!

    This is called science. It's the job of science to find that out. The interest is huge, the reason for it is obvious. See below.

    We always need 'better' things.
    But not vaccines against COVID.
    Good and effective and safe vaccines take too much time for development. And yes the virus does mutate, you won't get anything better than natural immunity which should be kept up do date by constant natural exposure.

    And you should not forget. To immunize yourself you have to take an antigen. So if you take a part which is pathogenic itself, side effects of the vaccine and symptoms of COVID correlate.
    This has happened with all the COVID vaccines since they took the toxic S protein as an antigen!
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  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Wow !!!! ........ Thats the first time i've seen Yen shoot back :) ...... and right between the eyes :)

    If theres a debate it should be on a scientific level ......... or at least rational ......... and not just verbal acrobatics in circles ......... please :)
  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    There is still place for a debate. Now as I have made clear what I think about such statements!
    Not even in the Petri dish cells got 'eaten-up'! This is lowest level arguing!
    I would prefer to refer to contents of posted sources only. This especially applies to the study's setup most. Only from there you can scientifically categorize their purpose and you won't come to fasle conclusions.
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    If only you opened the links maybe you'd be shooting at the author of those lines...

    Which I understand is sensationalism but a grounded one in this case - we KNOW C-19 attacks and weakens one's brain, heart, lungs etc. Are you denying it? 'Cause that would NOT be science!

    Long Covid certainly attacks one's brain and victims report "brain fog" and not being able to think, to concentrate... Or walk 100m. Etc. etc.

    Once again, how many are enough for you so you would "scientifically" proclaim "danger" to way too many people?!?

    How many people would you sacrifice because your sensitivities, Yen, would not be "disturbed? How many must suffer and die before you would "scientifically" state the obvious?!?
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Btw, you are avoiding, yet again, acknowledging clearly and unambiguously that heart is being attacked by the virus.

    And it was me who stated that of course it is important to know how many were affected by the vaccines in that regard and how many by the virus! So, why did you "forget" I said it and attacked me as if I haven't said it?

    The point was and still is: this virus still kills, the virus can damage your organs - it's SERIOUS, we still need the MEASURES!!!!

    Are you denying it?
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  14. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020
    Is this thing(y) still alive? No spleen...Oh boy...


    PS: 4 vaccination a year.

  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I do not deny the danger. I deny the way of making conclusions. As being said, the subject is far more complex.
    The CNS itself is a complex system. And there is even not a single circumstance why people for instance suffer from long COVID, brain fog and the like, there are different and multiple circumstances.

    If it would be that easy: "We found the reason, COVID eats up one's brain" to use your terms again, there could be a single treatment protocol already.
    It is even the complexity of the subject that makes long COVID as being a danger, besides of its issues itself. Some develop auto antibodies against ACE2, some cannot clear the viral parts completely, so they constantly poke.
    The same applies to fatal outcomes.

    Fatal outcomes correlate with co-morbidities, those have been categorized at early times already and were confirmed during the pandemic again and again.
    Immune suppression, diabetes and obesity are top 3. And there is a reasonable explanation behind those.
    Immune suppression: Self-explanatory.
    Diabetes: Always correlated with immune system issues (uncontrolled diabetes, though)
    Obesity: Fatty tissue and a disturbed intestinal microbiome can be used as a reservoir for the virus and viral parts.
    Instead of generally saying COVID eats your brain and lock in an entire population, it is wiser to categorize vulnerable people and to make them clear why COVID has a greater chance at those to do harm.

    Wear masks, consider to take a vaccine, do social distancing, inform yourself where you can get proper treatment such as artificial antibodies which still can bind etc etc...

    It was obvious that in China the numbers would explode after lowering the lock downs and constraints.
    They had 3 years time to get their people prepared and protected. But instead of they did nothing much, they closed their eyes, developed an absurd ideology AKA zero COVID and realized it by locking up their population.
    This is the logic of a stubborn 3 years old....oops something went wrong.....when I cover my eyes with my hands, it disappears. Not to speak of the fact that they are also responsible for the very cause of it, AKA lab escape.

    The very similar is happening here. But it is not a new COVID surge, it is a surge of other pathogens such as RSV. We here are running out of meds.. 300 meds are going to run out....I mean WTF?
    The reasons are the same, though.

    The lock downs and other measures interrupted human immune system training and the vulnerability to pathogens increased. Since we here in EU are 95+% seropositive to SARS-COV-2, it is another pathogen.
    But in China it is still the low natural immunity (low seropositive rate to COVID) that is now taking to account.

    And also we did nothing to fix the broken health system. We put billions of Euro into vaccines with the goal to vaccinate everybody instead of to protect the vulnerable and do intensive research why those are vulnerable to have proper treatments IF they should catch the virus which is an inevitable event sooner or later...

    We need measures, yes...and those should be at first place to strengthen our health more resources, by more personal and good salary, by latest meds development to fight the illness and long issues.
    The environment in which the vaccines got pushed has been poisoned by that...the result now is that the treatment methods for vulnerable people and people who are suffering from long COVID are still weak.
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I second that about better quality of life, jobs etc.

    In the UK none of that for a huge majority is the case now, I fear...

    Hence my apprehension of what's coming, most likely... :(
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  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    I think it would be good to diferentiate as far as corona is concerned ...... between china , the rest of the world and the unuk / little britain the last mediEVIL feudal country in the world .

    >Hence my apprehension of what's coming

    A new dark age .

    My opinion about corona is and was the same = Spray it from aeroplanes . The chinese seem to be doing that in a roundabot way = They've realised that they cant beat it so they have to lve with it ...... so now they're letting it run ........... wich will kill a lot and overload their system ............ but thats better than keeping a whole population in prison for ever chasing illusions .

    I think that corona is a gift from god . There are to many people , useing , wasting to many resources wich the planet cant replace ........... and i think that corona is just the start .............. human history goes from one pandemic to another ......... wich sort the wheat from the chaff .
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It seems it's BF.7 what's spreading there. It's a subvariant of BA.5 which had here not many chances yet.

    People infected here with previous Omicron variants should be fine. We can expect milder symptoms compared to first infection.
    Anyway it also will lead to serious individual progresses here and there. Not many here since most are through with that, but in China...

    To lock in people at a pandemic is a hard measure and has only 2 justifiable purposes.
    1. To gain time until there is potential treatment. BUT then one has to research at multiple sectors during that time (not to rely on one AKA vaccines alone) and has to do anything what's possibe!!!

    2. To delay amount of infected people, to flatten curves and by that to have a controlled infection. This means planned partial lock downs with controlled openings...
    This can keep resources away from exhaustion.

    Since we know now that there is no means to stop the virus, not even the vaccines, China should have realized way 2 instead of zero COVID and then to open anything at once.

    What's interesting..I heard interviews of Chinese people, almost all them wanted that opening despite of what's happening now......

    And also the situation is interesting, science can learn by it as well. We never had such an exploding can study now.

    And something different I just found:

    THIS is an example that science (also) can do and does do anything if 'they' get payed accordingly.
    It's a plain discrimination of unvaxxed.

    COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash - The American Journal of Medicine (

    This 'study' has been published in a well know scientific journal.
    And they really 'correlated' being unvaxxed or the attitude not to get the vaccine / being vaccine hesitant to risk of a traffic crash.
    This is bold and sick.

    This study actually can now be used by insurance companies to get unvaxxed people to pay more to get their car insurance than the vaxxed.

    Science is something like a whore..if you pay enough you get anything from 'her'.

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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yes, agreed, there are all sorts of "scientists" - but Science itself is NOT a whore! There are always real Scientists in there who will not budge!

    You know, that also opens up a discussion over ideological, religious and worldview influence on Science/Scientists, too...

    Like your Buddhist guru and through him - you... He "thought" it was not a pandemic as there was not enough suffering, so he wanted more of it, before he would proclaim a pandemic and do something proper about it...

    It takes all sorts...
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